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[YT] trying to prove myself wrong
[YT] I dun understand..If i dont like the show, y u keep watching?
[YT] lol haha! so funny. makiyo! they all repeated again!
[YT] lol ,xiao zhong really sang it. bad boy! bad boy!
[YT] I don’t like her new hair style. The old style is better. Over all I like Alice better.
[YT] 其實,我好喜歡這個單元,總覺得很不可思議。
[YT] 蘇打綠太讚了,我好愛青峰的這個造型,好青春啊。
[YT] 小威太強了,蘇打綠的默契真不是蓋的。
[YT] 艾莉絲 smart n pretty <<33
[YT] 白 boy ROFL
[YT] LOL yangmingwei and xiaoxian so funny
[YT] Bad Boy 跟白色物体有什么关系?
[YT] i know that, but i’ve heard her speaking english after she came back from the US, it’s pretty normal… and her ‘jap-eng’ doesn’t sound so generic, sounds like some chinese trying to be japanese and trying so hard to fake an japanese english accent….. dunno, just my own opinion, i’ve heard japanese speaking english, but her jap-eng has a bit of chinese accent in there for me…
[YT] 2009 第五名!
[YT] 为什么小桥超像童童
[YT] 演藝圈就是這樣啊,收留一堆爛人明星
[YT] a na ta ma n tsu…hahaha
[YT] 艾莉絲正!!!
[YT] 赌很大!!
[YT] 为什么烂人那么多
[YT] 小嫻好醜……
[YT] nai-ge so cute XD
[YT] 新單元好好笑
[YT] 她是100 最性感女生得3or4 名
[YT] 艾莉絲超正呀!!!
[YT] aw…no nono = (
[YT] 那新單元原是日本中居正廣主持的節目宣傳日劇的小遊戲
[YT] on her song, rose can be white
[YT] Hahaha yeah! xD
[YT] dun think so, i think japanese learn their english pronounciation from katakana so its unique and supposed to be like that 🙂
[YT] but u gotta know thats the way she speaks english, lots of words in japanese is just like that, booko, computa
[YT] 坡狗
[YT] 艾莉 阿… 絲
[YT] 爛狗
[YT] 白痴坡狗
[YT] 白痴坡狗
[YT] ling feng if acted by kang kang/xiao zhu will look more real..
[YT] 白痴
[YT] this segment is back so screw yourself yxuz.
[YT] 他应该跪下来
[YT] 严格来说冰山是透明的
[YT] is it just me or does it feel like makiyo is trying to fake a japanese accent which she has already been losing gradually….
[YT] 錢帥君貢貢的……
[YT] 新單元還不錯~~
[YT] 為什麼這爛單元要拖這麼久?
[YT] funny…i love this new game!!
[YT] 又是一個白痴新單元
[YT] 那什麼鳥髮型?把自己弄的更像個妓女
[YT] 他特地減肥的~
[YT] lol and makiyo got it wrong at the same part
[YT] I dont like her new hair style !!!
[YT] 小威好厲害!
[YT] 好好笑!女生还是男生
[YT] 是白的 哈哈~xd
iris 可愛*3*
[YT] 這樣就12題,厲害
[YT] xiao zhong so funny hahhahaha
[YT] I hate the way the producer cuts the video. It’s so confusing!
[YT] yup, previous episode xD
[YT] that was so funny when they start to repeat LOL
[YT] i remember saw alice n xiao xian wore that b4