9 thoughts on “國光幫幫忙 2012-06-18 這些考試影響我一生?!

  1. 台灣聯考的試場都不開冷氣?香港會考、高考的試場都一定有冷氣的,香港的考試制度(會考、高考)好像比較好,而且早就無了體罰,舒服得多

    • 大牙好像是1982還1984年生的 她也有說她是末代聯考生所以應該就是差不多這個年齡
      我跟她差不多 1985的 在我們那個年代老師體罰的情況的確還是很常見

  2. putting everything on one test is just stupid.  It’s a fact that it’s much easier to “prepare” for a standardized test than maintain GPA throughout high school.  Standardized tests used to be a measurement of what you learned in high school and a representation of how well you would do in college. 

    But now everyone is going to prep classes to prepare for those tests, which makes it pointless. The grades are no longer a representation of your knowledge or how well you will do in college.  It only shows how much you can cram into a few months of prepping.  Especially when you are taught a standardized way of writing the essay, and “tips” on how to eliminate answers to save test time.  

    50/50 GPA/Standardized Test is much better, along with consideration for extracurricular activities.  

    • 你這么長篇大論在寫論文給自己看是嗎?在這里好像很不搭噢未來的教育部長.

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