娛樂百分百 2012-09-22 蝴蝶慶生會

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

90 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-09-22 蝴蝶慶生會

  1. 蝴蝶姐姐就是人很好,所以身邊的人都疼她了,希望如憲哥說,她可以快點找到一個真心愛她的人,真的很幸福!

  2. KID好好笑;p小鬼小鬼小鬼!!!!!
    還有!煜也有代班 只是提犬和威廉是甚麼意思:(

  3. OMG Hudie is soooooo cute and funny!!!! been waiting for this day for so long. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY. We’ll always love you.

    • 你到part3 11:24开始坚持看3秒钟字幕打出的名字。金玲在百分百很久了,而且只是执行制作之一而已,真正的制作人再一次选择不出场了

  4. 我觉得蝴蝶会哭应该和前面的那些胡搞有关系。。前面好尴尬。后面到感动的地方就很容易哭出啦~~喜欢蝴蝶!加油~~

  5. Lol I totally knew the second guest would be Kid! I cried when Hu Die cried too… AWW
    Xiao Zhu’s VCR was really sweet and Xiao Gui finally got Hu Die nice presents 😀 Xiao Gui and Hu Die’s hug <333

  6. kid & xiao gui & wei lian 好象要告白似的… 太有爱了, 好笑!
    hudie 生日快乐! Happy BIRD day! 祝你会越来越好!希望你和你心爱的人长长久久。。。!!!

  7. Omg even I was touched esp th wishes part, awww so sweet! And weilian was rly sweet! He even did a handmade card for hudie, that sweet boy! (‘:

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