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[YT] 問一下 下腰那裡開始音樂有誰知道ㄋ 拜託告訴我一下!!
[YT] 湘瑩好正好高挑
[YT] 謝西根selina好像
[YT] 05:05憲哥的表情好可愛喔
[YT] That shaking competition wasn’t even fair obviously it was luxy’s win!!!
[YT] 湘瑩以前的妝很奇怪
[YT] 容嘉是自然系美人, 性格談吐令人很舒服的
[YT] 7:45~8:08 哪段真的太可愛了~
[YT] selina 是这几个月来最好的带班主持,又漂亮,又受欢迎,又有效果
[YT] 10年前10岁,现在快18?这个太明显了吧
[YT] 剛上google找了一下
[YT] @tominter
I guess that is 台語.
[YT] apple 很有古典味
[YT] oh my god 湘瑩以前的樣子…
[YT] 各位台灣的朋友
[YT] luxy那女生好会摇哦!不掉的话应该会200多下把!
[YT] @poiulkqaasa
凸– –)
[YT] @mika880829 我覺得你一定長的跟他很像LOL,澳門仔~
[YT] SELINA 好美好可愛,加油
[YT] @KaYam1119
[YT] 好懷念龍爺~~~~ =D
[YT] 收視率好嗎?製作人是誰…劇本都不換嗎….節目主題膩了,旁白也覺得好吵….
[YT] @SuperHardwater 那是製作人的問題,我罵過很多次了,每週素人來賓都是跳舞、小朋友唱歌、甜點、美食、魔術方塊這樣無限loop
[YT] 不愧是夜店咖,外表氣質就像夜店咖
[YT] 黃小揉現在還是很醜啊
[YT] 第7段9:36到尾是什麼歌??
[YT] 我猜是綜藝節目王中王!
[YT] wow, xin ru looked so pretty when she was young!!! (:
[YT] 我媽現真的台灣好多人會跳舞~我猜主持了幾十年~重來來賓沒有一問不會跳舞的~~一一
[YT] 沈建宏跟棒棒堂二軍的terry長得好像哦= =
[YT] 小龍呀…~
[YT] 容嘉不當藝人算漂亮, 當藝人就是普通而已
[YT] why dun call hebe and ella to come? they also come frm wo cai.. i wonder wat will happen if they appear.. =)
[YT] 一號真的好可愛,她老公真幸福
[YT] = =我剛聽錯他說高雄雞….
[YT] 謝忻模仿的也太像了吧!
[YT] @soakedfroggy the subtitle’s wrong.. xian ge said what’s your favourite food in taiwan?
do not have to be taiwanese food..
[YT] haha.. Selina’s soo cute!
[YT] @wlxlovezl LOLOLOL
[YT] wat a funny hair and clothes these kids are wearing
[YT] its an expression…
she’s saying her husband while drunk still able to “bang” her.. XD
[YT] luxy girls = luxy sluts
[YT] @mschocolatebby yeah how cheap cut down on the budget
[YT] 湘莹=斗鸡眼
[YT] lol the hosts are still wearing the same thing? O.o
[YT] Can someone kindly to write down what words that the No.1 MM said (time@07:20), and meaning pls.
I don’t know if she was saying Mandarin or Taiwanese Hokkien 台語 as I have no idea about 台語
[YT] pizza -/- 哪是台灣食物啊
[YT] why is the preview always SOOO loooooong