娛樂百分百 2012-10-11 百分百遊戲王

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Tipster Rednimer

65 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-10-11 百分百遊戲王

  1. tong tong really likes xiao gui…lol previously when xiao gui went to tong tong’s house in an episode she already confessed that she likes him alot. she looks really really happy and excited everytime she sees xiao gui..hahaa. i think they look good together, but idk why xiao gui dont give much reactions to her confessions..he just laughs..maybe he’s shy or something lol

  2. 你們是洞腦嗎? 娛樂百分百也沒啥變化~然後王思佳裏面明明穿了一件牛仔褲 。。。。話說演電視的人是瘋子 看電視的都是傻子

  3. Think butterfly feels more comfortable being around xiao gui. Don’t think she will dare to chase xiao zhu around like that.

  4. 鬼哥真的完全沒有偶像包袱, 頭髮亂成這樣也沒關係XD 可是還是很帥呀:) 拍戲那麼累還那麼敬業的做效果, 黃鴻升真的很棒耶<3
    其實童彤跟兵齊步來我還蠻開心的, 證明小鬼真的很受歡迎呀XD 有2個人為他爭風吃醋XDDD

  5. 王思佳 wearing sexy is for 节目效果啦。 More and more new unique character better what, rather then everytime KID doing stunt. KID the stunt man, 思佳 the sexy one, this make the show more interesting so i think 思佳 wearing sexy is ok not slut.

  6. LMAO such a funny and cute episode!! It wasn’t even about the games anymore… it was watching their interactions 😀 Hu Die got mad and chased Xiao Gui around and then they all got crazy! lol Kid and Xiao Gui are way too close… always hugging.. 兵齊步 and 彤彤 must be jealous lol
    I can’t imagine 遊戲王 without Kid! XD

  7. 这集好好笑哦… 小鬼在这集也太帅了吧!! <3 我都要疯了 <3 .. 有感觉彤彤很喜欢小鬼.. 但是他们很不配.. 不喜欢王思佳 但是因为有小鬼 所以才看的!! 小鬼戴帽子很可爱呢.. 帅呆了!!

  8. 小鬼在KID要跟王思佳賭的時候要KID做一樣他會輸的
    當然啦 我覺得KID有好幾次是故意說不出來配合小鬼的xd

  9. 接通告時不知道是遊戲王嗎?不是第一次來,也不是第一次刻意賣弄,還裝不知所措幹嘛呢?王小姐露底了!不是”底褲”,是”底牌”!藝人要走什麼風格適合就好,日前在康熙拍攝那性感照令人眼前一亮,可是娛百的目標觀眾不一樣,豬鬼偶然來些A的玩笑是趣味的,幽默的。Kid成為遊戲王固定班底有他的節目效果,瘋狂時的狠勁和落漆時的尷尬好笑又傻氣,然而王小姐這種風格的班底一個也嫌多,製作人明白嗎?忽然好想念眼光獨到的祝哥!

  10. 哈哈 這是我看過史上最歡樂的一集 就好像一大群很熟的朋友一起玩, 尤其是哪個愛玩鬼 黃鴻升 hahaha 先生,拍戲那麼累 你還玩的那麼精神 哈哈哈

  11. 又是王思佳, 穿的跟前几次的一模一样
    So cheap…what a slut she is

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