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[YT] 雅美蝶!!! 哈哈
[YT] 不知道为什么阿雅回来更喜欢了。不要这么挑剔了。没有他我想更不好了。
[YT] 哈哈 宪哥超好笑. 哈哈
[YT] Yup…that girl from the xing guang singing competition is irritating .. and got the kinda arrogant face that pple see just wanna give her a punch…. hahahaaaa
[YT] 我愛吃東西 但我不受罪
[YT] 2 號我覺得還長得挺少女的
[YT] she’s just a plain spoiled girl, period
“been through so much”
all i see is attitude in her
instead of asking nicely she went all like
“take that, bitch!:
[YT] woops~ sounds like a japanese word… yama~~~~ :S
[YT] 荷蘭混血!? 虎藍..
[YT] 减肥药里面有激素类的东西。。。
[YT] 那個在澳洲讀過書的
[YT] Bon Jovi “It’s My Life”
[YT] 對..口齒不清….
[YT] 懶音超多….
[YT] 14歲奶就那麼大,是直接灌奶去奶子吧~~
[YT] 嫩包嘛*V*粉紅色~~~
[YT] 憲哥的和聲真的很棒~~~
[YT] 蕭敬唱的那首英文歌叫什麼名字?拜托
[YT] so she is 15 , littel strong, and going out with 24 yr old, thats against the law in TW …right? he will be in jailed….for that
[YT] 看了半天,不懂有人在氣什麼,所以查了一下。
原來 加州大學是University of California(簡稱UC)
而學生証上是 加州”州立”大學 California State University(簡稱CSU)
[YT] mc ppl sucks …tw ppl rocks
[YT] 團體名叫… yamete?
[YT] whats that girl’s english name that first sang?
[YT] DANG!! shes so tall, pretty and shes so smart :O
shes like a perfect person!!
[YT] hu die jie jie looks so pretty today =]
[YT] 小珺只是想搞清楚吧
不笑就是跩?= =”
[YT] 不用这么歧视吧
[YT] 觉得晚上看猜猜猜的时候,真的希望能避过有食物的部分。我的吗啊,我很饿啊!!!
[YT] 吳宗憲怎么還不退出
[YT] 剛剛發錯了~~sorry~~不是在說你~~
[YT] r u fuckin idiot?
did u ever watch these taiwanese TV show with english sub before?!
[YT] To AmazinRace
這位老兄 你應該以你自己的學校為榮吧 不然怎麼會去就讀呢 你認為UC有比較好嗎 那你怎麼不去讀 學生證新款跟舊款有什麼差別嗎 舊款可以換新款 可是新款的不能換舊款 所以你要叫他學姐嗎
[YT] liking xian ge less and less… wtf is with his attitude to that girl? just because she is from mainland? mind that he also is now hosting in mainland and making money there, mind your mouth there, he pissed me off with his attitude whilst hosting a mainland show to start. my respect for him has seriously dwindled down… just coz she asked more questions than usual, curious type, so wat?
keep smiling celia 🙂
[YT] i think she just wanted to know, because seriously, I am from Australia too and wth 13 in uni and 高中. I think BOTH misunderstood, especially the ABC girl, because 高中 to most Asians, including that girl from Xing Guang, is the 2nd half of high school. In China, high school is 初中 then 高中. we start high school in australia at 13, but that isn’t 高中 until 3 years later. confusing, so it isn’t really her fault for not understanding…
[YT] what the hell… Celia has been through so much in Taiwan, Taiwanese have been so prejudice to her because she is from Mainland China to start, and also because she grew up in Australia, she is getting a lot of crap on the net by netizens. Seriously, give her a break…
[YT] 就是就是..
小珺真的不是故意的, 又是在澳洲长大的, 我们本来就是爱问问题…
[YT] 四四似四四,四四似四四。。。说话有够懒
[YT] 比球场便宜多了,废话!能跟真的比么?
[YT] 包括我最喜歡的梁文音,從黑澀會跳到了星光,唱功不但沒進步,反而被訓練成唱得很油腔滑調,都已經不是用心在唱歌了,星光的調性幾乎都糟蹋了很多好音樂……唉
[YT] 星光真的還是太矯柔做作了…一定都要花腔嗎?
[YT] California State University
對不起,我鄉下人,講個冷笑話 = =”
[YT] 憲哥應該心裡想說的是:「難怪評審很難審,每個的唱腔都一樣…﹦﹦|||」
[YT] 二號笑起來像陳意涵
[YT] 牛肉麵老闆好令人討厭
[YT] 走路像國高中學生
[YT] 不要再罵你自己了
[YT] 可能那女生根本不是十五歲
[YT] 已經被給4個負分了…….顯然誰才是真正的雜碎,大家看得很清楚
[YT] 口出惡言的才是垃圾,超沒教養的
[YT] lol phony bologne.. who says that anymore?
[YT] holy cow! now I remember!! #1 looks like Natalie from Girlicious!! no wonder I thought she looked familiar..
