康熙來了 2009-05-20 演藝圈紙片人大戰厚片女

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271 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-05-20 演藝圈紙片人大戰厚片女

  1. [YT] 消化系统不好 食物营养吸收不进去

  2. [YT] 那個醫生瞎到爆

  3. [YT] Nods head. When I’m rushing projects or painting greeting cards, I’ll have this urge to finish what i’m doing before I do anything else. But i don’t think it’s very healthy. haha…

  4. [YT] totally agree,,studying harder really make skinny..actually eat well, sleep well and some ex will the right way to keep fit and be healthy..well sometimes its kinda hard too

  5. [YT] 那醫生簡直就是庸醫啦,這樣子或許會瘦,但一定不健康.之前看節目都有介紹各種不同奇怪减肥方法,其中都有說一天之內只吃一餐(任吃),但其他時間就只可以喝水,什麽都不可以吃. 運動是真的可以瘦下來,但個人覺得就先要節食一段時間把脂肪消掉一些,再開始做有氧運動.如果怕有肌肉可以練高溫瑜伽.

  6. [YT] 宵夜吃肉,要死吧.肉類至少要8個小時才可以在胃里消化(正常時間段,不是睡眠時間).這什麽醫生啊,做廣告也不是這個樣子啊…

  7. [YT] just don’t think about eating all the time. the more you think about it, the more you crave (the more you think about not to eat, the more you want to eat). make your life focus something else then it’s easier to become skinny.

  8. [YT] the best way to get skinny is to be occupied with something all day (not thinking about eating at all), then eat at night as a reward. when you’re busy studying and taking tests, you really won’t have the heart to eat.

  9. [YT] oh, i disagree about standing burning more calories than exercising as well, unless he means standing for a long time. sleeping might speed up metabolism when you’re more healthy and active, but you should still exercise because time awake is shortened.

  10. [YT] 我爸爸妈妈都很胖 他们的饮食习惯真的会影响我的 他们习惯一回家就是吃东西 看一边看电视一边还要吃水果 吃瓜子什么的 一直吃到睡觉前 和他们一起住的时候我觉得我吃的很少很少 但是自从住宿舍 和同学一起住 (差不多都是瘦子) 我老感觉自己吃很多 但是反而瘦了 我觉得还是在于一个比较 和胖人比吃得少就等于吃的多了

  11. [YT] Thin people who tell others that they eat a lot is probably fake because of a couple of reasons:
    1) they eat a lot one day and then nothing for the rest of the week
    2) they compare themselves to the wrong people who eat very little.
    Seriously they tend to take up the wrong nutrients by eating junk food or something… so they are still malnutritious.

  12. [YT] 這個醫生說話太不負責任了吧

  13. [YT] 其实运动是有效的
    所以我都隔2天跑步一次 跑步机跑4km左右

  14. [YT] 对的 我家人都是瘦子,我小时候也超瘦 搬出去住就变胖子 那是因为:我以前和家人一起生活 他们瘦子的饮食习惯会影响我 所以我也不胖

  15. [YT] actually; these thinest people could eat so much without putting on weight; they all have reasons, someone don’t eat balanced and healthy food; someone only focus on one meal and eat as much as they can.

    compare to the fatter people, they usually eat many kinds of things, but the amount is not really much

  16. [YT] see, this doctor came there for adverting!!!

    49kg is a healthy even thin weight. to be honest. but the face will be round
    however, everyone said babyfat during youth,
    why she still cant understand

  17. [YT] 其實是睡得熟的人比較不會胖..
    不是時間長不長的問題 = =


  18. [YT] 58/173 其实没有太瘦拉 我有个朋友57/183 另一个50/174 有时候还会下50 每次出去吃饭 边吃边看他们都能看哭了
    真的好悲哀阿 有些人就是不会胖 特别是女生又比男生容易囤积fat… T-T

  19. [YT] ya, the whole segment about skipping meals is a bunch of bull. every nutritionist I talk to always recommend smaller but frequent meals. and it’s better to eat more during the breakfast/lunch time rather than dinner/night time since our body’s catabolic system is more active during the first 8 hours of the day. and it’s not good to eat before sleep.

