娛樂百分百 2012-06-19 百分百遊戲王

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134 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-06-19 百分百遊戲王

  1. 看到那一幕吓到了!应该是小鬼膝盖不小心撞到鼻子,一定痛极了!!!小鬼真的很敬业,受伤了还开玩笑舒缓一下紧张的气氛但还是安全第一啊!

  2. 我居然真的看哭了,受傷了還一直顧慮著節目和觀眾… 黃鴻升你這傻瓜,幹嘛那麼拼啊!

  3. guys…it was an accident…it’s can’t blame anyone,like the other comment,XiaoZhu didn’t force anyone to do the same stunt as he did…They always said ” it’s just a game “…I don’t think they are so petty…they put so many effort,just want to perform a better show for us…don’t you think so???

    if you guys are fans of this show,i’m sure that you know about their friendship,not only Xiao Zhu and Xiao Gui,Hu Die included…

    And about their promotion time and credit,it’s can’t blame anyone…it’s their luck…it’s not about who are more popular than who…When XiaoZhu got to go to Japan promote his DANTE single album,XiaoGui is in charge in this show…Then when XiaoGui got to go to Singapore for filming,XiaoZhu is in charge too…They are so cooperative,that why i love three of them and also 娛百 team

  4. 大笨蛋,多愛護你自己一點好嗎?我們不需要你這種效果,看著心疼,這樣不會得到娛樂的,傻鬼!

  5. 都血流不止了,還一心想著為節目做效果、為觀眾帶來娛樂



  6. when xiaogui said that he has been in ylbfb about 7 years; when xiaozhu is not there, he and hudie should put more effort in there to not let the TV rating decrease…”, i almost cry…..xiaogui, you are the best!!!!!!!!!

    and overall, its just kind of 節目效果, dont blame anyone, ok….?

  7. 是小猪的迷都会帮小鬼说话,支持他。但小鬼的迷却不会这样做。又多少人是因为小猪而喜欢小鬼的。老实说还蛮多的。

  8. 虽然游戏王有一定的娱乐性,但是总觉得大家玩得敌意好重。可能说是节目效果,但是娱乐百分百一开始并不是以这种单元取悦人心的。今天小鬼受伤了,很心疼,希望伤得不重。蝴蝶也总是吓得半条命, 因为从别的节目就知道她很怕痛又爱哭。怀念旧式的娱乐百分百,希望不要走得太偏。

  9. xiao gui <3
    get well soon !! appreciate all the hard work u put into ylbfb 
    but muz be more careful in future~~ dun try those dangerous stuffs 🙁
    no matter wad i'll support u always 🙂 proud of u !!

  10. I undestand people love XG I respect that I actually like him a lot aswell and have nothing against him he is a great host singer actor and much much more . . . But what I don’t like or undestand is why people get so defensive and blind and blame everything bad that happens to him on XZ. It feels like some fans really think XZ is the root of all XG’s problems: XG got hurt today. . It was XZs fult for doing dangerous stants, XZ gets more promotion time . . Poor XG, XZ is a bully. . Poor XG, Poor XG his so cute he needs more cridit. . Why does XZ get all the cridit no fair . . . Like 4 real people? Support XG but don’t blame or bring others down.

    • I agree with what you said about the accident today, it is indeed wrong to blame Xiao Zhu for Xiao Gui getting hurt(though keep in mind that it was only one individual fan who said that, so please don’t generalise all of Alien’s fans)
      But about the other points that you mentioned, such as more promotion time and credit etc., one really can’t deny the fact that it’s true… 娛百 gives Xiao Zhu a lot more preference over Xiao Gui even though strictly speaking they are both hosts of the show and should be treated equally…but most of Alien’s Fans have accepted that, because Xiao Zhu is more famous after all…

      But to be honest there are some situations that really are unfair, for example, recently in an interview Xiao Gui mistakenly said that Xiao Zhu hasn’t written lyrics before. The reality was that Xiao Zhu did write lyrics before, BUT it was years ago in one of his early albums, plus it wasn’t even one of the 主打歌 in the album either, so it should have been quite normal that Xiao Gui forgot about it. But what ended up happening was that Xiao Gui got attacked by insulting comments from Show’s fans, to the extent that Xiao Gui himself had to apologise for his mistake through Weibo, and even then many of Show’s fans wouldn’t take it, and continued leaving insulting comments under his apology post.

      On the other hand, when Xiao Gui was promoting his latest album on 娛百 earlier this year and Xiao Zhu was the host, Xiao Zhu didn’t even know the name of Xiao Gui’s song《七十億分之一》,which is the 第一潑主打歌 of the album that Xiao Gui was promoting that very day. It should have been expected that the host should at least know the basic facts about the guest on the show, not to mention the fact that they are such good friends too. Yet Alien’s fans did not give out about Xiao Zhu even once.

