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[YT] 剛上維基查了一下
[YT] 4号妹妹明显在骗,这么白应该一眼就看到了吧,怎么可能老师没印象。
[YT] z这些女的都好气人啊。怎么这么白,台湾不是应该跟东南亚人差不多吗?
[YT] party的造型好熊貓
[YT] 2號感覺很可愛~
[YT] #4 像人妖
[YT] 化妝那個看起來不像33歲耶
[YT] 好可惜 我覺得2號比較正!!
[YT] 哦,那我同意. 我也感觉宪哥在死撑… 感觉他累了.
[YT] 誤會呀 分段沒分好 我知道是阿雅 我是另提憲哥的老態越來越明顯了
[YT] 是阿雅呀 抱歉 我分段 沒分好
[YT] me 2
[YT] 宪哥 阿雅 傻傻分不清楚
[YT] It’s ok if you do, just make sure they’re in a safe place, like make them sit down or something. Cus they have no idea that they’re sleepwalking, and when they’re up, they have no idea what happened either.
[YT] 是阿雅搞錯了的吧
[YT] 第一个女孩灰常的可爱。。。
[YT] 怎麼迅猛龍 有重蹈覆轍的Feel 功力跟韋如一樣
每天餵牛奶給你喝 這句話 講給人聽怪怪的
[YT] I liked number 4 <3
[YT] 不知道為什麼 我覺得 三號有 點台味 俗氣了點
[YT] 咦 換棚了 以前都是 從 右邊走出來 現在是 左邊走出來
才十八歲 長的像 二十七歲…(汗)
[YT] 哦 今天報紙 有他們的版面 我忘記是什麼報了
[YT] 綠光 綠洲 傻傻分不清楚
憲哥真的老了 感覺好滄桑
[YT] 蝴蝶姊姊 呵哈哈 很有效果
你想知道那個洞 這句 太令人有遐想空間了 呀哈
[YT] 迅猛龙长的有点怪怪。而且, 她超假的。
[YT] thas takeshi kaneshiro, my guess
[YT] 二號的腿…讚
[YT] 3號的膚色健康一點~~
[YT] 好適合PC GAME – The Legend of Sword & Fairy 裡的背景音樂喔
[YT] 蝴蝶姊姊 is cuter, but frankly 迅猛龍 is vastly prettier
[YT] rainie is still the best, hope she can come back.
[YT] 蝴蝶姊姊比迅猛龍漂亮多了
[YT] 給蝴蝶姊姊
[YT] she is in the drama-Princess 2…prob they r still shooting it.
[YT] 迅猛龍 ‘s panda eyes quite serious
[YT] 天阿,第一個成語這麼簡單,那個主播當假的阿?
[YT] so white…hurting my eyes
[YT] selena’s father english is pretty good, better than most youngsters.
[YT] 0.36 miss butterfly voice different ?
[YT] I thought you’re not suppose to wake up a person while he/she is sleepwalking?
[YT] i like no.1….the other….hmmmm……=_=”
[YT] 一號好像韓國人ar
[YT] 蝴蝶姐姐 比較 起來 變好黑 喔@@
一號可愛^^ 不過 西門町常常看到 哈哈
[YT] no.1 ‘s cute ^^
[YT] 她們都很棒啊.不但漂亮還很有音樂才華
[YT] 被照到的扇鼓美眉好cute~
好聽! 賞心悅目!
[YT] eh, new china dolls? Isnt it supposed to be the twins ?
[YT] i wish they would add love in my chocolate chip cookies, too
[YT] 8:54 羞
wahahaha so funny
i totally caught that one
[YT] 對啊鴨子死哪去了
[YT] They were ruled by Japanese for a while, so Japanese got incorporated into their language.
[YT] 4號相比下 真的有夠黑…..
[YT] 那痲衣,,,臉好方哦
[YT] 什麼單元?那單元叫什麼題目/
[YT] i likE #1
[YT] 超機八 呵呵
[YT] 他頭髮抓到像被風吹一樣=_=…
[YT] 潘嘉麗說話的聲音怎有點娃娃音…..她最近有在戀愛嗎?
[YT] new background…yeah^_*…..Xian Ge don retire~ WE NEED U….GUESS SHOW love it ^^ GO~
[YT] 二號是無敵青春克的水水
[YT] agree
[YT] omg~shes that girl from wu di qing chun ke
[YT] 8:15 什麼嚇到了??
[YT] 我比較想投給迅猛龍……….
[YT] 有觀眾 不過好少!
[YT] #1 is the best
[YT] 呵哈哈哈 蝴蝶姊姊 虧 憲哥 蠻有趣的 很有效果
丹淳 是舞蹈老師?
[YT] 到处看到任爸.. 不太喜欢他
[YT] 宪哥今天看上去很憔悴
[YT] the second one has an awkward face.. i didnt really like her in channel v show
[YT] channel v show.
qing chun … that show. forgot the name.
there are like 100 girls and so on
[YT] 台湾的女子十二
[YT] hanhan looks very familiar…darn, can’t remember where i’ve seen her before..
[YT] aw… the sleepwalking and dig at the graveyard shyt is scary…
[YT] #3 = face of an auntie
[YT] think so…
[YT] 個個都好勁…
[YT] 好听!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 2nd is cute, but the first 1st is the true classic chinese beauty, IMO
[YT] good
[YT] “超级白” ~~~ sounds weird
[YT] 不错噢!
[YT] new setting is good
[YT] “機”會不大…哈哈哈….
[YT] 二号以前上过我猜了
[YT] 哈哈 这个饼干男把我笑死乐
[YT] 一號好像口中有東西…在吃口香糖?
[YT] 加了淫羊藿。。。
[YT] 好像女子十二樂坊耶
[YT] 真的是正翻了!古箏彈的也很有氣勢!!!
[YT] 安x雲那個族的語言很像日文呀..還kamisama…….
[YT] nice video