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[YT] poor Gino lol! the baby girl was so funny!
[YT] 5:40宪哥说什么啊?为什么蝴蝶一直笑? 哈哈
[YT] 放得开就是好。有阿雅真好! 最近发现我猜很好笑。哈哈 阿雅那是跌倒笑了 这次也是。 还有很多次也是。 太好了!
[YT] Haha. Damn funny. Nice!!!
[YT] 郭鑫超好笑!!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
[YT] 當時中國四川大地震 我們台灣也有幫忙, 我們也再祈禱各各人平安. 我們颱風造成的災難 中國也有幫忙. 我們也很感激. 但是就是有你這幸栽樂禍 的白癡 越來越多 這個世界的水平越來越低. 再說, 你這句話最好是刪掉, 因為在這期間, 你這句話被看到你會變出名的. 如果遇到有錢人士, 你可能馬上被告 而被送到台灣去幫忙災民了吧 呵呵.
[YT] damn man i felt sad 4 ure country….ha ha ha suffering from hurrican ha ha ha ha u tight.Care about ur own country first and i dont think taiwan looks like a country anymore…wish u best luck.have fun helping them
[YT] 雅美碟
[YT] 滿口髒話的傢伙 呵呵…真有成就
[YT] yo son go fucking fuck ur mom … if not b/c ure fucking old government fucked up china’s government system in the old years, then they fucking escape to the place were is called taiwan .Theyre not even supposed to be named under China..dickhead learn the history of china mother f er
[YT] ben was a chain smoker who died of lung cancer. as the priest was giving ben his final blessings at the funeral, his 5 year old niece sammy said: “but didn’t uncle ben bring all this on himself by smoking too much?”
everyone turned and looked angrily at sammy, thumbs down, gasping for words.
i’m that “immature” kid alright, the one to speak the embarrassing TRUTH about taiwan with complete disregard to the feelings of taiwanese. look at all of you angry & embarrassed people.
[YT] someone is mad immature….>.>
[YT] 錄”WELCOME外星人”去了
[YT] 慧慈上身…超好笑!!
[YT] 棒棒堂!!!
[YT] butterfly jie jie very kawaii…xDD I think she’s rocker enough lol…then ending high voice surprise me…lol…阿雅 really good…xDD
[YT] 這個女是說真的!她真的被邀請到Neverland
[YT] yxuz嘴巴別那麼髒ok~丟臉
[YT] stick around
[YT] hey i missed ur comments much
[YT] 阿緯和威廉呢?:/
[YT] hahahahahaha ^^
[YT] haha….雅美蝶 唔~ XD
[YT] 憲哥很厲害 很快就能進入狀態
[YT] 那女人好像很假 – -…..
[YT] 今年過生日就27了
[YT] i seen people use the taser to shock tongues and inner tighs, they didnt faint though.
[YT] 我就是要看你這廢物ok
[YT] 你行為有問題,去吃你的狗屎吧
[YT] 蝴蝶好漂亮喔~~~~
[YT] so touching…
I love u mike
always miss u
[YT] 這單元滿好笑的
[YT] 覺得白癡乾脆不要看嗎廢物ok
[YT] 你行為有點問題 要不要去矯正一下?
[YT] 去你的= =你他媽閉嘴
[YT] 去你的= =你他媽閉嘴
[YT] 坐2号后面那个黑衣服的男生好开心哦~
[YT] 这集来宾作假作得有点过分了
[YT] i’m an asshole who speaks the unpleasant truth.
that’s why you people are thumbing me down instead of replying, cause you know i’m right on the money.
[YT] You’re an asshole you know that? Stop being such a douche.
[YT] 阿雅也須厲害!
[YT] 超好看的,這一集精彩,
[YT] 丢人的家伙…你的国家最爱做假货啦..大陆脑残
[YT] have you ever been to richmond and talked to all the scared taiwanese who moved to canada? guess not.
what’s so original about taiwanese youth? let’s see: you kids copy japanese fashion, listen to western pop, enjoy hollywood films and japanese ACG. you cower under US military technologies, and model your governmental structure and consitution after the west. even your cultural traditions and language come from mainland china, a country you hate.
now send in your US immigration application!
[YT] 阿雅的髮型很適合用大電風扇吹
[YT] 对了..獒犬几岁了喔?
[YT] 王璿比平常唱得好!!!
[YT] 唔 雖然我也喜歡看 但是我猜為什麼都走這一路
[YT] 蝴蝶好像老了
[YT] -.- 這樣的東西還可以隨時買得到…..
[YT] Figure is No.1, Face is No 2
[YT] 如果這女是假的 會不會不太好 拿死人來開玩笑..
[YT] 好好笑的節目~
[YT] 1班比5班好 5班比超級巨星好
[YT] 前兩個比較好看…
[YT] 白目教練~~~去死吧~~~~XD
[YT] 那個影片在這裡就有了~他是廣東人~不去廣州要去哪
[YT] what do you know.