      These are just typical examples of many big and small incidents that occur on a daily basis. Just compare the above two incidents, and perhaps you may understand why some of Alien’s fans are so defensive of Xiao Gui, though I do agree that sometimes we do get a bit too defensive. For example I agree Xiao Gui’s accident today shouldn’t be blamed on Xiao Zhu. But I just wanted to explain that our over-defensiveness does have a reson.

      P.S. Please don’t take my comment the wrong way, I’m an Alien fan who is not a hater of anyone, in fact I actually quite like Xiao Zhu, it just inequality that I can’t cope with, so I just felt that I had to say something.
      I also apologise for length of my comment, anyone who has the patience to finish reading it is amazing! Lol XDD

      • I agree with the fact that people shouldn’t be blaming Xiao Zhu for Xiao Gui’s injury. 

        Just saying my personal opinion, i think it’s because Xiao Zhu has been in the entertainment industry the longest, so he tend to be more familiar etc as compared to Xiao Gui and Hu Die. Besides, he taught Xiao Gui and helped him a lot along the way. I’m pretty sure Xiao Gui wouldn’t be so petty over this with someone who has helped him so much right? And of course, it’s also because Xiao Zhu is more famous, but that’s how things goes right? Since when was everything fair? Xiao Zhu worked very hard to get to where he is now too.

        If you’ve been following 娛百 episodes, there was an episode sometime last year when Xiao Zhu got his own song name wrong. So if he can even get his own song name wrongly, i guess it’s understandable that he can’t get other people’s song titles correctly too!

        (Just my own opinion) I really think it’s all the fans who goes attacking other idols because of their bias, they are just creating more trouble and frustration to their bias. You wouldn’t like it if people attacked your bias too! I love all three hosts! So everyone, let’s just stop all hate remarks etc and enjoy the show because everyone put in a lot of effort to give you a good episode!

        • I used that example not as complaint about Xiao Zhu, but as a comparison.
          I don’t blame Xiao Zhu at all for forgetting the name of Xiao Gui’s song, nor did any other Alien fan, in fact nothing was even said about it afterwards.
          But it was a totally different story when Xiao Gui forgot something about Xiao Zhu that actually happened years ago, he got attacked by so many Show fans that he actually had to post a written apology for something so minor. 
          It’s almost as if: Xiao Zhu can make any mistake and it’s nothing, but Xiao Gui, don’t you ever dare say anything wrong!

          I emphasise once more that I do like Xiao Zhu, and I don’t mind if he makes minor mistakes about Xiao Gui, all I wish is that Show’s fans may do the same when Xiao Gui makes a mistake too.

          • agree with you guys, but seriously there is no one to blame for xiao gui’s injury…. the only one you have to blame is the human nature of men! Men are too competitive… and if you’re 激發了… there is nothing you can do to stop him from performing that stunt..

  11. I kind of feel like it’s Xiao Zhu and Kid’s fault for trying such dangerous stuff >.<
    When it was Xiao Gui's turn I was like, 'NOOO XIAO GUI DON'T DO IT :('

    Although 娛百 is always about Xiao Zhu, I was always rooting for Xiao Gui. I feel like Xiao Zhu gets credit for everything while Xiao Gui gets none. But I just want to say 'Xiao Gui, although you may not think so, you are the best and 娛百 is so lucky to have you!!' I will continue to watch and support 娛百 as long as Xiao Gui is in it!!

    • Isn’t it ridiculous for blaming this accident on xiao zhu ? -.- he didn’t force anyone to do the same stunt as he did, nor did he even mention about it. Well, xiaogui did it on his on accord. Xiao zhu is more famous regardless of all areas, it’s not surprising that he gets more attention from yu bai. But since when xiao zhu snatched xiao gui’s credit ? In fact xiao zhu helped xiao gui a lot, giving him the encouragement. Even asking the company to help him realize his dreams and release an album. Xiao zhu is always there to help xiao gui. Its very unfair of you to support and defend xiao gui by pushing all the blame on xiao zhu and maligning him.

    • If it was dangerous for xiao gui, it definitely was dangerous for xiao zhu and kid too! But all of them did it on their own accord! It’s all for 節目效果! Why push the blame to xiao zhu? It wouldn’t be nice either if people push the blame to xiao gui if it was xiao zhu who got hurt! 

      And just my own opinion, but i think 娛百 is lucky to have xiao zhu, xiao gui and hu die as hosts!

