119 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-08-29 潘瑋柏 楊丞琳 好友音樂會

  1. Asking why not punish her? Simply because Xiao Zhu, Xiao Gui and even Butterfly doesn’t want to do so… And if Xiao zhu wants to do it, no one can stop him and that’s a FACT!… Why cheng lin plays the game if afraid of being punish? Cheng Lin, is one of the tough actress in her generation. Been through too much pain from haters and etc. This little pain is nothing to compare with what she overcome from the past. She is just lucky for having angels in her back… I’m super FAN of SR together and even in individual career. I find Wilber cute and charming… And if SR are meant to be best of friends, I want her to be with Xiao Gui. Because of the real love they felt before, and I can see that XG is indeed a good person in and out… I like butterfly too, she is cute… But who I am to pick for them… What makes them happy, is what makes me happy… They deserve it and I will respect it…

  2. 丞琳没有在耍大牌,大家不要误会她了,她真的很努力让观众满意。她也是从一个普通歌手努力了很久才有了今天这么棒的成绩,大家应该认同她的努力而不是一直在数落她!丞林加油!会一直支持你到最后!

  3. 杨丞琳唱歌真的好好听哦!虽然看他唱歌感觉她唱得有点辛苦,但是歌声甜美加上她真的很努力把整首歌诠释完。真值得鼓励表扬一番!杨丞林 , 赞! 



    然後故意寫攻擊她的評論, 來挑起別人也對她不滿.

    說她耍大牌有包袱的人真的是居心叵測, 很不了解她.

    搞笑扮醜她都行, 何來包袱,耍大牌?

    她沒有不接受處罰, 她吃了冷菠菜一口, 後來讓蝴蝶試吃而已

    叫蝴蝶吃完的是現場觀眾! 丞琳接著自己主動要求吃完整盤,


    愛的小手, 丞琳也願被打, 只是要求輕點, 合理又沒錯啊!

    只是豬鬼不願意打. 蝴蝶是她同學, 豬鬼是她好友,

    他們三人要護著她, 你們吵什麼, 怪丞琳做什麼? 嫉妒啊?

    丞琳是抱著逃避處罰的心態玩遊戲, 有錯嗎? 但她不光是對自己,

    沒看到她都盡量回答讓大家滿意的答案, 求饒問著怎樣的答案才可以不要處罰椅子上的好友(豬鬼)嗎?

    護著她的橋段也是一種娛樂效果啊! 就是有那種人喜歡看人被處罰, 當年小豬才會遭受章魚蓋頭等各種怪招蹂躪!

    這是好友音樂會, 不是處罰大會!

    請看清楚節目內容再來評論, 別故意抹黑, 行嗎?


  5. why is Will’s fans copying e kpop fanchant thing? like when will sings, they chant along.. I like Will, but I really think tht e fans lack of some originality =.=

    •  Why do you have to say Will’s fans are copying something?  You can say that everyone who promotes albums are copying whoever first started promoting albums.  It’s messed up logic.  o_______O

  6. 她明明就沒有耍賴!!!是羅志祥不想打好嘛!!!!!而且你有吃到那個青菜嗎?!你確定那是好吃的?!憑什麼說一堆屁話??!!等你”””紅了”””再說!!!!!!!!!!!有夠無聊

  7. 真是不懂幹麻要有懲罰 反正楊丞琳都只會耍賴,完全不懂的遊戲規則= = 上次跟羅志祥的好友音樂會也是,吃個冷青菜有不要,果然….人紅就只會耍大牌!!還一直說要豬鬼保護,噁心 做作!

    • 甚麼叫耍賴你懂嗎??甚麼叫做作你懂嗎??你有上過電視節目嗎??你是大明星嗎??你憑什麼批評人?或許你會認為丞琳是這樣的,可是我可以跟你講,如果你是一個大明星,你可能也會耍大牌,到時侯你下要說人們亂批評你,因為你現在在做同一種東西

    • 不知道她是不是耍大牌..

  8. 丞琳為什麼要上這個單元咧? 她老是在逃避惩罚 。。总覺得她上综艺有點假

  9. 潘瑋柏出道有十年了,沒有什麽緋聞,但其實他一直很努力,可能天賦沒人家好吧,只能靠苦練

  10. 小豬好像沒以前帥了


  11. 潘瑋柏的星运真好,出来时间不长,也没什么引人注意的才艺,却已经大红了。小猪努力了那么多年,但却和重要奖项都没有缘分。好不容易一部海派甜心,反而把楊丞琳捧上了最佳女主角。可怜的小猪

    • 不明白你為何要否定潘瑋柏和楊丞琳的努力…是不是你只注視到小豬?



      • 这也叫攻击?

