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[YT] @0@’ 對喔…!
[YT] 應該是逍遙游吧
[YT] 慘。你沒有說,我以為是男的。 汗~!
[YT] 京爺唱的d 宅男塾的逍遙記-v-
[YT] lol. i think goldocean1 was craking a joke? haha..
[YT] Its 靖倫, not 浸輪… u cant compare them since 靖倫 was using words n phrases instead of the grammatical errors that 陳為民 was using even though they were full sentences. But i would say that his command of english isn’t that bad 🙂 no offences!
[YT] lol.. yeah.. but his chinese nt bad!
[YT] if tt guy is not partner with xiao xian, i tink she can guess correct alot lo…
[YT] Singlish LOL. everywhere got muscle.
[YT] xiao xian so pretty
[YT] 最大党那群人真是经典,都超搞笑的
[YT] 艾莉丝的腿好漂亮
[YT] 虽然。。。。但是不得不说小娴是在给来宾机会,她有时表现听不懂也是在做效果,小娴的英文并不烂。。。。
[YT] 糖果也很漂亮可爱,谢谢糖果!
[YT] 哪里显示出小娴很明显在给别人机会?~烂就烂“晕“有没有说她没能力“虽然是比较差`
[YT] 他那麼瘦…卻唱出好大肺活量的歌…
[YT] i like how xiao xian looks this ep 🙂
[YT] @7:49- 50 置入性行銷?!微軟Windows “VISTA”??? XD
vista vitas 傻傻分不清楚 XDDD
[YT] 女的啦..xP
[YT] no way. ai li si is the hottest ever!!!
[YT] 張芸京是男還是女0.0!?
[YT] 艾莉絲好可愛XD
[YT] yea, he is quite good ;p
[YT] hahhah, singlish…
[YT] her singing is not that good, really.
[YT] xaio xan is hotter!
[YT] how come Nono so bad today? he’s usually very good at this game, lol.
[YT] 是九孔在闷锅讲的 , 演叶问的时候
[YT] 知人知面不知心 : 看的到外表但看不到内心
[YT] 小嫻和小康分手後是不是一直過著烏七八糟紙醉金迷的生活?她的身材變化好大,和前兩年差好多
[YT] i love this segment. these 2 newcomers sing pretty well!
[YT] i doesn’t know his singlish is so classic. lol…haha actually not every singaporeans speak singlish…
[YT] 愛莉絲好漂亮,…
[YT] “宰我”離開的時候
[YT] 隨便翻人家日記已經算違法了吧
[YT] 那個新聞好像還說他經常白嫖
[YT] 這句話的意思是”人胖心不胖”?
[YT] 聼起來這是一套的
[YT] yunjing and jinglun so cute
[YT] 調(整陰囊)皮
[YT] 青梅竹马 : a boy and a girl who grew up and played together.
[YT] xiao qian’s got a big ass… 7 min mark hehe
[YT] jing ye sang sooooo good!
[YT] bending the stick is very WULIAO!!!
[YT] wtf is that lol…
[YT] that guy is an idiot, took forever to guess beef noodles
[YT] wut does qin mei du ma mean?
[YT] always smoking hot as usual
[YT] born female? she sounds like a boy.
[YT] 一開始時nono拿甚麼出來啊
[YT] To: yxuz
perhaps he scare the other party do not know english that good, so he was trying very hard to simplified the english.
Wei Ming’s english is really good enough, so far i see so many Taiwanese, his english sound good.
[YT] 她們應該是”該領養”聽成”趕羚羊”吧
[YT] 白雲的哏都是從最大黨其他人偷來的
[YT] 早說過增狗乘不是好東西
[YT] 為什麼陳為民的英文比黃浸輪還流利?
[YT] 沈玉琳居然还自弹自唱起来了
[YT] lmao xDDDD shen shen..
[YT] she is female
[YT] chen wei ming’s english is amazing….best in the show…
[YT] Singlish…so classic…
[YT] 是好笑
[YT] is that kid male or female……….??
[YT] 記得上次林志炫上來這單元有mouse shit..而且這裡有五首歌跟上次相同呢….但這次很幸運地過關…
[YT] 從從唱得很正….雖然是預先準備..但有效果就好了…..
[YT] 林志炫唱歌真好听!!而且变帅了~
[YT] 2001年他曾被曝出白嫖事件,去Google一下 就知道!!
[YT] 貞子最怕對面又再放一台電視…勁攪笑…
[YT] 很多阿京的境頭喔!!!!
[YT] 讚….又要重聽林志炫的歌了…….
[YT] 乃哥超有效果…..被騎到天明不算違法吧….嘻嘻…..
[YT] 為什麼??
[YT] 靖倫好強喔~~~
[YT] taiwanese & chinese mix….hahahaha
[YT] 哈哈哈 朱莉亞 “蘿蔔絲” lol 9:00
[YT] 好明顯小嫻想給來賓有參與機會…所以才給他提示而自己不說答案…雖然她英文不是很好..但後段她也發力呢….
[YT] 小娴在城城面前说召了妓不给钱,是要给城城难堪吧。Nono 还和小娴对看了好久。
[YT] Nono is hilarious! haha
[YT] 乃哥真屌
[YT] ROFL! Huang Jing Lun is really so funny, i laughed so loud when i see he win the DONG CI TEMPO, the way he dance… G’s! Wer’s the tempo?! Hahahaha… But He’s Q!
[YT] 小娴真的很烂`
[YT] ^^ 艾莉絲好漂亮~
[YT] hhaha so funny