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[YT] 丫子 好像喔.. xD
[YT] 艾莉絲!!
[YT] 许颂唱得不错啦,别太挑剔啦!她唱得如何都没关系,只要这个节目好笑就好啦!^^
[YT] srsly hot
[YT] 大頭針
[YT] i miss pei zhen, LOL
[YT] 遇见这么好的歌,被她唱的好奇怪,她好像是在耍唱功一样
[YT] xu song ‘s eyes look a lil weird…
[YT] 下了妆你就知道正不正了 哈哈哈
[YT] what is wrong with you yxuz…….
[YT] 水盂可以啊~
裝水的器皿= =
[YT] 抱歉,我看不懂香港文!
[YT] 小嫻弄了頭髮很漂亮…..
[YT] your IQ too high.. may not suitable for you to see this programme…
[YT] 7:04 & 7:17 到底城城笑什麼….
[YT] 我建議你全部跳過…..最好罷看全部綜藝節目…..最低限度可以不用看你毫無見地既留言….不過我明白你好悶…個個星期要出來亂罵惹人注意…目的都係想搵人傾下計…lonely ppl…可悲…你願望達成了…因為你又可以回覆我既留言…
[YT] 就算邏輯有問題….佢都可以講得快… 但佢而家講得慢…就係英文爛
[YT] 鍾欣怡越睇越順眼….腿好靚
[YT] 但好似冇人知佢錯喎….
[YT] 摸妳LIN LIN…..
[YT] watch this show really… must lower down your IQ……
[YT] 志炫还是唱歌好了,搞笑不适合他….
[YT] 你正好符合你說的耶
[YT] xiao xian pants are too big no?
[YT] 你字是打徒徒吧 他是從從
[YT] Wow! Xiao Xian is pretty good in singing Conatonese song. I speak Caontonese. I love listening to Mandarin speaking people sing or speak Cantonese.
[YT] 徒徒好可愛…搞笑~!!
[YT] let him be. a loser who stays behind the computer and criticises ppl..
[YT] the hawaii pt so funny..
[YT] 就當作聽歌順便看怎麼玩梗吧
[YT] 是成龙啦….
[YT] where is 天才衝衝衝 2009-05-02 pt.6/10
[YT] 又是這作假的單元,跳過跳過
[YT] 增國乘怎麼那麼笨?
[YT] 差點露底
[YT] xu song part so boring…
[YT] LOL the ailisi part damn funny HAHAHA
[YT] 一路靠北. LOL
[YT] 丫子 finally wake up at the middle of game hahahah
[YT] 小甜甜糗了,「及八」怎麼凹都是髒話
[YT] May 是五月吧…..
[YT] 白云不是英文爛。 。 。是邏輯有問題。 。
[YT] ^^ 艾莉絲超正 腿很漂亮
[YT] 哈哈哈
[YT] love XING YI~ Q
[YT] ^^ 艾莉絲好漂亮
[YT] but it has finally come =).
[YT] OMG that’s so funnny XD
[YT] 丫子超可愛!
[YT] Iris is too much. She should give the dice to nai ge and he will tell wat to do but iris just hold it even nai ge want to take the dice
[YT] 等好久!!
[YT] 我是誰? 誰是我? 哈哈!!
[YT] bottle!
[YT] 擊8 !!哈哈!!