19 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2011-09-28 明星老師和你想的不一樣?!

  1. 曲老师. 好烦 听到你声音 我会晕 看你后面 我反胃 看你前面 我吐    你走过来 我倒….  曲老师 你回去叫你书吧… 好讨厌 

  2. 台灣真的很多人連”得”同”的”都分不開


    也跟著把”得”改成”的”, 以為這是潮流

  3. soon b’ng is really shameless  of not to withdraw himself from the program.he just stick to duo chung ghang to get his pay.this useless bastard still tries to show his helpless performance to gain some effect.

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