87 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-07-14 百分百出去玩

  1. wtf kind of trades are those? what’s the point of this episode and did they seriously trade or is it planned? ’cause if it’s not…wtf…

  2. 庄敖犬就是天蝎座! 他也常说很奇怪耶你~ 

    还有我觉得这集不错啊! 但只是不要那些报导的话会比较好看! ^^
    星座那段还好, 其他的就..

  3. 我想各位攝影大哥心理有話對新製作說:”媽的死腦殘…棚裡有冷氣不吹…要老子扛東西大熱天到處跑!”

  4.  倡议:

    2。如果见到其它无建设性,为攻击而攻击的言论(无论对象是主持人还是网民、来宾、制作人),坚持不回复、不另开留言,只按(—)号collapse thread。



  5. 為什麼越來越像外景節目..如果我們要看外景的 看浩角翔起就好啦.. 來娛百就是要看..娛百的東西,是真正祝哥娛樂百分百的東西 🙁

  6. 整个节目真的是垃圾到一个境界了,再不好好策划,真的是要离关掉不远了。


  7. I used to like this show cuz they were different n had their own style but now it’s just like every other show a mixture of stuff with no meaning . . . Now that I think about it I guess most of the show’s personality came from xiao zhu he was the one that made things different by . . . By just being him he is a wild card no one can inmitate his charm or style. So the less there is of him the less personality this show has. They can put lasers they can change the games n segments they can do whatever n be all creative but without xiao Zhu this show is just average just like every other show out there.

    • I also agree! This show has became like every Taiwanese variety show not special anymore. XZ was always the one that made everything work plus he added his ideas to everything all the gags in the show he created them. Now this is a gagless boring lets follow the script average variety show. Were is the special!????

  8. hahaha what is this shit?? the past few new episodes have been tolerable, but hahaha this is shit!! 祝哥,大頭回來吧!

  9. 節目居然可以亂成這樣?主持人出外景時還要幫助進一些可有可無的VCR???

  10. Where is show? I want to see him. He is the best host, xiaogui and hudie can never host baifenbai as good as him.

    • where is show? 佢要錄日本專輯又要宣傳,又要在不同地方辦活動見見fans。他又不是只有娛百主持這個工作。其他兩位主持也是,他們也不是只有這份工作的。大家的時間都是要配合的。我覺得鬼and蝶主持都不錯呀。不過還是那句吧,蘿蔔青菜各有所愛吧!

  11. 六月时我难得来台湾逛西门町却找不到小猪的服饰店。问了很多商店他们都不知道。好失望。p.s 我是新加坡人。

  12. 什麼鬼東西阿
    直接改名我就不會看了!!! 不需要這樣搞!

  13. 其实我觉得这集的各单元不错,但太混乱了,欠缺方向。星座,‘奇怪的你’那部分可以在专题报道的时候播,然后交换礼物的可以搞得更有趣些做整整一集。

  14. 這到底是什麼….我剛剛看了50分鐘得東西到底是什麼= =
    太誇張了…我到現在還沒反應過來= =

  15. 我想百分百是找不到单元做,就做这些无聊的单元,而且我只想看小鬼和蝴蝶啦!可不可以不要中间播一些有的没的的新闻啊!好烦喔!害我一直skip掉~

  16. 要不是猪鬼蝶,百分百我真的看不下去了。为什么新制作人要完全改变百分百?以前的百分百不好吗?再说,就算是换掉所有单元,也不用那么多单元吧。那么多,有点乱。


    • 現在ㄧ集真是越來越好混…隨隨便便youtube找一找有的沒得加進去弄一弄…阿就又一集…無言…看得眼花撩亂…每個影片主題都沒有不答嘎…

  17. Can you guys stop giving all those bad comment! They are trying very hard to host the show and make the show more nice!

    • No ones talking about the hosts??? Read the comments properly everyones complaining about the new producer not zhu gui die, in fact people are saying theyre sticking it out with the lousy new formats because of how they love the hosts, which I agree with

      •  So it’s a new producer, I didn’t know about it. But this explains all the new segments, and seriously they are really boring and kind of ridiculous redundant. Though I gotta say, I can tolerate gui and die walkign around the streets asking people questions, it’s quite fun to watch but the parts in the middle, especially the horoscope thing is worst. they should rather jjust put news in between, though it would be boring then…

  18. 搞什麼鬼阿…這不是別的綜藝影子嗎??

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