28 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2012-06-08 妹正不正聽聲音就知道?!

  1. 小歪 is sooo ugly, and her voice is so fake… why do most girls in Taiwan have to “baby talk”? so sick!!  She is trying wayyyyy to hard to be cute, and she is so stupid. She is turning the conversation into a sex talk, so gross. I just can’t stand her!!!!!!!  instead of fixing her jacked up teeth, she should get her brain fixed!!! I would love to see her without makeup, and see if she would still talk like that! LOL!

  2. mini念白雪公主故事的时候放的什么背景音乐啊!吼,阿咪老师很糟糕耶!XDDDD 哈哈哈哈,笑到流泪

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