[YT] 2:02 照片是黑澀會小涵!
[YT] 看的出來梁曉珺只是很認真的質疑這位妹妹的真假
[YT] I think it really depends on what type of school, the location, (programs) courses they offer and of course the student’s self-will and sometimes parent involvement. Otherwise, a lot of high schools in the US are a “joke”. Sorry if that offends some people but it’s partially true.
[YT] 4号真的好成熟 恐怖的
[YT] 最後一位想sexy
但看起來好像一直耍狠 xD
[YT] 一號真不得了
[YT] 好餓啊!
[YT] 有人知道粱小珺唱的是什麼歌嗎?
[YT] 不錯的單元哈哈哈
[YT] 谁?求链接。。
[YT] 你們這耶酸葡萄~有本事你也15歲去讀看看~
[YT] 現在的小孩講話氣質真差
[YT] 立刻不喜歡那個星光的…有必要這樣嗎?
[YT] us only has 2 years of middle school so she could start high school 13 years old
[YT] yes it is that impossible.
[YT] 靠! 3號好恐怖喔
[YT] 3号上過外星人喔~
[YT] 太想紅喇. 第1位
[YT] frankly the differences between major brand-name universities vs others are few. it’s up to the student… but when it comes to carrying you farther, well sadly the brand-names say Harvard are really much more powerful.
For a 13 year old, Cal State LA is just as effective, because her young age is already a powerful attribute in itself. she does not need a “Harvard” behind her name.
In any case it doesn’t matter much to her. Her ambitions are clearly not academia :shrug:
[YT] 1號不錯~~!
[YT] 牛肉看得好饿
[YT] 拿後
[YT] 其名字就政治化了? 不用这么歧视吧
[YT] I started highschool at 14 without skipping any grades, so I’m pretty sure 13 isn’t that impossible
[YT] 好期待~!
[YT] the songs 真實
[YT] 1号好像钟欣怡哦
[YT] 靠腰 原來是cal state LA….也不錯了啦
[YT] 阿亞綁起馬尾簡直就是男扮女裝
[YT] 又是星光雜碎蕭雞巴
[YT] 女人太高只會把男人嚇跑
[YT] ohohoh ~~ 沒注意到. .. 拍謝 😛
[YT] 她一開口我就相信她14歲了
[YT] 這個4號真的滿瞎的…可是好眼熟的感覺= =
[YT] 女亡站在名模旁邊,矮胖身材無所遁形
[YT] 她今年是15,13進的大學。 FYI too :P
[YT] 哈哈!雅美蝶不賴耶~~
[YT] 13 歲 not 15 歲 😉 just FYI
[YT] wth is wrong with dat girl from 星光 trying 2 act all smart and stuff ,, who the hell she think she is !! Australia is totally different than USA = =”
[YT] 你嫉妒心太重了吧
[YT] 看到這個4號的,再想起之前那個可愛的15歲的大學生小妹妹,同樣的年紀,差距太大了。。。
[YT] 果然又有賣吃的跟小朋友
[YT] 他們好爛啊。。。
[YT] 蝴蝶干嘛要给里培训 干….. 想起来都恶心…怎么喜欢台湾陈冠希
[YT] i lyk 貴婦奈奈 better than 女王 …
[YT] 14-5歲 就常常化妝的話 30歲後化妝都救不了妳
憲哥不用長高10公分 到香港也會紅 見多識廣 攪笑 唱歌 的主持 香港沒有
[YT] 星光雜碎
[YT] 澳洲是英國體系,跟美國不一樣,台灣很多鄉巴佬搞不清這點,總以為「國外」都是一樣
[YT] 嗯,同意,我也覺得阿雅從美國回來之后比以前弱了不少,感覺沒以前放得開了。 (可能因為在美國的男友吧。。。不過這集最后的特別企劃她還是比較搞笑的)
[YT] 一想道蝴蝶要给那个花花公子干…….就看不下去……………………..
[YT] god!, u sick man! she is only 15.
[YT] 哈哈 雅美蝶这名字不错
[YT] 星光雜碎開口的部份一律靜音處理
[YT] 我也喜歡欣怡 但蝴蝶也有她的特色 反而阿雅回來之後表現有點弱 來來去去都只會千手觀音 很多時給蝴蝶比下去
[YT] 女王這種垃圾也跟九把刀一樣當起明星喔?叫她不要再假笑了好不好,有夠噁心的女人
[YT] 4號的嘴很怪
[YT] 感覺憲哥是真的對那個星光五的生氣了
他說 像話嗎?! 眼神好兇
[YT] 阿雅在特別企劃里面明顯比節目里好笑啊,感覺她出國回來之后再我猜里面有點沒以前那么放得開了。
[YT] r0ck;>敬騰
[YT] no 4 trying to get famous LOL
[YT] 娟娟这名字跟泛政治化没什么关系吧。。
[YT] i hate the girl that interrogated her…poor girl..
