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[YT] 8.33 lol
[YT] 漢娜曾是我愛黑澀會的一員、洪子涵曾上過星光與三班的徐佳瑩PK;參與偶像劇大王子看見二公主、洪千涵曾是星光四班的一員但不入十強。
[YT] 忌妒三小?
[YT] @lily1024303
ur just jealous
[YT] @lovona09
I bet u dont even know what ur talking about bitch. go eat a dick
[YT] @RealXIII i bet ur one ugly asshole!!!
[YT] @lovona09
At least more famous than you!!!
[YT] Lok lok KING!
[YT] @RealXIII she’s not that famous!!!
[YT] @lovona09
because shes famous now, and lost her innocence. Cuz I slept with her.
[YT] 看到蝴蝶姐姐.真好.蝴蝶加油
[YT] 楊丞琳 好聽!
[YT] 瑤瑤 is so fake and annoying!
[YT] can someone tell me wat episode was that for the 鬼美女?
[YT] why is 速猛龍 look so diff now, plastic surgery?
[YT] 憲哥,一路好走
[YT] 憲哥,一路好走
[YT] 我不信你的胸部,怎样,有种用它掐死我阿
[YT] so fummy
[YT] 又回顧= =!
[YT] 豆花妹真的是天生麗質耶@@~~
素顏淡妝反而更美~~真好= =
[YT] 對阿~7:8那邊~陳眼睛都快掉出來了= =
[YT] 黑澀會跟大學生了沒的女生真的都很想紅
[YT] 湘瑩上我猜的眼睛怎有點脫窗= =
[YT] 8:26 卓文宣和豆花妹很像!!
[YT] 楊丞琳唱歌好好聽!
[YT] 哈哈 豆花妹被小豬嚇兩次之前還被憲哥嚇過~
[YT] 鬼美女的陰陽眼應該有看到小鬼吧~
[YT] @muipeitak0 是迅猛龍..對的
[YT] 音癡美女 那集好好笑
[YT] 順便掐我啦~只是順便!!
[YT] 我爸爸頭很小阿 哈!
[YT] JJ 你手放在那裡做什麼 哈哈
[YT] 湘瑩以前好可怕…
[YT] 潘潘好像有上過娛百
[YT] 我猜要撐下去啦~
[YT] 怡婷….是速猛龍嗎!!!?
[YT] 邵庭很沒大腦
[YT] 2:29 ,好像見到那個邵庭嘴裡有顆大蛀牙。。。@_@”
[YT] 哈哈
[YT] 小鬼.
[YT] 看到星光5班的学生. 佑, 宇,王…
[YT] LOL…is that shin men lung at 7.4?
[YT] 看到杨晨宁我火就来了
[YT] gigi was there ar..hehehe love her
[YT] @play365alltime becuz they are gonna close this show soon!
[YT] 灌西當時就一臉強姦犯嘴臉
[YT] 來掐死我吧
[YT] 瑤瑤的扮可愛很惡心, 豆花妹自然很多!!
[YT] 豆花妹很正!
[YT] 原來以前豆花妹就被嚇過啊!哈哈哈!
[YT] 自取其乳!太威了!哈哈哈!
[YT] 這集是大學生了沒回顧嗎?迅猛龍!寶咖咖!茵茵!哈哈哈!
[YT] @ting520babe 噢!怪不得這麼面善~
[YT] @cherrychanchauying 美少女的孟孟
[YT] @cherrychanchauying 是孟孟!
[YT] 发发发发….发球啦!lol
[YT] hannah!!<3
[YT] 7:08 是不是美少女時代的其中一個美眉?
[YT] wow never knew edison was a host on the show before
[YT] 漢娜@v@!!
[YT] 怎麼搞的,又是回顧