Have you even been to Taiwan, you fxxking DH
[YT] 太早練健美會長不高
[YT] 你幹嘛. 神經病阿 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 笑死我了
[YT] 郭鑫很適合主持外景節目,笑翻了lol
[YT] 郭鑫太好笑了
[YT] oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 不喜歡看就不要看呀
[YT] 棒棒堂!!!!!!
[YT] Fuji carbon fiber, not bad! I also have a fuji road bike, with a classic steel frame ^^”
[YT] 原來蕭雞巴幹過你的屁眼,難怪你想幹肉棒唐的屁眼
[YT] 他被蕭雞巴捅過屁眼,你就別跟他計較了
[YT] 郭鑫真的娘可爱,个性超讨喜
[YT] 你說謊屁眼都不會收縮的哦
你罵棒棒堂 留言會留在這頁?
[YT] 台湾mm很热情啊。
[YT] 下面講話噁心又色的死醜男給我閉嘴!
[YT] 她還真的帶著Krauser去錄影啊!?
[YT] 我是阿~我是阿~我是阿~
[YT] 阿亞留長髮好像人妖
[YT] 為什麼雞巴擔的眼睛那麼色啊
[YT] 看來蕭靜藤幹過你娘,我明明就是罵肉棒唐,你卻要說是蕭雞巴
[YT] 超好笑的
[YT] 是蕭敬騰幹過你
[YT] 麥可真的是這世界上少有的性情善良又純真的世界巨星
[YT] you also have no talent wat thats why talk so much rubbish
[YT] 好可愛~xd
[YT] 多照棒棒堂才好~!!
[YT] 憲哥說”鬼王鬼王”~~呵呵~~
[YT] 有夠白痴的單元
[YT] 這有什麼?
[YT] today’s intro is pretty short..
[YT] 歌聲有夠爛的,這樣也能出唱片?
[YT] 最想看棒棒堂~~呵呵~
[YT] wrong to love u?
[YT] 娘的可愛
[YT] 很娘
[YT] 最愛台妹 !!
[YT] 蝴蝶不錯呀 唱的很好 只是肢體語言 不怎麼言 沒太多的編排
阿雅那招好勁 舔吉他
[YT] 阿雅好像女鬼。。。。哈哈
[YT] 郭心有一點暴牙,應該去矯正一下
[YT] 變態…
[YT] 那請你打得清楚點, 誰看得懂你那意思.
[YT] 最愛 台妹 !!
[YT] 又找來三個豬哥色胚來性騷擾女性路人,咦?雞巴坑怎麼沒來?
[YT] 废! 当然知道你说的是中国啦
[YT] 蝴蝶姐姐 小 傻瓜 !’
[YT] 喔? 既然要挑我語病那我就直說哪個國家生產一些東西害死一堆嬰兒吧. 我說的是 中國 不是 台灣. 完全沒政治, 只是實話實說. 新聞報導紅到世界各地了.
[YT] 三號肚子的肉太多了
[YT] 敷衍他 哈哈 好搞笑
[YT] 那個智障長得好像驢狗眾,可以加入色狗死一起當智障。而且果然又有賣吃的
[YT] 去你的冲绳…..
[YT] 无限打歌!!
[YT] 鏡頭不要一直突然照肉棒唐好不好,有夠猥褻的
[YT] 萧敬腾变得会说话了
[YT] 后面那个观众是女生!!!
[YT] 阿亞留長髮超像人妖
[YT] 為什麼畫質這麼差?
[YT] 笑死了郭鑫,哪有人这让请人的呵呵呵…….
[YT] 姓吴的!哈哈!
[YT] 郭鑫有喜感又可爱!
[YT] 是過盛不是過剩吧?
[YT] 星光五幫那男頭髮弄到超高
[YT] 看来的确是同一个国家出来的人
[YT] 的确脑残!
[YT] 先看你自己國家製造出多少東西害死一堆嬰兒. 奶粉, 玩具,etc
[YT] 說得太好了 XD
[YT] nah nig. they can dance like jabbawockeez
[YT] number 3 has her period so she had to wear a mini-skirt…
sai hay…..
[YT] lollipop is an idol band their singing has never been exception anyway but their performances are always great to watch
[YT] number 2 is the bitch i dreamt about last night
[YT] sorry my bad, i forgot that taiwan has the protection of the awesome americans.
what do you do when you’re weak and useless and the CCP bullies are breathing down your neck? you beg for US’s protection by kissing their awesome asses!
[YT] the only reason those 4 dudes are famous is becoz they are handsome .. no talent at all
[YT] of course, hentai! you guys just love everything the jap makes don’t you, copying their gameshows, their style and their cuisine, even though they pawned you big time in WWII!
know what? we should watch hentai together, once your family settles here in lovely canada after the CCP destroys that tiny little island you used to call home!
