娛樂百分百 2012-07-30 羅志祥慶生會

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106 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-07-30 羅志祥慶生會

  1. 其實對於豬迷來說~祥的快樂最重要!

  2. oh..that was kinda lame, lol that’s it? the only part i like was the fan’s mv, it was touching, just goes to show how much fans he have and how amazing he is(: hehe he was about to cry<3

  3. Happy birthday xiao zhu!! Another year has came and gone I look older but he is almost like the picture of Dorian gray time has no effect on him . . But he does look more confident there is an air of maturity in him that makes him look even more handsome. And yet the most attractive part of him is not his looks but rather his soul and good heart he is one of the most given person I know.

      • nope, i dont think so…this ep has even said that he had tried several clothes, he might want to buy but he might not buy all of them~
        huhhhhh, i dont know, just my feeling lol

  4. i love this show and i really do.. i have been following it for a long time.. but why do i feel like ever since they change 祝哥, something is just wrong and strange about it.. the atmosphere is just not the same anymore.. its just no as high anymore.. like i can feel it. usually during these kind of days.. everyone is so high.. LITERALLY everyone would be very high.. but today…. they are just not as high…. especially the part where 大姐 comes out to give the present… that part is usually my most anticipated one cause its the best part… but its just not the same… SHOW is not that high.. well he is not showing it….i dont know
    i dont know how to put my words to it and i dont know how to express it.. i am sure some people here understand what I am saying and understand what i am trying to get to..

    bottom line is that this show is just not the same anymore.. its totally different… watching it, i can already feel and sense it let alone being in the audience…..
    the atmosphere is different…

    i love watching them.. but there is something weird and different about it…

    im still watching it of course =D
    but i am just stating how i felt ever since everything change… been trying to keep it in for awhile but just cant help it in this episode…

    its my opinion.. so please do not judge me.. i am just saying… SORRY if i offended anyone

  5. 我也居然感动到流泪啊。。。虽然不太是SHOW的粉丝,但是他的认真,一切的一切我都看在眼里,真的为他骄傲啊。爱他!生日快乐哦~!

    • 不懂她的在乎 不要亂說
      本來羅志祥說要打她 她也想接受這個打賭
      她又沒有真的大哭 只是淚汪汪而已

    • 假设你在个公司打工,客户天天去和老板要求炒你鱿鱼,然后你的大领导开玩笑说,要么我们打个赌,你输了就卷铺盖走人,你哭了,于是客户在公司外面说你哭什么有病哦。


  6. 粉絲福利社幾分鈡就過了 好白痴
    平常就算是素人當神秘嘉賓 都會用變聲mic作梗(應該是有工作人員指導)
    可是今年完全沒有 好無聊
    而且製作人幹嘛不出來 是怕被砸雞蛋嗎

  7. 這個不是新監制啦!新監制是陳盟岳,白爛的單元是陳盟岳想的,不關鈴姐的事,她只是執行監制!

  8. 今年的送禮時間很無聊,完全沒梗!而且送的禮物怎麼這麼爛啊….不過百分百挑的,小豬應該會喜歡的,因為可以吸"精"……………..錢^v^

  9. 為了房貸 硬留在百分百
    娛百真是收留拐瓜劣棗的地方 節目不爛才怪

    不過今天兩位男主持人 有稍微回到以前娛百感覺
    至少A梗很到位! 讚!

  10. even xiao zhu seems puzzled with the new 粉丝福利社. yesterday i am rather worried the 秘密嘉宾will be cancelled. but hopefully it is still there. (:

  11. Show and Xiao Gui are so cute together it reminds me of the good old days when they hugged and kissed all the time, and it makes me sad to think those days are over.

    • 本来用猜拳,如果粉丝输了 还有拳霸或拳后出来猜,所以不管怎样,粉丝肯定可以拿到福利。

      现在这样子,跳不过就没有其他机会了。 不是很不公平吗? 这是粉丝福利社,为什么不给粉丝福利

  12. I feel this episode was a bit lacking I was expecting much more . . . N I’m not saying it was cuz of xiao zhu to me he is all I need to enjoy an episode n it was not cuz of hudie or xiao gui either they were great. What i’m talking about is the activities or rather the lack of them plus the guests they were not very surprising I wanted Xiao Zhu to be surprise he was not even nevious when guessing like in past years . . . I think the production could have done a better job in everything. This was not a proper celebration for xiao zhu in my opinion.

