娛樂百分百 2012-11-14 粉絲同樂會 丁一宇

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Tipster Rednimer

70 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-11-14 粉絲同樂會 丁一宇

    • he is quite famous in Korea.. its Jung Il woo.. Look him up on Wiki. I’m surprised he’s here in Taiwan.. must be a movie or show he’s promoting.. 

  1. Xiao Zhu!!! I wonder if Korean artist that came have any idea of how funny he really is I feel they don’t even understand half of what is going on, everything is just too fast and even with translator I feel it’s hard to traslate everything.

    • This program is for all Chinese audience,  not Koreans. Who cares whether he understands or not, as long as it makes us laugh, it is a good show. 

      • as a host he shld take care of both the guest/s and the audience. if he only create jokes that only locals understand and make guest feel awkward with the jokes, is that what a gd host shld do? 

        • though what will boost the show ratings will be the chinese audience not the korean dude.
          i mean its hard to say jokes to him because he would have to wait for the translator. mood ruined

  2. Omg why is Show so handsome? . . . . But above all charming!! Cuz he always makes everything better just cuz he is there.

  3. 有小豬小鬼,想蝴蝶,有小豬蝴蝶,想小鬼,有小鬼蝴蝶,想小豬,好可惜哦三個都不能一起主持。媽媽竟然送我小鬼演唱會的票耶,開心可以聽到LIVE 了,我第一次去歌手的演唱會耶,不會忘記12月15日這一天的

  4. 罗志祥回来了!!! 好久没有笑到脸都抽筋了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!! I LOVE HIM & this korean guy iss cutee ^^ <3

  5. 蝴蝶跳舞真的好好看!! 就幾個很台的舞步都跳的特別好看.. 扭的好好喔XDD
    舞王舞后…….. 好想看他們真的合跳一支舞 😀

  6. 今天这集真的很好看!我笑惨了。。猪碟好好笑哦~ 尤其那个 dancing queen 的地方,小道我肚子痛。哈哈!! 蝴蝶今天和小猪的互动蛮甜蜜的今天。 蝴蝶在dancing queen 的时候一直拉着小猪得手。 哈哈。小猪坏坏哦~不听 dancing queen 的话,被打了吧。哈哈。 总而言之今天的娱百很好看!个你很多的赞!

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