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[YT] 擦玻璃是什麼東西?
[YT] 9.36,jolin的表情好可爱哦
[YT] zhong xin yi very pretty oh!!!
[YT] xie xin lao shi hao piao liang oh!!!shang chi ta you wan shui shi lao shu shi ,ge sheng hai man bu cuo de,hen hao ting!!!
[YT] 對呀 讚成!
[YT] 我會 ” x 你老 ” …… 哈哈
[YT] eason 唱歌真的太好聽了 連那些改過的歌詞也唱的那麼有feel
[YT] btw guys, want to share with you about this new blog that shows only the best youtube videos, reviewed, scripted and discussed!
w w w . kampaitube. b l o g s p o t. c o m
[YT] nope
[YT] 瑕屁……
[YT] 是fog[fɔɡ]/[fɔ:ɡ]不是frog[frɔg]/[frɔ:g]
[YT] 這句話說你自己吧……
[YT] 小喬流水……
[YT] 好久沒有天才小老師了
[YT] man i wanna slap sisi’s ass
[YT] jolin aint pretty, she used to be, look at her fugly face….
[YT] she’s mine!!!
[YT] he busy banging hot girls
[YT] 有冇睇星光大道?二班?佢去過挑機~
[YT] 艾利絲的眼睛怎麼好像張不開? 現在她樣子怪怪的
[YT] 你到底會不會…………
[YT] 宅你娘
[YT] 沒錯,小閒完全像個沒有行情的特種行業
[YT] what is it at the ending?
[YT] Jolin’s new MV so similar to Show’s.
[YT] 這單元很紅
[YT] his singing is too good…
[YT] Eason is soooo cute!!!!
[YT] EASON~~~~~~~~
[YT] 那就不要看啊你白痴喔
[YT] me too~ the volume is very soft…
[YT] 小娴根本没法比….做作又爱撒嗲…..
[YT] 艾莉丝是美貌与智慧并重耶….漂亮又聪明……
[YT] You are right. Where is that part. It’s missing.
[YT] 你是吃了大便是不是?到处都能看到你无聊的留言
[YT] 林健輝……..誰阿???
[YT] oh ok, thanx =D
[YT] I think Jolin meant to say “frost”
[YT] 感谢分享~
[YT] 我都站了。。。哈哈
[YT] 艾丽丝is sexy…LOOOO
[YT] 為什麼蔡要上這種低收視率的節目卻不上我猜?
[YT] 愛麗絲兩腿交叉的模樣真叫人想
[YT] 好智障的節目喔,一堆人在鏡頭前做一些丟臉的動作
[YT] 顆有輪這笨蛋還在出唱片喔?
[YT] is it me or the volume is very soft?
[YT] não entendi nada
[YT] jolin blur~~~~
[YT] 二姐[鳳嬌]變妹[欣怡]囉~ :p
[YT] 有豐頰啦 這麼明顯 還說沒有 整形又不可恥
[YT] 對王耀慶印象還不錯
唱歌好聽 +1
[YT] hahaha trueee
[YT] 對呀,我昨晚看節目時就覺得奇怪
Iris 超會猜的
[YT] 小鐘失常@”@
[YT] not fork lol there shouldnt be a “K” sound and its a long “O” sound not short vowel sound i tink
[YT] 這種很難玩耶….
[YT] 小喬那一段不見了.
[YT] 真是辛苦了蔡依林.
[YT] props to mr. magic (lol) who actually knew what FOG is and pronounced it right in his own ke-jia accent
[YT] jolin looks so confused most of the time…how cute
[YT] lol
[YT] 一想到你呀 張雨生作詞作曲 寫給 阿妹唱的
[YT] dont be mean larr..
they are taiwanese..
taiwanese slang will still be there..
at least her english is soooooo much better than the others…
JOLIN!! you are pretty!!
[YT] 怎麽没有NONO!?
[YT] don’t like 王耀慶, he’s always so angry and rough.
[YT] is fog not frog…no r…gt r is QING WA…Jolin english x so talent.
[YT] 最高紀錄不是Selina跟Hebe的13題嗎??
[YT] only one word…. SUPER SHRIMPS…….
[YT] what s the first song that 王耀慶 sing?
[YT] lmao, my crotch is itchy too!! XD
[YT] 原來蔡依林遲到
[YT] 王耀慶唱的真動聽~ 雖然有時候態度像流氓~
[YT] 最近很少见到号角他们,不知道为什么?
[YT] 唱得满有感觉的
[YT] got cut?
[YT] Yeah she’s wrong. Couldn’t believe she published her book about teaching how to speak English..
[YT] Makiyo 唱到那句给我坠落你无边的情海的时候好像在骂广东脏话啊。
[YT] FOG!!
[YT] or “folk”
[YT] should have no “R” sound, 正确发音 same as “fork”
[YT] 王耀庆曾是歌手吗?
[YT] 她是错的, 正确发音就是fog
[YT] 还在咀嚼刚才说的话,哈哈哈
[YT] omg xiao zhong so funny ahhahahahahahahaahahah
[YT] jolin<33333333
[YT] earth…
[YT] isnt frog 青蛙。。。y she said frog……
[YT] es optimo asiatico
[YT] they r amazing! haha funny
[YT] there are way to many videos!!!!