  12. 超級欣賞小鬼的精神!好敬業! 也看得出來他不想要因為他的傷而耽誤節目或著是讓別人擔心

  13. 蝴蝶做效果也太over了= =一點點事也大哭大嚷的 想怎樣啊?一點都沒有提起觀眾們的憐憫耶sorry^_^做作得要死

    • 哎唷,她也用心良苦啦! 不接又被說放空,效果做那麼誇張也是為了讓大家開心嘛~雖然豬鬼娛百才是王道,但其實她從剛開始主持到現在真的進步不少了啦~就嘗試慢慢接受她嘛!(她也有她自己的一套,也為這節目帶來不少樂趣哦~)結論就是:娛百三寶都有他們個人的主持方法,但一寶也不能少~!

    • 真的是不管怎麼做都有人要批…不過個人意見並不代表多數人意見..不用自以為個人想法等於多數人想法.(單純討厭蝴蝶的例外.都已經有偏見了..當然蝴蝶做什麼都可以拿來說嘴)…再說蝴蝶本來就怕痛,也藉機拿這個當效果,是要讓人感覺好笑並不是想要讓人感覺憐憫。

    • He didn’t even appear in this episode, show off what ? -.-
      Anyway he has what it takes for him to show off. But he is a very humble person btw. =.=

    • 都忘記她叫林彥君了…   
      說真的..流鼻血而已   哪個男生小學沒流過…  林彥君這個可能傷到脊椎  最好要看醫生

  14. 看到小鬼要求繼續錄影和流鼻血時說的話我流淚了,他說的收視率沒有下滑,反而因為你們娛百三寶敬業的精神上”昇”了

  15. *注意


    今天在新加坡的报纸上写着“小鬼 陈鸿升”。报纸上都写陈鸿升, 如果没改, 很多人都会以为小鬼是陈鸿升。 在这里想告诉大家小鬼是黄鸿升不是陈鸿升。 之前在新加坡的一个节目上,主持人也说了陈鸿升。那是错的。若看到哪里写着陈鸿升, 请帮忙告诉他们改一改。



    Xiao Gui is Alien Huang (Huang Hong Sheng) not Alien Chen (Chen Hong Sheng)

    Today it was published in one of the newspapers in Singapore stating “Xiao Gui Chen Hong Sheng”. On a TV show in Singapore, the MC also stated Chen Hong Sheng, which is wrong. Please help to correct others when you see this mistake or soon everyone will be mistaken.

    Xiao Gui’s fan

  16. 從這次看得出小鬼真的很敬業.他說那些話的時候是很認真的.這讓我感動了
    我是豬迷. 有些豬迷說沒有了羅志祥娛樂百分百就不會好看,所以不會太留意鬼蝶的百分百.當然,沒有了羅志祥 會是小了一點感覺..但這麼敬業的藝人我們不是應該好好的支持嗎?所以假若有天羅志祥不再主持娛百 我還是會繼續看娛百那當然我會希望娛百三寶會一直長存下去:)

    • 如果罗志祥走了,我再也不会看娱百了!可是我知道他是不会走的。(pls do not comment on this, it is just my personal feelings.)

  17. 比起小鬼,汉典真的幸福太多了!虽然小S和蔡康永时常在节目上损汉典,可是有危险动作时还是会担心他不让他去做。

  18. Yay Xiao Zhu!!!!! Good episode overall kid reminded me of XZ also Xiao Gui was not seriously injured it was all good.

    • Try hitting your nose so hard that it won’t stop bleeding for ages and even swells up the next day…..I’d like to see if you would still be able to say “it was all good”.

      • Wow calm down yes he was injured yes everyone feels sorry for him his discomfort his pain But but . . . we are also happy that he was not seriously injured and yes it’s all good because he Is Fine he did not end up in the hospital and will not required stiches or something like that.

        • Yes but having some basic sympathy would have been nice….I just fet that his comment was quite insincere, as if saying “it was nothing”… I do apologise if it’s merely a misunderstanding on my behalf, which I hope is the case.

          • Well I was actually being sympathetic I’m sorry if it came out wrong not my intension cuz I was talking from experience I play soccer got hit in the face with ball from close proximity nose would not stop bleeding had to play with tissue on nose all game long plus it started to get swollen so that plus gravity made it uncomfortable to run thare was no feeling on one side of face n at the same time it was burning so I do feel his pain but cuz I know something like that is nothing to us it’s all good we can take that n more.

    • 流鼻血有兩種類型,一種是因為天氣太熱之類的因素而造成的 ,這種類型確實不會很痛,甚至可能一點感覺都沒有。但是另一種是因外傷而造成流鼻血,鼻子是人體很脆弱的一個器官,是經不起這樣重擊的。要撞到鼻內血管破掉的地步,是有多痛你知道嗎?

