117 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-11-21 粉絲同樂會 張韶涵

  1. ya,..why is she like so arrogant…….like those other country , english star , speaking abc accent like that… like gangster…

  2. 還是豬鬼的組合最搭啦~ 小豬有時候太盡力搞笑真的會有點過了火… 只有小鬼可以拉回來~可是看娛百的原因就是為了要看的開心, 所以小鬼當主KEY會太認真而變得無趣.可惜兩隻都太忙… 以前真的每天都會看娛百, 現在有時候只看半集就已經看不下去了…

    • 以前娛百碓實是好看,但現在有小豬的娛百,也不見得是好看,反而其他主持人/ 待班的來的好看!

  3. 我覺得張紹涵好漂亮

  4. listen to the “bit” LOL who’s doing the subtitles
    prob didn’t get Angela’s “Why don’t you bring it on?” so no subtitles lol

  5. 張韶涵真的….很有性格 = = 不說dancing king那part, 搖鈴時小鬼說要雙手不然會受傷, 她就說為什麼為什麼, 也不聽小鬼說的…小鬼也只好說好好好她想怎樣就怎樣….以前覺得張韶涵沒什麼, 歌也不錯, 看了這集就不太喜歡她了…

    • 因为她一直被小猪骂,不高兴,赌气。我觉得她被小猪的骂吓到。当她说她要笑哭了,我看比较像是吓哭了

  6. I almost did not even watched today’s episode . . . I’m glad I can’t fall asleep! Xiao zhu n xiao gui are together!! Great episode.

  7. Xiao Zhu n Xiao Gui! Favorite parts:

    1. Dancing King’s Gangnam style . . . those hip movements so sexy.
    2. DK doing MJ’s leaning foward move . .Omg so random lol (thanks xg! It’s cuz u were there that xz can be extra random).
    3. XZ brining back to life Dancing King to it’s original glory n delivering a great performance. Show is a great dancer no question about it n it’s a pleasure to see him dance.
    4. Something like that! What u talking about? Lisend to the beat. So?
    5. XZ n XG being 100% what this show was all about . . .Being entertaining n unique.

  8. 这集是好笑,但同样的事情又发生了。。小鬼好可怜。。每次小猪回来主持娱百,小鬼就被忽略。。鬼蝶比较在同个level,比较没压力

  9. 張韶涵 是干嘛啦?! dancing king的舞蹈那么棒,还不会欣赏。。。 让dancing queen教你你才知道 -。-

  10. I really liked Xiao Zhu’s choreography .. Angela probably did that because she is close with Xiao Zhu… but she really shouldn’t have complained that much… I mean Xiao Zhu was doing Dancing King after such a long time for her and he was also sweating so much :/ she should have shown more appreciation…
    But this was still a funny episode… so happy to see ZhuGui and Dancing King is still really funny <33

    • Yeah I agree it was a really fun episode regarless of anything but like you said after dancing king not appearing for a long time Angela could have done a little effort to dance . . . Show took time to do a choreography for her and to me her attitude was somehow rude. Maybe she was trying to be funny? And I think it was at the beggining but after a while she was just being difficult and making the hosts work hard. But whatever Show and Xiao Gui can handle anything.

      •  I do believe she did that because she is close to xiao zhu, too.They way she was looking at him and all those touchy moments, they seemed to be pretty close, probably because of their ice cream ads. But the dancing king part was a little bit overdone. she could play hard and complain but after a while she should have learned it. i think xz md esome effort doing this choreography for her. anyway, great episode, xz and xg plus king ge, the best thing that can happen 😀

  11. 超討厭张韶涵!她算什麼東西啊?不配合是怎樣?難得這集的“娛百”有期待以久的DANCING KING哥耶!氣慘了!

  12. 沒有人覺得小豬是真的生氣嗎? 從張韶涵不配合Dancing King學跳舞之後~~你們不覺得這集節奏就開始很倉促嗎?而且後來跳完後張韶涵有用雙手按小豬的肩膀,試圖安撫的肢體語言~~還有小鬼在請Dancing king離場的尷尬神情跟聲音….等等的…後半段看了都捏把冷汗….小豬在介紹粉絲的時候也帶著殺氣..不像平常那麼和藹,雖然都還是有在搞笑…但跟平常不太一樣….感覺就像是想快點搞定結束這集….我是覺得他真的有不爽…哈….蠻恐怖的~所以張韶涵後面也不敢太嗆了…

  13. I feel so happy after watching this episode! Xiao Zhu and Xiao Gui are at their best when they are together. It was like going back to 2010 when they were together all the time and everything and anything could happen! Great episode funny as hell. Dancing King part omg!

  14. 猪鬼!!!!!终于啊!这集超爆笑的!!一整集都在笑。哈哈。king哥终于回来了,我好想念你啊。舞蹈越来越强了哦~~ 但是为什么张韶涵她不要配合?一直顶嘴呢?我搞不清楚 leh。 
    这集猪鬼都A死了。一直想歪。。让我很压抑的是,猪鬼的默契还在!!一点都没有变,这集就好像回到以前的娱百,猪鬼讲A的东西,哈哈。这集真的很好笑。我的天啊~~~ 猪鬼药厂合体哦~~ 尤其是live的时后,我要看你们闲聊,好怀念。

  15. 这集小猪跟小鬼A惨了!哈哈!他们俩好帅喔!小鬼说拍戏可以帮助唱歌,是因为小鬼的剩女保膘有乐团嘛~ 但真的没有关系耶?哈哈!

  16. Dancing King 哥快被气死了。主任这集很容易想歪也很好笑根本拿Angela没办法,跳Solo时也赵帅。
    小鬼笑翻了。"我好久没看到你 好想你喔。" 太可爱了吧,小鬼跳舞有进步。

  17. Part 1 10:07 小豬太好笑啦”你演那個角色跟這個有什麼關係?”

  18. 哈哈真的太好笑了。。。小猪跳骑马舞真的太可爱了。。小鬼也是跟着一起跳了。。。哈哈,小猪和小鬼真的太可爱了

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