144 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-08-15 LIVE

  1. Can we not be so judgemental everyone? The people around us are not perfect, people do things that annoy disappoint and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way. Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances. Part of the purpose of mortality is to learn how to let go of such things. If God forgives us for our trespasses, then we really have no right but to do the same for others, we might sin differently than others. Even thou we are not perfect but still God love us. “We must recognize that we are all imperfect—that we are beggars before God. Haven’t we all, at one time or another, meekly approached the mercy seat and pleaded for grace?”. We have all made a mistake and been forgiven. The blessings and good feelings from not gossiping and judging others are amazing. ‘Stop it!’ 

  2. Can we not be so judgemental everyone? The people around us are not perfect, people do things that annoy disappoint and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way. Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances. Part of the purpose of mortality is to learn how to let go of such things. If God forgives us for our trespasses, then we really have no right but to do the same for others, we might sin differently than others. Even thou we are not perfect but still God love us. “We must recognize that we are all imperfect—that we are beggars before God. Haven’t we all, at one time or another, meekly approached the mercy seat and pleaded for grace?”. We have all made a mistake and been forgiven. 
     The blessings and good feelings from not gossiping and judging others are amazing. ‘Stop it!’ 

  3. 連小豬開口了,有些人還是要這樣吵下去。。。算啦。講那麼多也沒有用,不要理他們就好了,他們自然覺得沒意思!

  4. 『其实各种在背后说你坏话的人都不如你,真正比你优秀,比你漂亮,比你帅,比你多金,比你牛逼的人,根本不认识你,也不屑认识你,更懒得搭理你,也不会天天关注你的各种动态,所以,更谈不上议论你了,议论你的说你坏话的都是现实原因导致的羡慕嫉妒恨,只能说是很低级的人罢了。』

    •  我知道這個是小豬微博那邊轉的

      • 本來就是呀 我們會喜歡一個藝人一定是因為他有什麼厲害的地方
        但我們是因為喜歡跟欣賞去關注一個人 得到的是有意義的快樂
        但那些要關注但又要不喜歡.. 就是上面說的『很低級的人罷了』

        P.S. 突然有一個想法 如果我每天PO這段文字讓那些想要說壞話的人看一下 好好想一下自己為什麼要口出惡言好嗎??? XD

  5.  I love all the host, those with negative comments sometimes just come here to troll, if you go to all three host fan sites, they’re just like one big family, the fans of all three, guess those who came here just to give negative comments are not really fans but just plainly to give negative comments. Just ignore them.

  6. love the two hosts.
    love show for his chivalry.
    love butterfly for her empathy.
    love the fans that supports them by not quarreling

  7. Doremi, 你以为你很厉害吗? 你还不是一样到处像狗在吠人? 你以为你很有礼貌吗? 既然你这么喜欢骂人,我就陪你骂个够! 妈你脑残都行!

  8. 蝴蝶真的長好醜喔…
    眼角還不外乎的往下垂  怎看就是一付衰樣
    剪的妹妹頭   連卡古都比她來的卡哇依

    • Doremi我想你也長得不是很好吧..長得衰就算啦,還到處罵人,口這麼臭

      • 還相由心生咧

  9. can someone explain to me what in the world are they talking about at the start?? i dont follow too much of taiwanese entertainment except what i hear in kangxi and the LIVEs of yubai so im super confused lol, what guy what girl what happened??

    • 在講這世界上, 不管哪裡, 不管任何地方, 都有像蝴蝶這種好吃懶做的女生, 還有一堆女生支持種行為, 然後在那釣金龜婿, 結果被人玩完後不爽, 就去報警罷了, 反正這些女的一直講求所謂的男女平等, 但是每當到了危急時刻, 又裝成可憐的小女生, 博社會同情, 因為這社會還是會保護女生多於男生, 什麼都是男生的錯!!

