22 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2012-01-13 他是我心目中的李大仁!!

  1. someone says Annie definitely likes that guy…which i cant agree with…What she likes is the feeling of being surrounded by that guy but not the guy himself

    • she’s definitely keeping him on hooked. so strategic…. I’m sure she said “I can’t be with you…………………………………………Right Now” to keep him waiting. so evil~~~~

  2. That first girl is so cute. Her personality sounds kind of scary though. She should stop lying to herself. She obviously likes that guy.

    • 兩個不同的製作公司  一個是王偉忠的金星製作  一個是王鈞的全能製作


  3. why why why為什麼連國光也找了這個不男不女的死人妖郭鑫來上節目台灣難道真的沒有像樣的藝人了嗎?不是高山峰 馬國賢 小甜甜 曲家瑞 包偉明 就是找郭鑫有他們其中一人節目的level就low了很多很多可以不要再找這些爛到家的藝人嗎?

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