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Are they living in the 1950’s?!! Why do they automatically assume that married women need to be the ones doing the housechores. It should be shared equally.
talking about shared? lolx.. nothing is shared once you’re married..
no one say it is “a duty” but marriage is a thing between the 2 of them.
So, if you don’t like it, find someone who is willing to do it for you.
I guess men who want women to go for more traditional women would go for people from a more conservative society.
潘麗梅上過好多次同類型話題的節目, 聽過她講以前如何養大幾個小孩、如何的無助, 真的眼眶都紅了. 超堅毅的人.
我的天阿~連Model這麼簡單又常見的英文, 做字幕的都能打錯, modle勒你乾脆打motel算了, 三立阿~如果英文這麼差就乾脆不要打字幕算了 看了都替你們覺得丟臉
Model 不是Modle
不公平! 讓漂亮的講那麼多。醜的黑的都排到後面去。
thats just NORMAL. Its not only in taiwan . Go to other countries, the prettier girls gets special treatment from guys and handsome guys get treated better by women in general too. Thats how things were , are and will continue to be. Is it fair ? NO but there are a lot of things in life that aint fair that has not change and shows no signs of changing and this is just one of them.
每个地方都有自己的方言, 那个才是我们的母语, 又不是都是北方人, 北京人.
主打反了… 到底哪國的老婆好x?! (插?)
…. 什麼爛主題 阿… ==”