  10. Rainie isn’t being very friendly towards Show… lol
    The interaction between Show and Hu Die is a lot better in this episode!! <33
    Missing Xiao Gui (but at least I get to see him in Sweet sweet bodyguard :D)

    • Wow, if you’re gonna use my name to start a flame war on both sides, at least learn some skills first, you’re embarrasing yourself and even me. And use your brain also, go look at all my comments before, when did i ever leave comments in full chinese, or is it that you don’t even have the brain to think up your own name? And if you think doing so will have both sides flame me, it doesn’t bother me, like i said, try reading my comments, oh wait, you don’t have the brain to think and read

      • 有種又說中文阿媽你個B     死腦殘    一直用我名稱開分身亂留言    你是沒被幹過是嗎?

        • I’m not going to type in chinese and you can’t make me either, like i said, learn some skills first before you troll, if that’s all you got by just cursing others’ mom, i really pity you, no skills no brain, predictable

  11. 小豬之所以那麼多人喜歡,果然不是沒道理!

    • 是阿…什麼偶像就會有什麼粉絲…畢竟粉絲是追隨偶像的…所以一個藝人在螢光幕前的言行舉止   非常重要!!!

      • 哀,沒辦法

        • so basically what you’re saying os that if anybody doesn’t agree with what you say then the’re fans of the other host? just look at your own logic, oh wait, you don’t have one, what i hear from you is, waaa waaa waa, i don’t like this i like that, why can’t everybody agree with me because of my always right reasoning, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD BOY, or better yet, step out of your cave so you get a glimpse of how and how not the world works

          • hey you know what? Your parents should bring you to med center to check if there is a cerebrum inside your head or not. I just concern about you…

          • yup you really should glad of me all the time, but I’m still being sad about you…

      •  “什麼偶像就會有什麼粉絲”, I don’t agree with what you say, I’m a fan of Zhu, there are some hudie’s fan that are rude that uses negative comments but so there are zhu fans who do that, and if you’re going to put things like that, remember zhu fans giving Anthony Wong, the HK artist rude comments, then what does that say about Zhu? so that arguments of yours is just not right.

      • 在講你要將心比心,為何還打嘴砲文?

          • that’s not the thing related to anything mentioned here my little girls…stop yakking other things…

          • lol I think you will need to try harder in order to get accepted by a college! Does sex equal to education level? hey, it is a good idea for you to go back to learn the foundation! Masters and PhD can definitely have sex with a naive little girl like you!!

        • 我想小豬說的是各自支持自己喜歡的藝人的同時,不需要攻擊別人。你自己回頭看自己的貼文吧!甚麼是事實呢?是全部的事實,還是一部分的事實呢?每個人看到的事實免不了帶點主觀,帶著自己的感情,所以盡量說鼓勵的話,可以嗎?還有,我是娛百的粉啦,豬鬼蝶都喜歡,因為看娛百很開心啦,我希望大家都開開心心的。

          • 全部或者是你所認為的一部分事實,皆都是事實!無可否認的!怎麼扯都圓不了的!不過你要扯,你大可以盡量扯!沒人會真的阻止你! 恩!

          • Another lousy comment from a so called educated sissy, if you think the whole world is just gonna agree to whatever you say, then you’re too naive, welcome to the real world boy

    • your comments quite conflicting…it’s like you’re saying that others leave offending comments but then again just look at your own comment

      • quite conflicting of what? I’m just saying why Zhu can be admired by lots of his fans…that is…there’s nothing more… where did you see the conflicting point?

        • conflicting in a way that you’re telling others how good zhu fans are, i won’t argue with that but you fail to set a good example of that by your comments

          • I’ve never said how Zhu’s fans are….that ideas were came from your mind okay…not mine! I did not say Zhu’s fans are good or whatever girls… please bring some evidence nxt time before you comment!!

