23 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2012-06-15 老外不要再來搶妹了!!

  1. asian men are ranked towards the lowest among all races men. there is a study done in how the americans perceive asian men. asian men are ranked with black female. which is pretty sad

    • sad个屁啦,这研究根本就是欺人太甚,种族歧视,坏心眼,也拿不上台面
      还black female ,为什么不是white female ,分明是white man做的研究,然后再撇清
      或者有更深层意义,OMG 难道?白人男人觉得 白人女人比黑人女人高级,所以拿下士出来比,会更侮辱人,我想这不可能,白人男人不会坏到这种程度的
      报告干脆说 asia femate得了,然后asia men就只能操自己了
      这报告谁都能写,如果你真的这么认为 才pretty sad

    • You’re the one that’s pretty sad with your stupid racist remarks! And what kind of scientific study are you refering to? What does it matter how Americans perceive Asian men? Are you Asian yourself? I doubt that some non Chinese speaking person would watch this show, so are you saying that yourself are pretty sad?

    • sorry 23423, u prob never stay in the US or u r those type of in door nerd that doesn’t know whats the world looks like

    • and you’re pretty stupid believing everything Google says. I googled today and it says you’re stupid, I didn’t come up with it myself. So you’d better believe it since it’s from Google! Those 4 people that clicked “like” are also stupid according to Google.

      Google also says that there are many racist and arrogant idiots posting here on this episode, damn Google is so great, I wish I never went to school, it was such a waste of time, I could just have waited until Google was around, oh no, lucky I didn’t, or I’d end up to be just like you!

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