      • 不知道你是白癡還是智障
        他鼻子沒撞斷 只是撞腫了然後血管受傷
        他是個大男人 不是小女孩 這種傷根本沒什麼

          • 受過的傷比撞到流鼻血嚴重很多…
            就跟打球一樣 受小傷是難免得 只要不是嚴重的傷就好

          • 因為來這裡的大多看的不是節目 是所謂的”豬鬼蝶”… 如果憲哥瓜哥在節目裡受點小傷補上效果這些人只會覺得好笑吧…身為粉絲所以說你沒人性…是可以理解啦 雖然很可笑

          • 恩 你說得比較有理
            我是以正常人的角度來看這件事 而不是不理智的瘋狂粉絲

    • 所以說人是盲目的 那怕偶像只是擦破皮都會覺得會致命= =..

      我也以為小鬼是骨折還怎樣..  流鼻血..  哪個男的沒流過   

      另外   他是撞海綿板   不是水泥…

  19. 都受伤到流眼泪了小鬼你还开玩笑、做效果!

  20. 真的受不了蝴蝶!每次都玩不起!玩不起就別玩啊!還不是靠隊友幫忙才會贏!被打到就一直叫或哭!

    •  你管她哭不哭,又不是你家儿子。而且她的准度那么多集一直都不会拖后腿,你可能会说比不上小猪小鬼,可是小猪小鬼是男生怎么愿意输女生。

    • 这是她的个人反应,这是游戏节目不是国际钢铁人比赛,看个节目都乱发脾气的人才是玩不起

    • 会怕会痛当然会叫或哭啊。难道你没叫过没哭过吗?即使蝴蝶害怕被打到她还是为她团队努力着,你怎么能说得好像她是队里的累赘呢?若受不了就别看,反正又没有人拿枪指着你头逼你看。

  21. 看完這集都哭慘了 !!
    小鬼你沒事吧 !!!擔心慘了 !!
    我覺得這個單元真係要停啦,,太危險啦 !!!!
    小鬼 !!!謝謝你的敬業!!
    我愛你 !!!!永遠支持你 !!

  22. 前面是很好笑 可是一想到小鬼等一下就會受傷就笑不出來 小鬼其實你可以不用假裝堅強 這樣令我們更心疼你 你知道嗎?辛苦就說出來 不想你在傷得那麼嚴重還顧著收視 顧著逗我們笑 好嗎?

  23. 请禁止这个单元因为它只有危险性远远超越娱乐性。主持人和来宾望望因为好胜心都不顾安全,真的很令人担心。娱乐百分百存在的意义,顾名思义是为了带给大家欢乐,现在却得担心会不会随时有人受伤,尤其是娱百三宝。伤了自己还被剪成预告,如果都是为了收视率,那制作单位就错了。大家都会选择以往常开玩笑,玩闹和能看得见主持人开心的笑的娱乐百分百。

  24. OMG xiao gui keep laughing during the “where are you?” Game DAMN CUTE. I’m so sorry for spamming about how cute xiao gui is. cannot tank!!!!!!

  25. Really Xiaogui’s speech is great.  But I really wish Show can come back and play together.我只希望娱百三宝可以平平安安就好~

    • Yes omg xiao gui’s speech almost made me cry T_T!!! He’s such a good host, still joke when his nose is bleeding, so touching.

  26. 鬼哥我們知道你的用心啦!!! 可是不要太拼命了, 安全才是最重要呀! 你的敬業精神我們都看到啦, 拜託你小心一點啦, 不然一班鬼迷會心疼的!!!
    其實看得出來鬼哥人真的很好, 受傷之後大家都很關心他的狀況, 還堅持要錄影, 如果再有人說他的不是我真的跟那個人拼了!!!

  27. 小鬼,你真得太敬业了啦!你刚说的那些话,我竟然哭了~ 我们都知道你很努力在扛收视率,但你可以不要这么拼命吗?好好照顾自己可以吗!其实我认为以后应该静止那样把脚先跳进去,真得太危险了!如果那时小猪没跳好的话,真的会头破血流耶~ 这次,幸好没那么的严重,如果撞到头,我会哭死啦!我只希望娱百三宝可以平平安安就好~

  28. 看到黃鴻升受傷痛到流淚,卻還得不忘為節目做效果,我真的哭了!他實在太敬業太拼了,讓人心疼!!!

    • 看完小S坐著,沒甚麼精神的介紹美食,敬業態度很糟,所以就不看了。再看到這裡,突然覺得黃鴻升真的很敬業,很棒的主持人。

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