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99 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-07-12 我家也有大明星 許維恩”
jus when i was posting abt when was the last time zhugui host ylbfb..and it appeared that this epi got! oh gosh! it shows how long i haven’t been watching:)
U all don’t kaopei la!! Show luo it’s getting older he need to get marry one day ! ! come one don’t be so realistic !! It”s just show luo and butterfly haha he will never ever be urs u fool ! ! !
This episode was recorded weeks ago when Show was in the Live episode last month n it’s not like I keep track of this stuff but it does remind me of how little Show has been hosting this year 🙁 they even have to spread out when they air his episodes so that his presence is not miss so much but it’s not working I still miss him so so much.
Everyone has someone that they don’t like we will not please you to love them but you really shouldn’t go against certain people just because they have different thought than you do.
duno why people hate hu die. Shes cute as hell. I guess 90% of you butterfly haters are girls. I like xiao s, da s, xiao zhu, and xiao gui.. all of them, but sometime ppl have things to do in their life. They come and go. Do you know why hu die is still hosting this show? because the 收視率 still is high.. means there are a loooot of people like her hosting.
哀哀, 整個回文裡面, 嘴砲文占2/3, 1/3也講不出什麼具體道理. 收視率決定一切, 講實在話拉, 不也都你自己再說嗎? any doc to proof? 不過從身邊或者網路來講, 像以前每集娛百都一定會看的人是越來越少! 我也其中之一!
任何工作都有特殊性, 社會上一堆工作,每個工作都有特殊性, 但不外乎要遵守基本原理原則, this is fundamental mannn… any doubts of it, you should ask your parents cuz the reason I said this is, theses basic rules of being an adults, should be taught by your parents or learned from school!
it is not unfair. xiao gui knows how to express himself more than xiao zhu i think tats why guests feel he is better or more sincere. it is not a matter of how many frens they have. many other guests are not their close frens. butterfly chose show several years back but she knew xiao gui longer than show. p.s: i am a fan of them both.
Yeah as a Show fan I don’t think it’s unfair either. If the girl does not want to pick Show it’s fine besides it’s not like it matters. Plus how would it look if the girl picks Show after he says just something random n Xiao Gui goes all out like always? Then the girl is going to look like she really likes Show n that’s something some girls are not willing to accept in public. Girls always have a reason for picking one over the other like: oh he is my senior, he is my friend, we worked together once, he said something about family in his speach n I respect that, and stuff like that . . . This game is not a reflection of anyones true feelings so it does not matter who they pick.
jus when i was posting abt when was the last time zhugui host ylbfb..and it appeared that this epi got! oh gosh! it shows how long i haven’t been watching:)
LOL I like how he called Hu Die to come in and held her hand xD
U all don’t kaopei la!! Show luo it’s getting older he need to get marry one day ! ! come one don’t be so realistic !! It”s just show luo and butterfly haha he will never ever be urs u fool ! ! !
小豬把妹教學, 小鬼抱著小豬一起狂笑. 仿佛回到2009-更早以前 的時刻. 懷念~
烦不烦啊 吵什么呀 想看的就继续看 看不下去的就别看了 至于么 不就个综艺节目
A梗只是其中一小部分,重要的還是豬鬼良好默契帶動的氣氛!! 不會老冷場!! A梗是健康好笑的也無傷大雅!!
This episode was recorded weeks ago when Show was in the Live episode last month n it’s not like I keep track of this stuff but it does remind me of how little Show has been hosting this year 🙁 they even have to spread out when they air his episodes so that his presence is not miss so much but it’s not working I still miss him so so much.
u are wrong. this episode was recorded after he came back from japan or hongkong.
sorry for that i really dont know her a lot, but i just watch for zhugui lol
btw, when xiaozhui called hudie its funny haha
finally, ZHUGUI!!!!!!!!!!!! /______
omg, 小猪在和蝴蝶撒娇么
hehe xiao gui so cute<3 LOVE HIM!!!
娛百開頭個隻野咁似三色台隻tv buddy既…….
oh man regardless of the change of the set, seeing xiao zhu, I just recall back all those old entertainment times (:
YES Zhu Gui!! Finally TT^TT
Xiao Zhu!!! So handsome like always . . . . I want an episode with what he did in Japan.
Everyone has someone that they don’t like we will not please you to love them but you really shouldn’t go against certain people just because they have different thought than you do.
小鬼 woop woop! 🙂
duno why people hate hu die. Shes cute as hell. I guess 90% of you butterfly haters are girls. I like xiao s, da s, xiao zhu, and xiao gui.. all of them, but sometime ppl have things to do in their life. They come and go. Do you know why hu die is still hosting this show? because the 收視率 still is high.. means there are a loooot of people like her hosting.
why isn’t she hosting today?