[YT] 一開始說混血兒,跟著說媽媽是荷蘭人,到最后變成了 媽媽有荷蘭的血統 。。。 估計媽媽也就1/4,1/8之類的吧,還出來就先叫自己是混血兒。。。stop bragging~
[YT] 4號很像變性人。。。
[YT] Which 張惠妹 song was that at 8:35 ?
[YT] 說真的,我也覺得蝴蝶有時候真的比較無聊,她是可愛,但看我猜的大部分又不是兒童。。。 還是欣怡比較好。。。
[YT] 這練武的表演有點恐怖啊,真怕她直接穿過去了。。。
[YT] what’s wrong with girl #4? =.=
[YT] 次數減少 哈!!
[YT] 看來開始鮪魚瘋了 ……………….
[YT] that 凱凱 is a phony bologne..very annoying…
[YT] 長高吧,長高吧”
[YT] 8:39好像馮媛甄
[YT] why not.
what grade is high school in the states?
[YT] 雅美蝶這名字不錯唷 不知道是誰起的呢
[YT] 同意後半句 我覺得他主持這個節目之後反應很敏捷了呢
[YT] no english sub??!
[YT] 樓下的也太激動了吧 要不是男生天性比較衝動 女生也不會那樣順從 太偏激了 而且雙方都彼此相愛才有可能發生那種事 懷疑你有處女情節 不過現在出來唱歌的人越來越沒有明星架式了 沒啥特色 好像出唱片誰都可以了
[YT] crystal 我很想搞你喔
[YT] 一號很有氣質
[YT] 跟未成年開這樣的玩笑不適合唷
[YT] 哈哈~~阿雅真的很好笑~現實生活認識這種朋友應該很開心~
[YT] 捏泥巴…….
[YT] 這個凱凱一定是個騷貨~~
[YT] 拿Cal State來混當加州大學。。。 不可饒恕啊 哈哈
[YT] 我傻了 1號竟然是我們學校的 拜託認真一點吧工作人員 還加州大學 我還以為是UC的呢 加州州立大學California State University 和UC的差太多了啦。 還有她的學生證是老款唷,新版的不是這樣的了。
[YT] Yes you do, a lot of people graduate from high school in the US at the age of 16. I started at the age of 14 and graduated at 17, but lot of my friends were 16 when they graduated, which means that they started when they were 13 years old.
[YT] 台灣girl NO.2 japanese girl NO.1 l ol…
[YT] 4號就是并副其實的小bitch啊~~~還有什麽好說的?被多少男人幹過都不知道啦~~
[YT] yes its possible cuz you can be born in december and by the time you itz their bday they already started hs for 3 months
[YT] 剛剛聽3號的名字就覺得是大陸的名字 果然是 大陸有些名字會泛政治化 娟娟真的之前沒有聽過
[YT] 我也想說 有在賣自己在澳洲讀書 其實也沒什麼了不起
[YT] 樂活其實是LOHO音譯的 但是其實就是跟blog一樣有結合中文的意思翻譯
[YT] 你個呆子~我是在回覆linloashi的留言~
[YT] 你去給豬玩一玩~可能豬還嫌你臭吧~~
[YT] 第四位,想紅很大
[YT] still. you dont go to high school in US at 13.
[YT] 蝴蝶真的好无聊…… -.-“l
[YT] hehe, cal state, LA. but still, 13
[YT] hahahaha!!!!
[YT] nb, nb a
[YT] no.4 doesn’t even look like she’s mixed…trying to brag. her mom is probably only 1/4 mixed or something.
[YT] 是不是特別想操這群未成年小妹妹?!
[YT] 蝴蝶姐姐 🙂
[YT] 果然是cal state la.
[YT] This is so darn hilarous. Haha-ed at the 佛 effect but the Rock effect was pretty cool. Jam was awesome,as usual. Looking forward to 雅美蝶’s performance.
[YT] 对,那个星光五的女的实在是不怎么样
[YT] 07:36 蝴蝶真可愛
[YT] 埃。。不要怪那個梁曉珺,因為她是大陸人,比較少上台灣綜藝節目,所以以為問題可以一直問很多。。加上上海人本來講話就很多很會辯論~別怪她。。她以後會懂的~
[YT] 我覺得1,2都還滿娃娃的阿
[YT] 3056年 那哪時預購啊!!
[YT] 现在的小女生都是犯贱啊,哪个没被操过?!
[YT] shou meimei should be more confident and proud of her body when walking.
[YT] 那星光五班的用得著對一個15歲小女孩這么咄咄逼人嗎? 是真是假又怎樣? 審煩人一樣, 臉還臭成那樣,以為自己誰啊? 還我在澳洲讀怎樣怎樣。。。真惡心,連憲哥都看不下去了。
[YT] 好多新妹
[YT] the girl at 8:56 really can sing! O-O
[YT] 就算是同一台也不用宣傳到那麼明顯吧!
[YT] and she doesnt look like shes mixed at all
[YT] 4號太超過了。
好像人妖啊 不好意思。
[YT] 這個主題就對了嘛
誰想看 我可不看