康熙來了 2009-05-07 演藝圈不良室友大吐槽

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127 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-05-07 演藝圈不良室友大吐槽

  1. [YT] Guess ur ebgkish leavel is like this only. don’t want to weast time on you anymore, just made a lot money……going to club now.
    bye sucker.

  2. [YT] 按照生物學的角度來説同性戀確實不是正常的狀態,心理學上叫同性戀為性慾倒錯,算是心理疾病的一種,跟畸戀分爲一類……

  3. [YT] 今天棋惠都沒講到什麼話,她是真的有變漂亮,希望他復出加油~

  4. [YT] his tone is not queer, it’s academic. and the show makes him do his hair like that, i hardly believe he requests for it himself. i don’t see how its “obvious” that he is gay.

  5. [YT] his hair is one, his tone is a little queer but not very noticeable. plus he’s on a show, why would he want to show the audience he’s desperate, he’s gay not perverted

  6. [YT] 郭鑫也真是的 都大爆料 已經暗燈了才想要解釋
    因為他們會互相碰觸對方的身體 腳也會碰在一起也不避諱

    祝福他們 哈哈

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