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[YT] 許純美 接班人=.=
[YT] 就算化的再美也只是面具
[YT] 真想叫她正常點好嗎
[YT] 惠慈瘋的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] stop using your broken english
[YT] 台版芙蓉姐姐
[YT] Sisters.
[YT] 說真的 慧慈 次次都跟制作人要錢 , 很有可能是受了她家庭的影響, 有看分手擂台的朋友都應該很清楚
[YT] 如果有留意,去到最後憲哥被嚇得眼神都游離了!!!
[YT] 我會想看慧慈掉進地洞的橋段多一點
[YT] 2:52 老師都嚇得倒後了一步
[YT] 爸爸還不是為了這個家xD
[YT] 我打包也不算錢xD
[YT] i mean 蝴蝶姐姐, and the other 姐姐s
[YT] are they triplets?? They look the same.
[YT] 看不到眼白應該是因為頭髮跟陰影得關係
[YT] 嘿咻三姊妹 哈哈哈哈
[YT] 閃尿是狗急跳牆吧
[YT] 慧慈的爆點
[YT] what’s wrong with #2’s eye brows when she was putting on make up from like 7:45-8:00?
it looks like half of the brow is chopped off
[YT] 另外,很多大陆人不懂慧慈就跟台湾人不懂芙蓉是一样的吧……
[YT] 我就觉得她很好笑阿
[YT] when my friend puts on makeup she looks like a whole new person.
but i can never to something like that.
i still look like myself even with makeup
[YT] 我好像有點習慣會辭了…
[YT] 呵哈哈 娛樂大家有到位就好
[YT] 哇哈哈 教到她 應該是很累人的事
[YT] 一號眼妝太濃 看不太到眼白了
二號 很可愛
[YT] 三號差最多 街道上 天天都有濃妝妹 呵哈哈
[YT] 唷 那好像不是他的手套 好像太大了 一直拉
[YT] hes gd:)
[YT] 阿婆厲害 我真希望我那時還有那股衝勁
[YT] 1:33 whats her tring to let her do :S
[YT] 2號原本型就不差… 化妝也不會差多少..
3號 是覺得沒認真在化妝
1號是真的 很大的差別
[YT] 唱片公司快簽這小女生… 未來大有前途~~!!
[YT] unbelievable!!!!~
[YT] 因該很多對慧慈看法的人都很兩極化-.-+
[YT] 3 號的照片是因為利用自然光跟角度
而且他沒帶瞳孔放大片= =+
[YT] 看到MJ的照片又想哭
[YT] 憲哥真的很好笑
[YT] ok. Thank you. oh my god.
[YT] i wanna puke….i’m going to Taiwan next month.i,m mentally prepared..never expected to meet any beauties…all are fake..
[YT] what are you smell (at 0:56) 🙂 🙂
[YT] 甲你攬牢牢
is it just me or…..xD
[YT] 閃亮三姐妹 又出來
但歌很歪唷 不適合小孩子聽
[YT] 我们看个开心,她也有钱拿
[YT] 真的…想認真看都沒辦法…
[YT] 蛤原來閃亮三姊妹是有再出唱片的哦
[YT] disgrace? what did she do?
did she did something shameful or unacceptable?
she is just trying to earn a living, cut the crap, if you want to blame, blame the media please
[YT] ah may so poor thing hahahaha
[YT] 主持可不可以不要在人家表演的時候一直說一直說啊…很煩啊
[YT] holy crap … god mke up so scare !!!
[YT] she did her best to make a living, unlilke some others who “stealed” from the people. she really doesn’t deserve being called as a disgrace.
[YT] 阿may好慘-v-
我覺得惠慈瘋瘋的- –
[YT] 哈哈, 我还以为我听错了
[YT] 黑澀會有三千,我猜祗給兩千,今次一定給五千。
[YT] 真可怜,要这样出来被人消遣
[YT] 中英文结合也蛮恶心的阿
[YT] 慧慈好好笑
[YT] 慧慈真的太搞笑了
[YT] 如果大陸人懂慧慈~~~兩岸早就統一了
[YT] ya zi stop acting cute! damn erxin
[YT] 慧慈真的很好笑~
[YT] 她是大嬸吧…還在裝什麼
[YT] 是啊 !!