[YT] 是的!~
[YT] go cry me a river or watch some hentai anime, perhaps it’d calm u down a bit
[YT] He is indeed strong man. Bear in mind that doing too much cardio will burn muscles and his physique is really nice.
ask any bodybuilder to compete in ironman, i think they will die
[YT] 雨柔不錯啊。
[YT] lol @ super junior
[YT] this attitude is exactly why so many mainland chinese, hongkong-ese and tainwanese have permanetly moved here in canada and the US. cause your own people are scared of your smothering government.
you people are physically weak, mentally violent (you’ve just shown it) and your most devastating weapons and technology aren’t even yours.
watch?v=z9fVQ7ll4kQ. european kid > you. now cry more, yell more.
[YT] 水鬼 hahaha
[YT] Undisputable statistical fact and what? So? What country is a power country now? Yeh biach use ur little fukin peanut brain mutha fuka
[YT] Bro fuk you! Dont diss fukin asians! Who the fuk are you? So what if asians aint built for bodybuilding? You aint got nothing on him. Chinas going to own the fukin world soon, the fukin usa is scared. Thats what you little minded biach. Say dont ever mention 東亞病夫 again, cos in a war China will fukin demolish whereever you from. The money they have now and the people. Dont even need to buy weapons, spit and your whole country will be swimming bitch. Thats what!
[YT] 为什么是去广州啊?
[YT] did i make any claims regarding my physical attributes? no. i’m only commenting on how poorly this supposedly top taiwanese bodybuilder compares to your run of the mill caucasian/black counterpart. i also provided information on richard sandrak, an ukranian bodybuilder who, when he was merely SEVEN, looked more ripped than him. while chinese can excel at techniques, you lack raw power, speed and muscle mass, that’s a undisputable statistical fact, stop being delusional.
[YT] let’s see your physique then, weak ass acting tough on youtube is the worst haha
[YT] 這個算是小CASE了
[YT] although i like lollipop too, but i have to admit xing guang 5 sings a lot better
[YT] 一樓的laoliuge也太好笑了吧
[YT] 很得很喜欢郭鑫,
[YT] this is the physique of an asian bodybuilder? what a disgrace, only goes to prove the 東亞病夫 saying = truth. and before any whiners go “ooh he’s just 18!”, youtube “little hercules”. that’s a 7 year old kid who’s more ripped than this skinny nerd. send him to any legit ironman competition, like the ironman world championships and he’d get DESTROYED.
[YT] 1. get married to cute wife, give birth to cute kid
2. take cute picture of said kid
3. send picture to MJ’s manager
4. ???
5. profit!
[YT] 宪哥应该叫可大塞.一起念就是
[YT] 郭鑫 笑翻了。
[YT] This is entertainment at it’s best! Haha. Thanks for helping Jam 打歌 .
[YT] 盖棉被,纯聊天。。
[YT] 3 号 not prety .. i like 1号
[YT] 脱衣的那一霎那。。 超性感!因该每位男生都回那么人为吧?
[YT] 郭采潔不錯。這個不行。
[YT] 所以胸部大也不一定吃香咯??
[YT] LOL!!
工作人员 上!
[YT] 效果不错,不过唱都够烂的“`哈哈
[YT] 虽然我是女生 但是我不得不说
[YT] Winnie 還蠻正的 ^^
[YT] 吓我一跳.
[YT] go to DMC!!!!
[YT] 三号哪里像lena?而且为什么身材那么大脸还那么小?
[YT] no. 1!!!
[YT] 一楼的是白痴吗?这跟这个有什么关系?典型的吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸,我不是台湾人,但是我还是要说,这种纯粹的漫骂和人身攻击估计只有你这种烂货做的出来。
[YT] 真心喜歡michael的人跟她認識過一定知道他的為人也才會帶孩子一起去遊玩,這幾年來台灣有多少人知道馬小姐家的事.是因為去世後她也想與喜歡他的粉絲分享才拿出來講~哪裡為了名利了?請不要隨意曲解別人並且間接批評台灣人什麼台灣爛貨你也說得出來
[YT] 那是以前黑涩会的小米么?
[YT] 张韶涵之后,跑出个郭采洁,又跑出个夏宇童
[YT] haha too cute!!!! xDDD
[YT] 可能他们去跑别的通告或者主持了?
[YT] haha she’s too cute to be rocker! xD
[YT] 台湾人可真烂呀,明知道迈可有娈童新闻,还带自己得孩子去,虽然现在证实不是真
[YT] bang bang tang……..
[YT] 冇阿緯既-3-.
[YT] 3:31 小杰笑得好可爱哦
[YT] guys singing suck dude!
[YT] 1號比較正!!!胸部也比較大
[YT] lollipop!!!!!!!!!!!!1