32 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2012-05-15 傳說中…會停車的男人最帥氣?!

  1. 这集有两个艺人好怪哦,他们是的了富贵病了吗?这麽多优厚的条件居然还可以范这麽多错误,还有怪习惯,是压力大吗?他们跟普通人比起来好像神经病和白痴啊。

      •  please use proper english if you willing to shoot people in english~
         he/she just asking question, u may answer his/ her question if you willing to do so, if you not willing to do so please shut ur mouth up~

    • 台灣算個狗屁國家?有幾個國家承認台灣是國家了?連美國都沒承認過它是個國家~要是真的變成一個國家了,鳥大的地方,全世界都可以羞辱你們。美國讓你們吃懶覺都不敢不吃

      •  是對岸的還特別用繁體字嗎?? 還真用心阿! 這麼愛搞中國 和台灣的問題 用簡體字阿…不是愛國嗎!!!

      • 聽說台灣人出國很像是用台灣護照喔~ 而不是對岸那本超級難用的小紅護照

        台灣護照的好是有口皆碑的啊… 就算比上不足、也絕對比貴國那本強

      •  是不是一个独立国家跟国家的大小有什么关系。不要没事老爱挑这个话题。本来就是个娱乐节目,又不是政府节目。

      • Actually Republic of China, now known as Taiwan was the representant of China in the UN, from the forming of UN until 1971, when Peoples Republic of China became too “powerful”. All the countries around the world chose to have diplomatic relations with communist China because they can make money of you, not because they like you. The civilians of these countries mostly consider Taiwan as a separate country.

        Of course you DO NOT represent China or Chinese people, I have met many nice Chinese from mainland, but there will always be idiots, you for example is one of them! 

        So Taiwan was actually recognized by all the countries in the world as China once, please make sure to get your facts right before you write something next time, or you’d just end up making yourself looking dumb…

        • @Chino  I wouldn’t go that far.  I see it more as a coup, or really just a transition of power.  The communist party “took over” China by pretty much driving the old government out to Taiwan.  Just like any other ancient Chinese dynasties that got “taken over.” Sure, the “Taiwanese” government went to Taiwan supposedly as a temporary retreat so they can take back China from the communist party later.  But that never happened, and it is not going to happen now or in the future. So yeah, China is no longer the “Taiwanese’s,” and it hasn’t been since the communist party took power.

          That being said, I consider Taiwan its own country.  You have an “exiled” or “retreating” government that pretty much, like the communist party did to China, took over Taiwan from its original settlers and natives.  China really has no claim over Taiwan because he never had possession over Taiwan.  Even if the communist party DID (IF) have Taiwan at one point, there is nothing different from communist party taking over China and form a new “dynasty” and from the Nationalist party taking over Taiwan to form its own government.  

          Saying how the nationalist party was a “rogue government” of China and that any land it owned (Taiwan) is part of China is an absurd argument.  When the Nationalist Party ran, it separated itself out from the communist party ruled “mainland.”  

          Sadly, Taiwan will NEVER be a “state” as recognized by the United Nations.  Because state recognition requires a vote by the security council, and China is a permanent member with veto power.  But who cares? Taiwan meets all the definition of a “state” under the United Nations charter (population, territory, control (government), capacity to engage in foreign relations), it’s just that China is “cock-blocking” Taiwan.  And they always will. 

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