    Ps. Loved his performance of magic

    • I agree with you Show deserved more effort from the production team. I also think everything felt rush and that’s due to how short the episodes are now, back in 2010 and back episodes were longer we got to see alot more now is just rush rush.

      •  dafuq are you talking about? The episodes have always been ~45 minutes. There is only so much one can do in that time and it has to be sufficiently different every time. They are trying to pack more content in the same time slot which is why they have to cut it short.
        Just because YOU expect some celebrity guests doesnt mean he does. He sees them every day and mostly they are just work related “friends”. IMO its more exciting to see people you havent seen in years from back in the day. Its his birthday not yours after all, remember that, no one is forcing you to watch it.

        • I think you are a little bit overreacting. The episode is not up to what they’re expecting so they’re a bit disappointed, that’s all. For me the ep is great. The hosts are cute n funny, the VCR is touching, the gifts are great. But I don’t like the fan meet part, it’s so sudden and so rushing.

        • Ok thank you for your correction but I don’t get the rudeness at the end . . . I watch because I love Show of course no one forces me to watch. Also you assume I want a celebrity guest? Why I never mentioned nothing like that you assume to much. Anyway thank you for comment but don’t be sarcastic putting the word “you” in capitals and then talkIng to me in a condencending tone like I’m five.

  13. Omg Xiao Zhu was so sexy modeling the jacket no wonder he is in every magazine but what stole the show for me was the ending pose for magic lol from sexy poses to stupid ones . . . And yet he looks handsome doing any pose. Happy birthday Xiao Zhu!!!

  14. 娱百真的变了!我要祝哥啦!庆生会少了祝哥就好像少了一些东西。还有那粉丝福利社,这么难!怎么赢啦!赢了也都是烂福利。猜拳还比较有机会赢啦!神秘嘉宾也那么无聊,百分百很没有诚意耶!是随便乱找的吗?而且蝴蝶要欢迎大家长的时候,脸怪怪的喔~ 为什么新的制作人不出来啊?是怕被骂吗?本来很期待的,虽然说前面还蛮好笑的啦!后面的就不说了啦!还是祝哥的比较好玩!

    • 十分認同! 現在的娛百簡直爛!!
      若果不是我喜歡3位主持人 我也再看不下去了
      那個”大姐”完全沒梗 她怎麼得到這個職位的?!
      嘉賓亂找!每個人的出場一下就走 整集娛百的人就這樣出出入入
      希望想想辦法改善吧 現在的娛百不可能吸引新觀眾 舊的走也不出奇

  15. aww Xiao Gui is so sweet… That jacket is awesome! I wish they hugged for longer! Hopefully Xiao Zhu will be there when it’s Xiao Gui’s birthday!! 😀 I actually cried during that video too XD (That song is really good!)

    Happy Birthday Xiao Zhu!!

  16. 小豬happy birthday!

    小鬼好可愛  說我怎麼哭了=)



  17. 我们家祥祥生日快乐,罗妈和祥祥都身体健康,罗祥说的好{ 什么虾周刊,瞎透了,去死} 说的非常好,气死我们家祥祥了。。。。。。烂周刊去报导你们的烂新问,我们家祥祥的新问不用你们报。

  18. Show happy bday!!!! Amazing performance I love you I wish you the best continue to be great you are a humble and sweet person your fans will always support you.

    • 小鬼也只是第一年有送禮物呀.. 都一起主持那麼多年了 
      其實豬什麼都不缺 小鬼應該很難想吧 XD

      • 小鬼有送啦~ 他都私底下才送的。前几年,他不是说要买iPhone给小猪但小猪说有人送了,叫小鬼买别的。以他们的交情,一定会送的啦,只是看是迟或晚罢了~ 相信蝴蝶也私底下送啊!

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