女人好犀利 2012-04-27 我家小孩不上學一樣出人頭地

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16 thoughts on “女人好犀利 2012-04-27 我家小孩不上學一樣出人頭地

  1. 新加坡南洋理工没有新闻系,只有大众传播,而且根本排不上世界第十二。我就是南大毕业的。

  2. Like the guy was saying, the currency is a great idea for a project…. but that was his idea, not his child’s

  3. To be fair, “connections” get people jobs ~
    Relative job skills, experiences are most important things on a resume.
    However, education is also very important!
    No serious companies will ever hire someone without university degree.

    P.S: If you have rich parents then you a lot of things are different!

  4. 我深有同感, 認為台灣的教育體制下的孩子真的事犧牲了。 現在, 我們依舊活在填鴨式的教育陰影, 出了國去念書, 自主獨立性不夠的學生比比皆是,  從小不論英文國文都是學校教一篇文章, 我們被字義, 考試總是說一是一, 說二不能是三, 也從沒看過哪間學校讓小朋友在國文的考試改變成自己找一本喜歡的書寫讀書心得, 總是在背背背 , 背的時間遠遠超過學習
    我們是去學校背書 還是去學校學習?

  5. I am sooooooooooooo want to beat the one in brown jacket…
    and the student in red, I am sure he lacks the opportunities to interact with other students.

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