娛樂百分百 2012-07-06 百分百Go!Go!Go!

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Tipster Rednimer

83 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-07-06 百分百Go!Go!Go!

  1. 以前小豬的專題報導都有些幕後跟拍, 現在只是將之前的報導剪合在一起, 還只佔一半, 所有新形式也太過份了吧……………..

  2. I think that hudie’s face is not pretty. It’s only cuz she have makeup. But I still think that she is not pretty. She is cute though. Though I do not like her voice, I slowly got used to it.

    • 說到心坎裡拉!!!! 哪來的人身攻擊阿????

  3. 其實我是蠻喜歡蝴蝶這個女生..但她好像比較適合當代班主持…每天看她主持會覺得她主持技巧不太好…而且感覺上她人生閱歷不夠豐富..沒什麼能跟觀眾分享~~但不打緊..慢慢學習吧!!!

  4. 跟節目無關: 為什麼羅志祥都沒去上百萬大歌星阿? 連小鬼跟胡蝶都上過了… 我喜歡的歌手全部上過… 就只有小豬沒上過..

  5. 看得出小鬼和蝴蝶真的好想念小猪!!

    特别是小鬼讲的那句, “请你赶快回来好不好~”
    哈哈! 好可爱~ ^^

  6. SHOW! Love him he is the best there is no one out there like him. I love Hudie too she is so cute everyday she is acting more and more like xiao zhu always getting scare but also loves to scare people . . . . like her outfit I want that dress but she also looks prety wearing STAGE.

  7. I like what Hu Die is wearing today especially her jacket… so pretty!!
    I’ve only listened to the full version of Magic once… before they took it down from Show’s channel…. I’ve been trying to find the full song 🙁
    awee Xiao Gui and Hu Die wishing Show to be back… me too!!

    HAHA Hu Die and Da Ye are fun to watch!! His house is soo nice!!

    Tomorrow’s episode seems interesting!! But just Xiao Gui and no Hu Die?

  8. 好像每次突袭,小鬼都提前知道去什么人家,女艺人却不知道制作团队什么时候来敲门。相反蝴蝶每次都不知道突袭谁,艺人反而stand by好在家里等她。

      •  说话请负责。蝴蝶的自然反应是她的特色之一,工作人员为了让蝴蝶出效果不把艺人身份告诉她,你也可以掰成她不做功课。

        反言之,女艺人被提前突袭或者被经纪人瞒着,也是她们不做功课?在我印象中台湾是最讨厌心机女艺人的地区,tell me if i’m wrong.



          • 惊吓妹和dance queen是你亲爱的小猪在节目上公然要求的,又或者是小祝哥和小猪私下一起想的,希望你小心不要骂到你自己的偶像

          • 我偶像是誰呀? 別亂貼標籤好嗎?? 真很愛自作聰明耶….無言

        • 這裡不是一言堂。 每個人講出心裡話,有什麼不對?


      • 要是蝴蝶身邊的人講的還有可信度拉, 但像這種光看個電視就可以自動腦補沒做功課的…就單純是個討厭蝴蝶的人。

        • 我是討厭蝴蝶阿,討厭他不敬業的精神,甚麼都不準備,難怪主持的爛,就只會爛爛的上台亂喇些有的沒的裝可愛?? 你看電視一邊看一般做功課嗎??? 那挺另類的,我是邊看邊吃飯放鬆心情…take it easy ok?

          • 連回文都不知道原文意思,還蠻好笑的  解釋給你聽…我說你看個電視 然後腦內補完 自己判定蝴蝶沒做功課 這樣懂了嗎?

    • 對呀,為什麼?? 小豬應該立即放棄其他工作留在百分百一輩子呢!!妳說是不是小粉絲??

      • Don’t get me wrong my little sis. I ain’t the fan of anyone. It’s just not that funny. Btw, I ain’t expecting anyone to commemt on my post, it’s just my personal feeling, and u dont need to agree w/ me u know

          • this is an open place for ppl to post their comment, u dont have authority to ask anyone not to have their own comment here my little sis. why didn’t u simply leave then and I would say goodbye to u!

          • plz using ur cerebrum to organize ur logical thinking, and post ur organzied rational comment. Yap, I ain’t expecting anyone to comment my post, but do u understand the meaning of this sentence? Read the book little sis. U looked like a baby, only know how to cry….really shame on you.

          • hahaha u make me laugh, at some pt, u r better than butterfly since you are fxxking funny!
            Read ur comments girl, u talked about trash all the time

  9. 我没想到大野竟然这么有钱啊~ 别墅耶!百分百Go!Go!Go!本来就是百分百專題報導嘛!干吗,换标题啊~   百分百Go!Go!Go+我家也有大明星+惊吓百分百一起做,真省钱啊~

    • 娛百現在是什麼綜藝節目類型都要摻一咖了嗎………..很怕這個水上活動新單元常駐…以前這種節目都在比奶大小..就是賣養眼鏡頭騙收視率, 娛百現在只是包的比較多,以後就不一定了。  唉..曾經的優質節目都快變成四不像……

  10. hi5或抱一下就差不多了吧,毕竟是偶像,不是真老公,十指相扣和摸头拍背,真的有点太playboy了

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