[YT] 其實也沒什麼 簡簡單單的 比起那些造作不自然的 她還比較順眼
[YT] omg.. u got sum serious issue.. im jus saying wat i think.. ok thx i accept ur comment thx.. loosen up.
[YT] (台语)…火烧.火烧.火烧…..
[YT] #3 photoshop picture!!
[YT] At least she put in her effort to attempt something she’s never been engaged in before.
If you can’t perform as confident as her, you should really shut your trap and self-reflect.
And what makes you think you look better than her? As the saying goes, “rather an ugly face than an ugly heart”. I would rather be like her, bringing joy to others, than to look like you, whom I suppose, is just a hideous monster who hides behind the computer and gives such superficial comments.
[YT] freak show
[YT] 台湾综艺难道就要这样?
[YT] 女的是瘋子=- =
[YT] 好像喔! !
跳得很好! !
[YT] 化妝我覺得沒問題 用大眼仔 我覺得最討厭
[YT] 樓下的~~
她殺人放火了嗎??~~ 她污辱到你們家人了嗎??~~ 她直帥的個性還要被你們嫌~~ 你有權不要看呀~~ 誰逼你的~ 要看就別批評~~
Think About It ~ Dickwads!!
[YT] 老師快被搞瘋 哈
[YT] XDDDD xian ge acting cute HAHAHA
[YT] 好吵噢,每说一句话就要高音噢~!
[YT] i think if no.2 tone down on the makeup a bit, she will look much cuter.
[YT] 我不知道哦? 为什么会爆红..?
[YT] 十歲說話像十八歲 ,好成熟的小孩
[YT] 阿麻太酷了拉~ 骑重机 酷 !!!
[YT] 閃亮三姊妹 他们出那么多唱片,都好像没有怎样红呢~
[YT] 贏的那個女生沒什么好開心的。。。
證明自己素顏真的。。@ @。
[YT] 阿寶在激動什麼
[YT] it was kinda painful to watch her dance
[YT] 好像好像
[YT] 阿may老師的臉好囧喔 哈哈哈
[YT] 憲哥 : 閃尿三姐妹 … 哈哈哈哈哈 5:59
[YT] 慧慈很可愛~
[YT] 大家不知道慧慈是誰嗎…
[YT] yea… the first girl looks the MOST different w/ makeup~!!! she looks like a completely different girl…
[YT] 一定要说英文单词么?还有那个高八度。。。not funny nor entertaining
[YT] 3號的照片一定有修過 根本不像就算畫了妝
[YT] 还正有那么不要脸的!
[YT] 嗯嗯啊啊。。。吐!
[YT] 底下有些嘴巴不乾淨的… 你們永遠會輸給這種善良的人. 人有缺陷 不代表要去虧她, 她至少讓我們大部份人笑了.
[YT] 小詩畫完妝也不是很優= =
[YT] 只能說女生真的要好好學化妝
[YT] 隔那么久又来了
[YT] holy!!!像!
[YT] 酥沪~~~
[YT] 我滿好奇的,這兩家公司真的有關聯嗎? 還是名字單純雷同?
[YT] 3號現場化妝後跟化妝的照片也不同喔
[YT] 要不然你去表演罵人給大家看. 你這種人才不該存在.
[YT] timber!!!!叭。。。。。
[YT] 好好笑
[YT] 感覺很像看到許純美= =
一副自以為的樣子= =凸
[YT] 好像阿,不過身材有點…
[YT] 謝謝版大分享影片 ..
[YT] 三號化妝的時候後面的人好忙=”=
[YT] lol she’s just another version of the hsu zun mei lady before…
[YT] come on! this is for entertainment only, why so serious?
[YT] 閃亮是瘋了是嗎?!
[YT] 其實歌唱的不差啦..
[YT] 愛畫煙燻妝的多半是一些沒自信的醜女,看了就想八下去
[YT] 為什麼5:08的時候突然變那麼大聲啊,幹,吵死人
[YT] 慧慈今天很漂亮
[YT] 天呀 好詭異的女人^^”
[YT] kinda a disgrace to us taiwanese people….
[YT] don’t eat anything b4 you watch this, otherwise you will ended up like me. Damn! I felt sick right now!!! haha!
