9 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2011-11-28 明星聯誼私房秘技大公開!!

  1. It should be:
    Flea Fly FloFlea,Flea Fly,Flea Fly Flo,Vista!Coomalahlah (3x) VistaOh no no no not the vistaEeny meeny decimeeny ooua-loo-a-la-meenyAcimeeny zalimeeny ooua-loo-a-lahBeat blilee od’en dod’enBo bo ber did’en dad’enSsssshhhhhhhhFlea,Flea Fly,Flea Fly Mosquito, Calamine!Calamine (3x) lotionOh no more calamine lotionItchy witchy scratchy scratchy up and down my backy wackyItchy witchy scratchy scratchy up and down my backsideSpray at the bug when I spray it with my spray canPsssssssssss


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