娛樂百分百 2012-06-05 LIVE

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45 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-06-05 LIVE

  1. are they looking at the number of likes or number of comments? cause they should look at the number of likes cause one person can only like it once whereas one person can comment many times..

  2. ppl who said its incest are so stupid. what is wrong with kissing your mom on the lips? its a expression of his love. the person who made bad comments at him clearly dunno how to express love or understand it. actually should feel bad for them cuz they dont understand love. 

  3. kissing is an expression of love.there is no need to make a big deal out of nothing.throwing bad comments at others is not what fans should do.it brings pressure to your idol

  4. how the hell can show hear the guy when i cannot bloody here it until i turn it up to maximum, therefore, he was only angry bcoz the guy put up his middles finger as u can tell that show was saying to him very angrily ‘wot were u doing or pointing’

    •  hmmm maybe because he was right there at the scene?  how would you really know how good the recording is…maybe there was other stuff said at the scene that could not be heard on the recording

  5. If u say that a kiss between a mother n son is called incest, then foreigners would alrdy have a lot of “cases”. My question is y foreigners can kiss whoever they want but they c it as bonding but we must c it as though it is something shameful or wrong?

  6. LMAO…. Xiao Gui described his shoes like they are the best… but they are just slippers XD Hu Die’s are definitely better than Xiao Gui!
    Xiao Gui Jia You! I can’t believe kissing his mom became such a big deal… those people are probably just jealous of him!

  7. My daughter has been kissing her dad
    on the lips twice a day for the past 18 years
    And will continue to do it for the rest of
    her/his life.. It’s a sign of love.. For those of
    you who have different ways of expressing
    your love, please refrain from judging ours..
    Just because it’s not your style does not make
    it wrong.. Continue to love each other that’s
    most important.. Please be sure to look up
    The definition of INCEST before applying it
    to Zhu & Luo Mama..

  8. luo zhi xiang INCEST LAH LOL. Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest Incest

  9. 蝴蝶今天變得莫名的好性感 不知道是不是緊身衣服又亮藍色的褲子的關係 哈哈哈

  10. 这集小鬼和蝴蝶都好可爱!! 一直重复:

    蝴蝶 – 很可爱呐! 荧光色的! 坐飞机从香港飞来的呐~
    小鬼 – 限量版的慢跑鞋耶! 我的也坐飞机从日本飞来的啊~哈哈!! XD

  11. (>_<) 当艺人的实在是太可怜了!他们只不过想把最好地展现出来让大家开心,可是又要忍受一些不好或受伤的批评。有时我觉得就算你不喜欢或不赞成,就不要看或在心里骂就好了,应为你的一句话,你不知道他们有多伤心和难过…

  12. 今天的live 很好笑耶!他们不当推销员很可惜啊!哈哈!开玩笑的啦~ 小鬼的反应好好笑啦!C’mon!

  13. 粉丝事件闹到偶像的好友的微博本来就不对的,后来黄秋生说知道“小猪”但不知道小猪的全名叫罗志祥 ,“对不起 我真不知羅志祥是誰 但小豬我聽說過 我不会谷哥 有人說他孝顺 孝順好呀 有福氣 sorry 我不是故意的 我真不知道”,我觉得一个前辈能说出这样的话已经不能再多了,一些猪迷还是不接受。

    粉丝行为,偶像买单。经常看到一些不理智的猪迷,攻击小鬼蝴蝶JAY就罢了,他们是朋友私下还能说说话解心结, 得罪前辈只会让你们的小猪更难做人。


    • 这事结果最无奈的是罗志祥吧 -.- 虽说是粉丝行为偶像买单,但有些人根本是黑的或顺便凑热闹的也变成他的错。他本人根本什么都没做啊。至少还为粉丝行为道歉,没不认账。看你语气根本就对他也有偏见。-.-

      • 你说错了,我是对部分猪迷有偏见。而且我还发现好一部分猪迷本身也对部分猪迷有意见!我还看过两大猪迷组织的高层翻脸。我作为路人很无语

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