          • you just simply cut down the whole sentence into fragments and tried to distort the ideas it should be! You definitely understood it, but unfortunately you just wanted to lead others to another direction and try to make them to agree wth you. It’s okay…I won’t argue with you~

          • ok let me break it for you, you said how good zhu was for protecting his partner and adking others to stop those hardh comments, then you went on to give negative comments, lastly you tell others to learn from zhu and zhu fans, i don’t see zhu anywhere in the episode giving negative comments, what i get from him is he wishes both side to stop the negativity, to each his own. btw, i’m a fan of all 3 host in case you’re wondering.

          • you should really translate the whole comment into ur own language not just adding your own ideas in it and then revise it! In my oringinal comment, I did not say what Zhu’s ideas expressed in this ep rite? How and where did you get this from? btw, I’m not the fan of anyone but the fan of this entertainment! that is!

          • zhu- wishing sll negativity to stop
            you- admiring zhu for his action
            you- giving negative comments
            you- telling others yo learm from zhu and zhu fans
            you- preaching others to stop the negativity as zhu would like then you backtrack on giving negative comments, is it hard to understand?

            i’m a fan of all 3 hosts and i dare say that both sides have some, yes, some that are rude by leaving negative comments on the other artist, nobody is perfect, some hudie fans give rude comments but some zhu fans also do that, that’s why what zhu said doesn’t necessarily mean 1 side only, to each his own

    • funny thing, zhu fans leaves a lot of rude comment also to HK artist who doesn’t know Zhu, hmmm… you telling others to learn to be like that…pft..

      • there’s nothing funny here girl…and I’m only talking about the comment behavior here, and that is what Zhu mentions in this live. You girls always like to talk about other things rather than the main probelm mentioned here. That’s really naive, please don’t d that again…

        • nobody tells me what to do boy, how naive can you be, i leave whatever comments i want, you’re really just a kid aren’t you, and fyi, i’m not a girl and not a fan of the 3 host, i just like to troll, and you can’t stop me, naive boy

      • Hey fuker.. Me nt zhu fans so I dare to scold u bitch! Dog barking at here, if u dun lk zhu and hi die then jus fuk off… Who do u thing u are?! Fuker shut ur bad mouth…u wanna say me? Then ,this is my pleasure.. U can say me Tht i am rude or wat or no manners, but I am better then u ….

  12. 当初蝴蝶和前男友分手时,新闻说矛盾来自于蝴蝶的姐姐身份,不能陪男生出去玩。那时大家都觉得这种人分了就分了,不可惜。


    • 在講這世界上, 不管哪裡, 不管任何地方, 都有像蝴蝶這種好吃懶做的女生, 還有一堆女生支持種行為, 然後在那釣金龜婿, 結果被人玩完後不爽, 就去報警罷了, 反正這些女的一直講求所謂的男女平等, 但是每當到了危急時刻, 又裝成可憐的小女生, 博社會同情, 因為這社會還是會保護女生多於男生, 什麼都是男生的錯!!

  13.  希望他們兩個


  14. 默契好,当然穿一样嘛~ 哈哈!说真的其实蝴蝶感觉快哭了,知道她很不开心。其实啊,她都知道很多小人在骂她,但她还是装开心。心疼蝴蝶啊!

  15. 希望看到這一集之後。

    小豬很保護蝴蝶。看到蝴蝶有事 小豬馬上就幫她解釋。

    • 是阿小豬是很保護蝴蝶   但蝴粉絲卻故意在那罵小豬   那些粉絲的思想   真該好好的淨化一番   把小豬罵的多難聽    甚至還可惡的質疑人格跟帶髒話的人身攻擊    可惡至極!!

  16. somehow it becomes butterfly is the main host while xiaogui xiaozhu are the guest hosts. every epi hve butterfly, but xiaozhu and xiaogui are alternating. 

    • Due to the increased popularity.. Both Zhu & Gui are taking on other projects.. We should be happy for them & wish them well.. As much as I like seeing them, I’m also glad that they are moving on.. We work hard toward our next level of our careers… They are the same…
      I love all 3 of them.. So, as long as one of them is there I’m happy.. Although I’d like to see Hudie move on to greater things as well.. If they leave BFB for that reason I will be happy..

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