33 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2011-12-28 公主病我看妳真的有病?!

  1. 3 個D咖女星在那邊真的自以為是天后, 也難怪沒聽過圈內的一,二線男星對她們有興趣和交往過的,只能去折磨一些圈外崇拜只要是女星的馬子狗

  2. 這集的亮點是康哥的「上車單挑」和屈哥對馬國賢很不肖的說:「Everything for love?! Everything for Sex!!」, 笑翻了.

    • i can’t concentrate when he is talking. the way he talks is like agony to my ears & pins & needles in my brain. he talks funny. am i the only one feeling that way??

  3. I hope they say these just for the show and not actually have such behaviors. I mean, no matter how pretty you are, you are not the world =.=

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