79 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-09-20 楊丞琳 百分百小巨蛋

  1. 小鬼 jia you jia you jia you jia you ……………………….. 你忘了怎麼快樂 …..now !!!! wish u all the best!!!! 

  2. Rainie sings better & better in a way that she knows how to express the feeling in the lyrics with her voice. May be she is a gd actress that makes her songs more expressive than other singers .

  3. So cute… Love them together… As much as I love her with show…
    But ofcourse she will choose… And I will respect it…
    As long as they are happy, that will make me happy too… ^_^

  4. 真的覺得倆人已經像家人這樣在相處了…小鬼人真的很nice…當他女友的人都被他照顧的無微不至吧….

  5. I love watching Xiao Gui and Rainie… I find that Rainie loves teasing Xiao Gui 😛 Xiao Gui always responds so cute <33 I like Rainie with longer hair though… she looks cuter
    Xiao Gui got so nervous aww 🙂 They should really have a song together!

  6. weather Xiao Gui & Rainie will get together in the future or not, no one can tell. why did people attack Rainie? everyone can see that they have a  good foundation  friendship & understanding. I am sure Xiao Gui would not be happy if his fans doing that to Rainie.

  7. rainie is damn ugly when she sings -.- SHE SUCKS
    ugly bitch! stop saying she should be with Alien, Alien should be with Teresa instead coz rainie will only  bring him down! SHE SUCKS LIKE SHIT! t(-.-t)

    • Alien’s fans are all polite, I just wonder if you are Alien fan? If yes pls be polite, Alien would not like to see his fan like you to attack other artists, thank you.

    • Ugly?… Nice try… Rating her beauty while your hiding your personality… Using user name and not your real name nor real face… Better revile your self before rating her beauty… Coward! Coward! Coward!… Go run in the forest and hide!…
      For sure you can’t stand the fact that Alien is still in to her or they have this so called CHEMISTRY…
      Oh yes before I go, reality check! She’s a STAR and you’re a SHIT CRAZY FAN!… Bleh!…

  8. “鴻升你真的很舊了 沒關係”
    “你舊歸舊 可是我也不輕易公開的”

    所以鴻升要很開心囉??? =口=

    • 是啊,我其實真的很喜歡丞琳談她跟小鬼以前的事情,我看著總是會覺得心裏甜甜的,但是有時候她說話的方式會讓我覺得有點過分,就算小鬼對她已經不是那種感覺了,但他還是有尊嚴的吧!

      • 这证明他们两个是感情很要好的好朋友啊。有时后好朋友之间就会亏亏一下,对方也不会太在意。而且节目里总是要有一点效果。。。(:

  9. 我必須說明一下.. 以下是我個人見解, 並沒有冒犯的意思…
    每次丞琳來娛百如果是小鬼主持都很有效果沒有錯, 然後大家都蠻喜歡看到他們一起出現在節目中…
    可是我覺得對小鬼不公平的是, 為什麼大部分的人都比較喜歡說小鬼還喜歡丞琳, 但丞琳並沒有, 他們都已經說過他們的關係像家人, 並不是情侶那種, 不管他們講的是不是事實, 我身為鬼迷都會百分百相信小鬼…
    小鬼從來不會在別的節目講他們以前的事, 反之丞琳比較多會在其他節目上講, 我個人覺得啦, 小鬼並不喜歡把這件事一直放在咀邊, 就好像有些人會標籤他是『丞琳前男友』, 我覺得對他真的不太公平, 小鬼是小鬼, 他不是別人的誰誰誰…

    以上只是我個人意見, 如果惹來粉絲們的不滿, 我很抱歉, 我真的沒有別的意思, 我不希望因為我以上的一番話惹來大家的辯論, 謝謝…

    • 我懂你的意思~~
      我是升琳迷,但是我很不喜歡有人說“小鬼還喜歡丞琳但丞琳已經放下了”或者“小鬼好可憐”之類的話,說的好像是小鬼一廂情願似的= =

      我個人是覺得他們雙方還有感覺的啦XDDDD 很喜歡他們的互動:))

  10. 我總覺得她唱歌就是有點怪怪的,聲音比較小的時候是她原本的聲音,很好聽阿,但要有POWER的時候就裝另一種聲音,搭配她的嘴型整個就是怪,看起來就很作做,原本的聲音明明就很好聽,真搞不懂為什麼要這樣唱

    • 每個人唱歌的習慣都不太一樣阿,我覺得很好聽,丞琳不是做作的那種人,或許不是每個人都會喜歡,但是她總是很認真的做好每場表演唱好每一首歌。

      • 不是說她做作,就是配上畫面感覺就是裝一種聲音在唱歌,就好像是聲樂唱法跟流行歌唱法不一樣,她平常用流行歌的唱法,到要用POWER的時候就用聲樂唱法,不知道這樣比喻有沒有比較好,要用POWER的時候就另一種唱法,跟他原本的唱法不太搭。

  11. Xiao Gui looks so handsome today! love his smile!

     Perfect Couple1: Xiao Zhu & Butterfly!!!!
     Perfect Couple2 : Xiao Gui & Rainie!!!!

  12. 曖昧真的會讓人受盡委屈啦!如果這是一個梗就不要再玩下去。希望他們快點有真的另一半,真的幸福!

  13. 丞琳:他迟迟都不肯牵我的手, 这句话跟当年在高中时的话一样也,小鬼都不牵~ 其实我觉得小鬼后面应该在找借口喔,说到副歌才牵,我猜如果丞琳没牵,他应该也不敢牵拉~

  14. 真的好喜欢这集! 小鬼终于达成他的心愿了, 终于能跟丞林合唱! 看到他们牵手的那一刻, 连我都很兴奋啦! 😀

    • 不知道為什麼我不覺得哪裡sweet.我看了滿心酸的.這麼多年小鬼還很愛她.楊丞琳卻到處搞曖昧.她之前也很肯定的說她不吃回頭草

          •  對啊,她們其實只是好玩而已啦



      •  嗯..楊丞琳上次上康熙也是



      • omg I totally agree I used to think they were cute but now I just feel bittersweet about this couple. Can Rainie stop leading him on if she keeps saying ‘I’ll never get back with ex” and let Xiao Gui move on and find someone new! She obviously knows he still has feelings for her and she always uses it to her advantage on shows when she’s about to get punished like “oh if xiao gui was here I wouldn’t get punished” or “Xiao Gui suffers very much for me” -____-

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