女人好犀利 2011-11-08 她們千方百計出國生子

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29 thoughts on “女人好犀利 2011-11-08 她們千方百計出國生子

  1. 要低學費,你去歐洲生了吧


  2. Ucla和柏克萊都是公立的啊,並不是說公立就沒有好學校,還是有很多的百大名校,但能不能進這些學校還是要靠小孩本身努力啦…

    • Yes. Are Berkely and UCLA number1 and 2 already in USA or global ranking? Is San Diego number 5? My kids’ High school is US #1 in science and math. #38 in general ranking. The school has the highest percentage Asian–90%.That is why UC system is now ranking so high this 5 years. Right now, getting into NYU bussiness, John hopkins medical school and other good private university,  is much much easier than UC Berkely, LA, and San Diego in our community. That is why, those three universities ranking so high nows. Do not suggest you to send your high schooler to Silicon Valley if you want to get UC system. It is very competetive.

      • i think i go to the same school your kids are going to LOL mvhs. and i got into an ivy. so… i still support going to school in the silicon valley.

      • Screw U!! 难道马来西亚华侨也要承认我们是中国人吗!!??宁可做二等公民也不要做中国人!

        • 。。。。。。。有本事別打中文,也別看中文節目。還不做中國人嘞,你留的什麽血啊,馬來糕的血么? 你太搞笑了。 你太敗筆了。

          • If you want people think you are better(smarter) than others, be that way yourself first. Your language shows what kind of people you are.

          • i’m typing in english now~ u know how to read??!! or else don’t talk like u know everything but nothing!! And 1 more thing kindly stop to worry abt “us” who are staying out of your country!! Many ppl are stopped let their kids to study mandarin because ENGLISH is international language not CHINESE. 

          • For people who do not speak English as their native language in USA, the colollege here will provide you a course to help you to learn English. The course called: ESL–English as Second Languge. So, English is your 2nd language. Now people worldwide learn Chinese as their 2nd language.

          • Chinese or mandarin is stronger or maybe u may said popular compare to the past but this is also impossible become official language. The differentiate within English & Chinese is u will never see formal letter in chinese unless the country is chinese teaching. I didn’t mean learning chinese is a bad thing. Ppl may learn to speak but for read & write it’s useless(For my opinion)  

          • 套用你的邏輯: 
            有本事你就直接挑明的說你只懂中文, 從沒學過其它外文, 連ABC都不會, 沒看過外語影片也從來沒出過國, 順便把你周遭那些學過英文, 看過外語影片, 出過國甚至跑到國外當外國人的同胞都浸豬籠好了, 免得你得了憂鬱症最後還會上吊.

            不要動不動就”不要打中文, 不要看中文節目”

  3. 人家給你冰的, 你是不會加熱是不是? 明明不是住國外, 硬是要去那裡生, 什麼都弄不懂, 連個英文也不會說, 那麼勉強… 真的是愛慕虛榮不切實際的作風.

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