66 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-09-07 粉絲同樂會 汪東城

  1. 我覺得大東雖然不是天生很會唱歌的人, 但他一直都很努力! 進步很多很多! 很多歌手第一次發片也唱得不怎麼樣, 後來也有很好的成績. 至少大東很有個人風格, 有自己的想法~ 他對粉絲非常好, 很有風度! 希望大家能給他多點空間~

  2. Will is so cute!!! He’s a pretty good host and he was so cute while having complexes when he was told to do an example….Da Dong improved a lot, I am really happy for him to get his own first single-album. And he was so handsome while doing the exercise. Hudies dance was hilarious plus the two guys dancing such a cute dance, very cute and entertaining episode!!

  3. i love jiro’s voice! he seemed quite nervous though. I’m so proud of him to finally go on his own way and sing the songs he loved all along <33

    • That’s Right, Lint10044 is a Triple Bitch!!!
      At least DaDong is brave enough to aim for his dreams, regardless of all the unkind remarks. Support DaDong all the way!!!!!
      And what do YOU HAVE to be a STAR!!!
      P/S: maybe X-rated one haha

  4. 哈哈哈 為什麼我韦伯主持的時候会讓我想起小豬,看得出來他們真的是好兄弟, 但
    韦伯 也有他自己的主持style hahah hes so funny 代班都可以找他 就好了

  5. 大东的现场的演唱技巧明显的进步了很多! 大东,  加油啊! 潘瑋柏好可爱哦, 主持也不赖, 希望能多看见他在娱百出现!:D

  6. 大東唱歌怎麼會那麼難聽, 我以為他至少不會唱走音。我覺得大東不用故意唱ABC的囗音, 這樣只会讓人覺得他也太好笑了, 不会英文沒關係,但唱歌又要裝美国囗音, 沒自己的特色。不是毎個偶像都需要是從洋的, 大東真的要多練唱!少点偶像包袱会更自然和更有男人味的!還有, 大東唱歌時, 呼吸也太大聲了,真的要加油啊!

  7. 大东要多练歌哦,拍子音准都有问题,但有看到进步,加油^^

  8. omgosh hu die’s cute dance allow us to see two handsome stars dancing a cute dance and not 帅气 style. fresh! she is always so cute! and wei bo’s chemistry with her is good too. its funny! 

  9. i don’t mind wilber hosting~ haha
    on a side note, i know both xiao zhu and xiao gui are busy. i can’t wait until they both have time and host the same episode… it’s been so long!

      • No doubt Lollipop F members are not as good as Wilber but they are helping xiaogui and xiaozhu out and all you do is to criticise them. Do you think they are also that free to help hosting all th time? They are also preparing for their new albums and acting as well. You have no rights to criticise them if you are unable to host as good as them. -_-

    •  actually, i think his live performance improved quite a lot since his fahrenheit days. It’s not perfect yet, of course. But he has a lot of potential and it’s good to see him grow as a musician. It has always been his dream, after all.

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