這個不矛盾吧 蝴蝶主持還行 和豬鬼默契也不錯 比如昨天的遊戲王(憤怒鳥那段嗆聲)算好看的 …但蝴蝶某些時候的反應(不是哭 是發脾氣…)至少會惹相當一部分人反感 然後粉絲口徑又不一致… 被人說做作就說我家蝴蝶最真實 被人說哭叫就說孩子那是在做節目效果…
蝴蝶當然有她的優點 比如哭過一會笑笑就沒事 其實有不少說蝴蝶的 很大程度是對粉絲的一味護短不爽而已…
而是像你一樣,喜歡無中生有, 自以為的亂說然後說都是我們認為, 亂摘贓….亂貼標籤
說她主持風格不好笑沒效果,就一定是豬的粉絲?? 蛤?
我想你對那些說它做作的意思根本也沒搞懂, 意思不在表面, 重點在於她今天是在工作!! 就要像點工作的樣!! 誰工作會哭哭啼啼的? 你媽會嗎? 你爸會嗎? 做還硬要說成對!!
講不出大道理就扯東扯西, 扯出來的東西還亂丟到別人身上!
一直先嘴砲人身攻擊別人, 轉頭就在那裝可憐裝無辜的再那說要素養,很噁心!! 尤其是有個叫guest愛洗平的那位, 她自己承認是她要嘴砲的! 要看她說的就自行往下拉!
哎呀呀 搞錯目標了哦 之前說”粉絲自圓其說 扯不過就說節目效果”就是我然後被你拿去用… 基本上 我是討厭對人不對事的粉絲啦
演藝工作本來就和一般工作不同 正常工作也不會笑嘻嘻的吧 蝴蝶哭也有人喜歡看 也有人覺得真實覺得可愛 當然也有人討厭 但只要對收視率影響是正面的 她的工作就做的不錯
正是因為想到你 才特別說成”不少說蝴蝶的” 這樣一直瘋下去 激起大家對你的反感 對蝴蝶的同情 恐怕並不是你的本意吧?
哎呀呀,我想是你太過渡自行解讀我們的本意吧!? 對事不對人, 你一直是在自打嘴巴呀!!
不管是任何工作,都有盡力克服,今天這是他的工作, 有誰會在工作崗位上哭哭啼啼? 當然我沒說要笑嘻嘻, 那都是你自行加進去解讀的,謝謝! 難道總統在議會上被媒體攻擊,也能哭? 等你懂得什麼叫專業道德再來講! 對事不對人? 照你的意思, 你是因為同情蝴蝶嗎, 那可不就不是對事不對人了!! 懂嗎? 你講的道理自相矛盾!!
本意已經解說很了解!! 工作要有工作的樣,私底下或自己的情緒本來就要放一旁!! 這叫規矩叫manner!! 一個成年人表現要像受過教育, 而不是一個沒受過教育的3歲兒童!! 那是兒童才該有的表現!! 你不懂! 去問你爸媽就對了!!
畢竟是工作上的遊戲, 本來就應該開開心心的把氣氛帶好, 有誰做遊戲節目是藥哭哭啼啼的進行?
哎呀 我是不知道你強調的”我們的……”有多少人 只是自己說完自己點like多少有點可悲啦 (如果是我無中生有過渡解讀那很抱歉 只是每次都第一時間liked 然後所有評論都至少有一個liked…..不讓人懷疑很難哦)
你的本意很簡單啊 工作當然要認真對待 哭哭啼啼當然惹人討厭 但演藝工作本來就有特殊性 甚乎可以說 收視率決定一切 所以藝人哭(至少對節目而言)也不一定是壞事
然後 你真的搞錯目標了哦 我也不喜歡蝴蝶的發脾氣 不過當然 也不喜歡被瘋狗亂咬
咬文嚼字以彼之矛攻彼之盾這招是還不錯啦 不過每次都讓人問爸媽就low掉了哦
哀哀, 整個回文裡面, 嘴砲文占2/3, 1/3也講不出什麼具體道理. 收視率決定一切, 講實在話拉, 不也都你自己再說嗎? any doc to proof? 不過從身邊或者網路來講, 像以前每集娛百都一定會看的人是越來越少! 我也其中之一!
任何工作都有特殊性, 社會上一堆工作,每個工作都有特殊性, 但不外乎要遵守基本原理原則, this is fundamental mannn… any doubts of it, you should ask your parents cuz the reason I said this is, theses basic rules of being an adults, should be taught by your parents or learned from school!
哎呀呀 哪來的嘴炮 是不是你無中生有 過度解讀 然後…對號入座?
鬼蝶的組合的確可能不如豬鬼 但收視率下滑不是單方面的原因吧 而且節目本身面對的是青少年 隨著長大自然看的會越來越少
你死抓住的這個點”工作就要有工作的樣子”我也是認同的啦 基本上也是你唯一的底氣 只是把蝴蝶說成演藝圈的異類未免太過孩子氣 蝴蝶在或不在你都要說 連我都被掃到 被你所謂的粉絲的”嘴炮”攻擊真讓你這麼難以忍受?
