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[YT] 還好有個臍帶拉著在後面衝浪!憲哥實在是太好笑了!哈哈哈!
[YT] 離婚竟然也是一種傳染病?美國最新一份研究報告顯示,如果親朋好友裡面有人離婚,當事人相對離婚機率會提高接近75%,而且就連朋友的朋友也會有影響!
[YT] 这单元不错!
[YT] @poiulkqaasa 你可能已經打到快虛脫了吧!!呵~
[YT] @Wewa94 yea, i agree with u, ivy is so hot!! 😀 and her sister is smoking hot too XD but i think 曾愷玹 is a little bit hotter! (just my opnion XD) btw: i dont think ivy looks like hilary duff…ivy is hotter XDDD!
[YT] omg when her mom came out…my eyes teared up even more…T_____T…i think its these stories that make celebrities seem more vulnerable and make us realize that they ARE human and we all have feelings….xD
[YT] 憲哥真有才~
[YT] 誇張大師昭昕
[YT] @gordonwu543 她指著對面那一隊, 除了小鐘是諧星外 她也不會這樣說其他人啦 😛
[YT] Ivy is very pretty
maybe it sounds very weird, but for me she looks a bit like hilary duff with brown hair o.O
[YT] @pp66318403 有點熟!哪一集??
[YT] 其實有看國光幫幫忙都知道是2號~
[YT] 只有2号正~~~~~~~~
[YT] 好感人呀!!!!!!!
[YT] 外省那又怎樣,白目
[YT] 真是相當催淚!!
[YT] 穿大賣場的那個…是誰啊
[YT] 又有問題情侶要生問題小孩了~然後這些問題小孩長大又變成問題情侶~再生問題小孩~
[YT] 2號要害後面觀眾回家打手槍了!
[YT] @lovona09 老外喜歡單眼皮又鼻子塌…那是經典款…
[YT] @midahuang 不不不 應該有35歲了
[YT] @veronica515 製作人的問題~ 很少看到節目改型態後吸引不到新觀眾反而舊觀眾也跑光的,以前都還有”萬”的人次,現在都剩幾百..
[YT] 楼上的真的SJB,外省的又怎么了,CNM
[YT] 應該關心一下小珍她老公帶美眉吃飯的試還有她老爸教唆偽證的事~
[YT] 說王心伶想認識你就好~
[YT] @yxuz 老外 alwayz have bad taste!!!
[YT] no2 look like a transexual, no 3 look so old
[YT] the 19 year old looks like shes 30 something…
[YT] 我猜竟然淪落到這個地步…
[YT] 幹你娘的客家敗類一直雞巴狗笑
[YT] 老外喜歡的型=我們覺得很醜的型
[YT] 開頭動畫跟預告真是又臭又長