[YT] 太好了,這集沒有雞巴坑或其他猥褻男藝人上街性騷擾女生
[YT] 因為小朋友不太會說謊…….
[YT] 其實她很善良啊﹐
[YT] 個人覺得蝴蝶穿得挺漂亮的…哈
[YT] yep saw the vid
[YT] god lord! You don’t want to hook up with this kind of girl in the club for sure. haha! you are going to cry the next day!
[YT] 果然又是小朋友表演,這單元可以去死了
[YT] 我猜為什ㄇ每次小朋友都ㄧ定是真ㄉ
[YT] dance fail
[YT] 限歌每次一定都虧水蜜桃的小帽子
[YT] 跟你来屌屌
[YT] 很噁 閃亮
[YT] the bulldog is fake.. there was this bulldog in cali that knows how to skateboard…
[YT] 可是我觉得以她这种有缺陷的人来说还会去努力学习精神算是可嘉,而且她讲话很真有时还蛮好笑的,个性也很善良
[YT] A-MAY 老師好慘喔… XDD
[YT] i miss MJ:(
[YT] 直接在台上讨价还价了。。。囧
[YT] 她几乎每个英文发音都来个吓人的重音。。。
[YT] lol 憲哥 looks scared
[YT] 3號是假的- –
[YT] omg, this is really disturbing. -_-!!!
[YT] 對呀,他還拉一拉- –
[YT] WTF!!W~W!E~!
[YT] 怎麼又有慧慈在- –
[YT] 不止记忆力不好,根本就智商不好
[YT] 一號還是差的比較多
[YT] 焦糖哥哥鵝頭應該很高
[YT] 天啊。。。化妆真的太神奇了~!
[YT] 老梗,接受現實吧!別再自欺欺人了。
[YT] 身材: 不錯
長相: 中下
腦筋: 聽說她患上腦膜炎是嗎?
[YT] 什麼東西阿 閃亮三姊妹這樣也可以出唱片喔
[YT] 只有懒女人,没有丑女人
[YT] 蝴蝶好性感哦~~~
[YT] 這是喬裝
[YT] 沒錯。
[YT] 玉琳哥从哪里找到这些人的?
[YT] 真是昏倒
[YT] i dont’ understand why people are criticizing the guy imitating michael jackson.
he won the competition back when he was 14. that’s like 16 years ago.
he’s just doing a tribute to MJ. show some love man.
[YT] 反正中视和中天是一家人
[YT] “甲你揽牢牢”是对的啦
[YT] Thanks to 沈玉琳, Taiwan got an alien…hehehe..
[YT] 宪哥15年前是黄乙玲的专辑制作人
[YT] 真的是”闪尿三姐妹”,宪哥是口误,还是作梗,还是…
[YT] 一号人妖!
[YT] hahahaha… 7:27 damn funny!
[YT] 地球好可怕..
[YT] 第二個女生還好啦,只是眼袋和黑眼圈的問題啦,沒有第一個誇張
[YT] you havent been following the show i think, he said he weighed 40 kg back then when he got he number 1. so you cant really compare the performance now and then
[YT] 罕見的舉錯牌子
[YT] 眼妝真的很重要…畫下去整個人就都不一樣了, 真的是詐術阿= =|||
[YT] 天阿!! 3號差好多唷!!!! 我懷疑那張有化妝的那張照片臉有拉長…
[YT] 沈玉琳作的孽恐怕一輩子也還不清
[YT] i’ve seen better interpretation of michael jackson..
his legs are too short, belly too big and just too small and stubby
[YT] 听她数数的时候声音很正常。。
[YT] 對阿
[YT] 哈哈 閃尿三姐妹
[YT] 後面那個喜多有去過大學生(吧)
[YT] 又是一个许纯美,台湾娱乐界的牺牲品。
[YT] 闪尿三姐妹,宪哥别以为我们没听见阿!
[YT] 這個micheal肚子太大了 哈哈 別有風格啦~
[YT] 看完 毛站 -。-
[YT] 他们都上过大学生了没
[YT] this michael is too short
[YT] 手套太大了
[YT] 宪哥肚子不小
[YT] 3号 太夸张了! 恐怖
[YT] 怎麼那個慧慈又來了?
[YT] 什麽水果 噁心死了 裝嫩!!!