嗯 有時候 是該學會離開爸媽 學會如何長大了
小粉絲真愛用對號入座再那繞圈圈, 哀哀… 你回我文, 然全都用”你” 來回文, 我對號入座, 無中生有? 呵呵,你也滿會引用我的話呢… 可惜你狗屁不通阿自相矛盾阿… 這麼說你一開始回我文, 不是你自鄉情願把自己歸累在那群小粉絲內嗎? 然後又假無辜假正一嘴砲一堆? 上文全部都回應你的話拉, 無中生有? 你打過的字,自己的不敢相信不敢承認阿, 哈哈, 你自己也知道自己講的都是bullshit吧. 再有可能就是你精神分裂囉~ 趕快叫你爸爸媽媽帶你去醫院檢查檢察做做MRI
I’m a girl and I like Hudie.
我身為蝴蝶的粉絲 只想請各位不要再批評蝴蝶了 也為那些攻擊別人的蝴蝶粉絲感到很遺憾很抱歉也很失望 其實大部分蝴蝶的粉絲們還是很有素質的 只有少部分的人是那樣 所以請不要在攻擊蝴蝶了 不要因為那少部分的人影響到整體喜歡蝴蝶的粉絲
就算所有蝴蝶粉絲都有素質,唯我獨尊飯一樣不會放過其它藝人。你向她們示好,她們只會說只要蝴蝶離開就不會有戰爭了。小到緋聞對象,比如安心亞、李毓芬;中間到小豬朋友,比如蝴蝶和小鬼;大到周杰倫、Hebe… 一批自稱唯豬迷的強大開戰軍吳在驚的。
你繼續嘴砲但請別連累其他蝴蝶的粉絲, 謝謝!!
you are narrow minded!!
你阿像個井底之蛙一樣, 看娛百的不是所有人都是小豬粉絲, 我也不是
你愛亂講壞也別再那亂栽贓給別人!! 懂嗎? 你的臭嘴愛亂噴糞, 就請你自行把糞帶走! 懂嗎?
你少點話是會怎樣是嗎? 看節目就看節目 他們要批評就批評阿 有差嗎? 回話幹麻呢?
哀…有人留言,就被蝴蝶小粉絲嘴砲攻擊! 真不知道那些小粉絲一天到晚說沒素質是再說誰!?
Agree!! There are just too many disgusting people around the world
你覺得大家看你難道不煩嗎? 有問題嗎? 誰說我們一定是小豬粉絲呢? 嘴砲也是你們先嘴砲 全部都你們在那說 評論只針對主持 她主持好的好就不會有人評論拉 也沒人攻擊她, 全都針對他主持風格 你不就只會嘴砲嗎? 滿口糞到處噴
幾十上百都你再說的吧, 老子這兩天才留, 也留不到10篇…
你阿就愛亂噴糞!! 洗平嘴砲的都是你, 還敢再那講!?
素質不是你們再倡導的嗎? 回答阿?
也是你先打嘴砲文, 還在那假正義裝無辜, 蝴蝶都為你感到羞愧
開戰? 有人宣戰嗎? 是你在宣戰吧?
You stfu
Everyone has someone that they don’t like.. I am sure there is someone that absolutely can’t stand you as well!!!
I cant stand you, either!
呵呵… 偷錢喊抓賊?
洗平的不知道是誰? 一直用guest 打嘴砲! 口臭再臭還是比你的香拉~~~你的嘴跟ˇ你的ASS味道沒兩樣
You’re dirty!!
小豬回來主持 終於有點原來娛百的感覺
yes! 豬鬼! 娛百回來了
XZ last line of the confession , he used it on elva i think! HAHAHAHAH
Finally xiao zhu !!! <3
蝴蝶 <3
I think that this 单元 is so unfair! Xiao Gui obviously have more friends!
so? I can’t understand your logic….
it is not unfair. xiao gui knows how to express himself more than xiao zhu i think tats why guests feel he is better or more sincere. it is not a matter of how many frens they have. many other guests are not their close frens. butterfly chose show several years back but she knew xiao gui longer than show. p.s: i am a fan of them both.
No offence, but terrible english ……
No offence, but u dunno singlish…
Yeah as a Show fan I don’t think it’s unfair either. If the girl does not want to pick Show it’s fine besides it’s not like it matters. Plus how would it look if the girl picks Show after he says just something random n Xiao Gui goes all out like always? Then the girl is going to look like she really likes Show n that’s something some girls are not willing to accept in public. Girls always have a reason for picking one over the other like: oh he is my senior, he is my friend, we worked together once, he said something about family in his speach n I respect that, and stuff like that . . . This game is not a reflection of anyones true feelings so it does not matter who they pick.
Finally zhu gui show
but ch U no more boardcasting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
really? chn u nt broadcasting this show anymore?
我的天啊! 我好想念小鬼和小猪的搭档!!!! 啊啊啊啊啊! 好开心!
哇勒? 你聽過喔? 下次去糾一下一起阿
有小豬在 很搞笑!!
ZhuGui!!!!!!!!!! <#