73 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-10-05 百分百GoGoGo!

  1. oh please I am not even a Taiwanese yet I felt offended by your discriminating comments! U do not even understand the simple meaning of respect and want to teach me a lesson??? Pls get back to your elementary sch and learn the definition of respect!!!

  2. 「簡筑翎,你是最棒的。

  3. Aww Xiao Gui had to bring his own poster lol
    I actually really liked 前男友 (maybe except the ending lol) so I’m so glad both 楊祐寧 and 李千娜 got nominated 😀 (I didn’t watch In Time With You but it does seem really good!)
    Xiao Gui and Hu Die are so supportive of one another :3 Love them!

  4. Love butterfly, gui and show~
    hope someday they can win 金钟. 吴宗宪 waited for more than 20 years to get the prize, there is still hope for yuebai.

  5. 滾啦 支那匪
    我們不批評 蝴蝶
    並不代表 我們支持他 或愛戴他

    算了 講這個你們也不懂 因為你們根本不知道
    尊重 的意義
    孟子曰 人自重 而後人重之
    如果連別人的努力 跟 想法 都無法尊重的話


    ps.難怪有些原文書會把支那歸類為 “為開化國家”

  6. 我雖然沒有很喜歡蝴蝶,但是我也沒有討厭她,大家請不要再批評蝴蝶了。

  7. 怎麼沒有百分百大突擊啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦

  8. 我真的很讨厌蝴蝶, 就这种水平还想要入围金钟,讲的好像自己很会主持一样,没事就哭来哭去,把节目当成什么来的,蝴蝶比较适合回去主持儿童节目….

          • Pathetic Taiwanese people. Always think you are the best, you people know everthing around the world. You  should stop pretending you are an expert or knowledgeable person.

          • wow you understand yourself so well!! I am impressed that you actually know that you should stop pretending you are an expert or knowledgeable person. Good Job Dog!

          •  chill, this has nothing to do with nationality and everything to do with your attitude. You’re asking for trouble by coming here and attacking someone with personal insults. I’d suggest that you go to some butterfly hater sites, share your hates with fellow haters and probably u’d have more fun there. 

          • since you discriminate against Taiwanese then why the hell are you watching Taiwanese variety show??? Fxxx off!!!

          • STFU. who do you think you are. now you’re just pissing everyone off with this comment 

          • So you are concluding that I have no right to say whatever I want? This is a libertarian society, a democracy!So I don’t care what you say about me or my English level cuz nothing can stop me to critisize bunch of jerks.

        • 就是有你這種白癡網民才會引起這么多無謂的爭議!!!不喜歡就別看啊還批評那么多

          • 你說的沒錯,每個人都有發表意見的權利但是發表有建設性的意見而你那句話是意見嗎???應該是辱罵吧?!該滾蛋的人是你!!!

          • ???我們也是發表自己意見阿…
            So you are concluding that I have no right to say whatever I want? This is a libertarian society, a democracy!So I don’t care what you say about me or my English level cuz nothing can stop me to critisize bunch of jerks.

          • Yeah,you’re good. Guess you are Singaporean or Malaysians, This is Taiwanese TV show!Understand?freak!

          • i’m taiwanese 🙂 i type faster in English.. so….i type english.. lol
            no one is a freak for typing english on a chinese website. 
            and.. i don’t understand you. perhaps i think no one do…

        •  Oh how? I infer that you are very experienced in screwing yourself! But I am sorry we are not as experienced as you and we do not wish to learn..

    • 很多人都想入圍呀,小鬼跟蝴蝶只是討論一下而已,她又沒有說自己很會主持,我猜你想太多了。

      • 脸蛋又不是很漂亮,口齿常常不清,没事就在那哭来做效果,观众都看腻了好吗?集集都有她,现在是怎样,难怪没有片约,没有实力很难在演艺圈生存,还有那个豆花妹也是,真心不欣赏这些虚有其名的艺人!

        • No use complaining.. why don’t you watch other shows of YOUR standards? or you just go around acting like a judge, critisizing every variety shows in Taiwan?

          • So you are concluding that I have no right to say whatever I want? This is a libertarian society, a democracy!So I don’t care what you say about me or my English level cuz nothing can stop me to critisize bunch of jerks.

          • Of course you are entitled to your own opinions.. Say whatever you want! We LOVE Hudie… WE think she is BEAUTIFUL & LOVING & SINCERE .. She may cry easily but one thing I am certain is she WILL NOT have criticized YOU the way you did.. Sometimes it is better to “not saying anything if you have nothing good to say”.. She is Awesome in our eyes…

          •  Actually you dont have the right to say whatever you want ANYWHERE in the world.
            If you want to pull “freedom of speech” up in here then please read up on it. It doesnt give you the permission to SAY anything you want. All it does it gives you the right to an opinion and the right keep it to yourself. There is a VERY thin line between “freedom of speech” and a lawsuit even in the most “free” countries out there (calling someone stupid in public in America can cost $50’000). EVERY word you say/said can be used against you. So, with freedom of speech in mind, think twice before you say anything ever.

          • 沒有人這樣講…你…是腦子長草…還是腦殘…或者腦子缺腦,連腦殘的機會都沒有?

        • 得把口, 甘你快D出黎做主持, 甘蝴蝶咪無得做LOR
          就算人地虛有其表又如何, 你又咪只可以係電腦上以文字攻擊人, 你又幾有料姐~


        • Babyloveu520 : ” Mirror mirror who is the most beautiful in Taiwan? Me or Butterfly? “.
          Mirror:  “Most beautiful? Inside and out? Of course it’s Butterfly!” “You? please go see a psychiatrist because jealousy will lead to craziness, ugliest face and dirtiest mouth!!!!!!!

    • 金鐘獎是個目標..不止蝴蝶..小鬼小豬誰不想入圍這個指標性的獎項..


    • 甘你返去睇番你D大陸製造既電視節目啦
      無人叫你睇人地既台灣節目lor, 吾該.

    • 第一句是重點,討厭一個人,他說什麼做什麼甚至想什麼,在你眼中都是錯。蝴蝶未入主之前,娛百也是從未入圍過金鐘,難道豬鬼主持得不好,整個節目都很爛嗎?對觀眾而言,節目好看比較得獎更重要,但是作為主持人或製作團隊期待被肯定很理所當然,這是努力的回報,進步的動力。你的一番說話,好像是對一個在你眼中表現不理想的孩子,他希望通過努力,有天考得好成績,你卻說:「憑你這種笨蛋,妄想了!」可以想像你的嘴臉。

    • 她自生日以後也沒有怎麼哭過呀
      人感動跟痛自然就會哭..  你是有多堅強呀???


    • 我真的很討厭Babyloveu520…就這種水平還想要看娛百,講的好像自己是白癡一樣,沒是就在這裡留言,把我們的留言當成什麼來的,Babyloveu520還是比較適合回去做狗,請不要繼續模仿人類

    • 唉喲~你這句話包含了說豬鬼喔,進不了金鐘不是她的責任,三個人都有吧?

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