37 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2012-03-09 兩岸失戀大不同!! 文章 白百何

  1. Pretty sure the two Chinese celebrities left after like the first 10 minutes.

    Seriously, the only reason why they’re even on this episode is because of their show.  They didn’t have anything to talk about.  They had the same story, were both married, have kids, and were pretty much boring all around. 

    • First of all, they were not promoting a show, they were promoting their movie. Secondly, those people are not boring at all. The only reason for you to said it is because you are used to superficial thinking and can’t understand them. This episode was a total failure because the producer and the host didn’t distribute the well the scenes for the main actors. These people don’t come that often and the public may want to know more about them.

      • movie, show, whatever.  They were there to promote SOMETHING, and that is the ONLY reason why they’re there.   They’re boring because they contributed NOTHING to the actual topic of the episode other than the name of the “movie.”  When asked what happened during the break up, the male actor pretty much refused to give any details but only that they separated for a month.  Didn’t want to talk about why they separated or why they got back together.  The host had to fill in the blanks for him, and even there, it lacked any details.  The actress had the exact same story, and the exact same lack of details.

        It has nothing to do with superficiality, but more about a lack of entertainment.  Who hasn’t been in a breakup before?  People, the audience, want to hear about the details.  We don’t care about the names, but we want to know why it happened and how it ended.  Giving generalized answers with no entertainment value is the reason why the two actors only got 10 minute of time. 

        There was NOTHING else to talk about with regards to the actual topic with them.

        They made BORING guests for the topic.  I’m not saying they are boring people, and I don’t claim to know them in real life, but they were so boring in the show. 

        I mean seriously, what more can I know about them when they refuse to share their lives.  Obviously they weren’t comfortable talking about their personal lives and were only there to promote the movie.  If you want to know more about them, google. 

        • they are movie stars , not 通告藝人 , that s why they don talk much, would you expect for example 李安 to go on their show and act like the other three…  文章 has more fans than all the 通告藝人 here and the three hosts COMBINED , he s good at acting and thats all he needs to do, he doesnt have to come up with funny stories just to make this show more interesting 

    • 很明顯的是這兩位演員被主持人問的時候,都沒有講很多話,因是沒有做任何準備就來上節目,另外三位就都是做了功課上節目講故事,他們的時間當然是多了。


      •  可能台湾艺人把钱看得很重, 大陆艺人大部分都是科班出身, 他们可能觉得戏好不好最重要, 赚钱其实其次的东西. 所以很多大陆艺人在名声很大以后还会去愿意演不怎么赚钱的舞台剧.

        • 是因為可以打開知名度所以願意不拿酬勞… 不然還有很多人排隊願意演… 台灣也有很多很好的演員用舞台劇來磨練演技

          • 看这部电影应该很清楚,几乎客串的和主演都是跟导演拍过戏的。内地演员不少戏红人不红,这些人超级挑剧本,而且一年就拍一部到两部电视剧,但是他们却属于剧本不好,有钱也请不到的。现在的内地青年演员比较漂。中年的那些有的可能拍完剧都不愿意宣传,但是绝对有收视率保证,观众能叫出他们戏里的名字,却叫不出真命。

  2. 小鍾真是鬼扯王!!

    真搞不過主持人, 到底主題是”33天失戀”,還是三個咖陳腔濫調失戀經驗!!!!

    浪費我10分鐘!!    SUCKs!!  

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