娛樂百分百 2012-09-26 吳克羣 粉絲同樂會

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53 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-09-26 吳克羣 粉絲同樂會

  1. bloody impressive! your fans are really awesome fans ever so far! definitely it’s from yourself as well! you r totally amazing n impressive Kenji…love x

  2. 其實很喜歡百分百拳..可是現在連左一拳右一拳都沒有了..

    • 我覺得是因為蝴蝶所以沒有演戲或者猜猜誰是你的偶像….
      有一次小鬼要蝴蝶出來跟他示範她不要 可能是她反應沒豬鬼快

    • 我覺得差得遠.這一集要不是威廉和克群很熟.吳克群很放得開.吳克群的歌迷很熱情的話.會很尷尬很悶一直冷場…

  3. 他的粉絲好酷哦 
    不用音效直接大合唱 (在戴項鏈的時候唱歌嚇到我XD) 
    又會幫別的粉絲要更好的福利 讓這一集變好好玩 :))

  4. I am a 45 year old Mom (almost Grandma).. Never “chased” a celebrity in my life.. Something about Hudie.. I now become a die hard/dedicated fan at my age (all the way in the US).. So loving her personality, her gentleness, her sincere & pretty face.. I thank all the Taiwanese fans who keep me updated on weibo..

    • wow, I am over 30 years old and have been a fan of her for 3-4 years. What’s more, she is the only one who I keep following all the time. I just like her, even I know there are a lot more people who has more talent, skills or humor, but she is the one I really care and like. 

      • talent, skills or humor definitely were not the reasons I like Hudie.. those will never measure up to her KIND, CONSIDERATE, GENUINE, CARING & HAPPY-GO-LUCKY personality… & having TRUE BEAUTY is a plus too!  That’s our HUDIE!!! 

        • Same here guys, I’m supporting her all the way from Canada haha, if theres anyone with me! I believe  this is what all Hudie fans are! We all love her because of her optimism, when i read  the discussions and see all the people that criticize her , it really hurts. She is also why I’ve been following 100% entertainment, no offence but sometimes if she isn’t there i don’t watch this show. I’ve been watching dramas and shows since a kid and was never a fan of anyone, like i like them but i don’t LOVE them.

          • I came to know Xiao Zhu through Hudie… so, to the Zhu fans.. although he is very “红“.. & has been “guiding” Hudie in some ways but, some of his fans were her fans first.. so, I love HUDIE first, and now I like Zhu & Gui…!!  I am so happy to see that he now having Hudie as his spokeswoman for his STAGE line….. he knows Hudie has a lot of fans.. Smart business man..

    • yes.. she is just so special, 
      being a girl myself, i never think that i would love a female celebrity that much 
      i would do anything to make her happy :)) 
      dunno if it is because she is a 姐姐, for me, her world is so simple.. 
      no jealousy, no competition, she is just so optimistic and sincere, as you said
      maybe her hosting skill is not so good, she couldnt reli sing very well.. 
      but i just love her so much.. she makes my life brighter and happier <3

      • “yes.. she is just so special, 
        being a girl myself, i never think that i would love a female celebrity that much 
        i would do anything to make her happy :)) 
        dunno if it is because she is a 姐姐, for me, her world is so simple.. 
        no jealousy, no competition, she is just so optimistic and sincere, as you said
        maybe her hosting skill is not so good, she couldnt reli sing very well.. 
        but i just love her so much.. she makes my life brighter and happier <3"
         Every of your words is exactly the same in my head. Love her a lot!!!!!!

    • Same sentiments. I’m a Singaporean. Never watched Taiwanese variety shows but it’s because of her I started watching, started to follow Taiwan’s entertainment news. She may not be the best of all, but she really stands out from the rest with her personality and character. 

      • “Never watched Taiwanese variety shows but it’s because of her I started
        watching, started to follow Taiwan’s entertainment news. She may not be
        the best of all, but she really stands out from the rest with her
        personality and character.” YES YES YES….THANK YOU FOR SPEAKING MY MIND!

      • I have commented numerous times here that the reason I started watching this show is because of Hudie.. I seriously had no idea who Xiao Zhu or Xiao Gui were until I started to watch EVERYTHING that she is a part of.. I pray for her to meet someone that would love & protect her.. one that could cherish her for the wonderful, kind & lovable person that she is.. I hope to be able to visit her in Taiwan next year.. I might just be her OLDEST fan!! hahahaha….

    • Omg!!! ME TOO!! something about her just makes me so addicted to her! Everyday I will watch videos of her dancing at least once. And I started watching 100% entertainment because of her. I cry when she cries and laughs at her lamest jokes. I don’t know why this is happening! And the weirdest part is I’m a girl. I just love her so much!! 😀

  5. 吳克羣的粉丝好团结喔!都会帮其他的粉丝,不会像有些粉丝都为自己。而且吳克羣看起来好像蛮喜欢蝴蝶的耶~ 蝴蝶差点跌倒还对她说小心~ 看吳克羣是个蛮贴心的男生喔!

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