        • 在海派中, 我覺得楊丞琳的演出比較內心比較看到更多層次,






  12. 小豬還記得蝴蝶的生日。


  13. 就有人。。”某些人“说过嘛。。。友情比爱情情人还重要。。其“她”身份的人都不看在眼里,就是很重友议。 就算讲错话或者做错什么事,可以伤害情人却不可以伤害朋友。。。(她)还是做好朋友比较好,至少(他)会比较关心(她)这好朋友的关系!。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。悲”爱“

  14. 你们烦不烦啊,小鬼在这集又怎样啊,不过就是代丞琳受惩罚而已。他拍戏都这么累了,难道还要来娱百受惩罚

  15. are you kidding me?  every time rainie goes on 好友音樂會she never gets punish! don’t go on the show if you cant even play the game. defeats the whole purpose of that segment.

    • What’s wrong with you? And all of you? Why do you like to see people get punished so much? As you said, this is 好友音樂會, not punishment gathering, why does she have to be punished? For fun? I say it has more fun to see them protect her from being punished. To be fair? For what? This is not a court, this is just an entertainment show. And she is promoting her music.

      By the way, she DID GET PUNISHED a little bit, just not seriously. Eating boiled spinach is a punishment for XZ, but not for her. She is not afraid of spinach anyway. Think carefully, will that be funny to you if she really eats all the spinach or gets spanked by the “Little Love Hand”? No! I can say, she is not afraid of any of these punishments. Unless you want her to pretend crying, upsetting, or hurting so much. Fake and childish! If you think that will be funny, that means either you have prejudice against her or something wrong with you. That’s why I said it has fun to see them protect her. Don’t you agree that it has more fun to watch XZ and Wilber kissing instead of Wilber and her?

      Even letting XZ eat the spinach is the wrong/sick thing. Some people have phobia (extreme fear) or allergic toward something. You can’t force them to touch those things.

      Yes, she DOESN’T LIKE to be punished, but WHO DOES? (If you like, you play the game.) She also tried to protect her good friends (XZ, XG) when they sat on the chair. She always gave the satisfactory answers to avoid her friends being punished. Most importantly, the 3 hosts didn’t want to punish her, can’t you see? Yes, that’s the special treatment for her. So what? Jealous?

      Because of people like you, XZ got sorts of weird torturing punishment years ago, such as putting octopus on his head…… I’m glad those programs disappeared because they are not funny at all.

  16. YAY~ I’ve been waiting for this episode to air! It was a good one, but would’ve been funnier if xiao gui was there. Lol!

  17. can’t imagine this show without xiaozhu. i watch 100% only coz of xiaozhu. if he leaves the show, i don’t think i’ll watch it anymore.

  18. I wish xiaogui was there it will be so much more fun to see him being shy and agitated . But somehow i understand why rainie punishment is being voided , look at her fans reaction , usually other idols that come their fans won’t have such huge reaction.

  19. Rainie always wears “interesting” outfits but interesting in a bad way.  Not sure who’s her stylist but her outfits are horrible.  

  20. 第一為什麽沒有小鬼呢? 第二,為什麽蝴蝶問丞琳接吻的問題時,為什麽小鬼沒在裏面。別忘了,醉後決定愛上你,他們兩有接吻。

    • yeah i find it really weird too. everytime they dont punish her whereas other celebs they cant wait to punish them. 🙁

      • can understand if she afraid of those more severe or weird punishments, but like the beat hand punishment also spared so easily… it’s really bizarre. 

          • but xz will accept the punishment and even do it himself if the hosts dont dare. hahahha

          •  Its called respect and manners.
            No decent man will make a woman do anything she doesnt want to. And there is punishment its only reasonable that the man takes it.

          • Dude its a game, its not like its abuse or anything. You have to play by the rules; answer the questions properly or accept the punishment. Kinda like Truth or Dare.

          • erm i rmb xz punishing other female artists though of course he’s more gentle with them. so its a little unfair.

          • Way to take things seriously, party pooper.
            If you decide to come to this 單元, you should know what to expect, especially since she has been on this several times. It really takes the fun out of the game when she give these non-answers.
            I understand that she would be scare of those weird punishments like pulling clips off you, but this punishment? It’s not like xiao zhu is gonna hit her hard or anything, he’s just gna pretend hit, for goodness sake, yet she still can go through with it?
            I am sure there are lots of other 單元she can attend to promote and be the fun killing self she is.

      • I think it is weird too. I don’t know if her fans might be too aggressive so that they don’t want to punish her or she is just too afraid of ‘pain’…I mean when XG is there, I do understand it that he will take the punishment because it’s a kind of gag – zuo xiao guo – but without him I thought XZ would punish her.
        Oh well, but it was a nice episode, I love to watch Wei Bo and XZ together.

      • 她是來宣傳新專輯的。她現在賺那麼多錢,1350對她來說算什麼。既然要參加好友音樂會就應該要放開玩啊。很簡單,不要玩就不要參加。

      • 哪个来做好友音乐会的不是来宣传的?怎么只有她可以不用惩罚呢?好奇怪。

  21. i dont even know wat am i thinking for watching XZ acting stupid n childish…..finding every single grammar mistake n try to make it funny……but the truth is ……it jz make the whole situation become so embarrase!!!

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