  20. [YT] but what he said about have only three meals a day is not true, i find it better to have small meals every 2 – 3 hours which means about 5 small meals a day, and avoid red meat, i lost weight just doing that without any exercise

  21. [YT] 我打工每天站5个小时以上而且都没有坐的..而且这5小时当中我吃了晚饭..连吃晚饭都是站着吃..中午醒来一餐..晚上打工一餐..没有站5小时..都没有瘦啊..-_-!!还是那么胖

  22. [YT] 因为我下午6点到11点打工..所以都习惯早上4,5点睡觉..然后下午2,3点起来就吃1个泡面或者面包之类..晚上打工又吃一餐..可是没有瘦过啊..放假我还睡过12,13小时的..

  23. [YT] 不是,照你這樣說是對的..但他是說就算你一天只吃宵夜,那宵夜的熱量跟你平時一天吃的總共食物的熱量.都不會胖。…但問題是,睡前吃東西,脂肪會堆在肚子,那就會胖….

  24. [YT] 申東靖騙肖呀…上次在另一個節目又說他因為患過厭食症,搞到腎臟不好,所以現在一餐不可以大吃,只可以小吃多餐,他買那麼多來吃,他腎臟受得了?

  25. [YT] 他說的有一定的道理啦,我本身就是這樣瘦下來的,以前刻意減肥減不下來,後來改變一下飲食跟生活習慣,差不多一年時間瘦到以前的褲子全部都大。而且身體一直很健康。

  26. [YT] 蔡康永本來就是個胖醜男啊,每天都把領子穿那麼高,就怕自己脖子肥肉露出來,媽的以為觀眾是瞎子看不出來

  27. [YT] actually… an an’s is also considered skinny (her BMI=16.5)- having a height of 167cm should have a minimum of 52kg, the perception of fat and skinny is really distorted now – hmmm

  28. [YT] is that guy really a doctor?? I disagree with a lot of what he said. of course exercising promote fat loss. resistance exercises bulk muscle, cardio workouts tone muscle and decrease fat, especially if the workout is longer than 20 or 30 minutes. fruits are good for you in moderation but really sweet fruits do have lots of sugar (like apples and mangos), which can increase fat content. basically watch your carb and sugar intake (normal: 100-130 g/day) and eat protein to maintain muscle mass.

  29. [YT] what the doctor said abt exercising is rubbish.
    true, you are working out your muscles BUT after you work out your muscles, you are losing your fats. to have the energy to work out, you have to burn out there fats.

  30. [YT] what the doctor say abt the supper is rubbish. cause after you eat supper, you sleep. you are not like losing your calories through walking, studying etc.

    and not eating normal meals but eating supper is UNHEALTHY!

  31. [YT] to just eat fruits for your meals is very very unhealthy. the best way is eat protein, starch and veggie and of course fruits and to EXERCISE!

  32. [YT] 最近看球,都起的很迟。起床时已经是吃中餐的时候。然后开始 一天的作息,为了简省时间,晚餐多以一颗水果代替,不然就少量的饼干。然后忙到凌晨2点外出看球。吃的宵夜是肥腻的印度煎饼。一天下来只吃了2餐多一点,两个星期下来瘦了1kg。



  33. [YT] 其实医生说的瞒有道理的。人的胖和瘦除了和个人体质有关外,最大的部分就是作息。如果一个人一天的摄取量超过他可以消耗的量,堆积起来就会胖。

  34. [YT] 哈!我剛剛真的去迅雷看快樂大本營了!還不錯看,原本還不知道這是什麼節目,哈!現在很少蔡依林這麼配合的綜藝節目的!非常有風格的綜藝節目,那主持人較什麼名字阿?這麼年輕?我還以為內地綜藝節目都是老老的主持人

  35. [YT] that doctor’s clinic aims at fat people or people who wants to lose weight unnaturally so obviously he wants people watching to eat before they sleep

    which is bad and aginst what a doctor should do but then again, money overrides morals unfortunately

  36. [YT] 真的要減肥就是不能吃..

  37. [YT] 蔡康永mixed up bagel (貝果) with donuts (甜甜圈).
    Bagels, though has lots of carbohydrates, are boiled for a short time in water and then baked. Donuts are deep-fried.

  38. [YT] 這個醫生有夠瞎的,吃完宵夜就去睡覺,體內的熱量根本不能燃燒呀,就直接變成脂肪了!就算三餐不吃只吃宵夜,也是不健康的飲食方式,而且食物留在胃裡一整晚,對胃造成很大負擔呀,還不說會有胃酸倒流, 有胃氣這些問題了…..

  39. [YT] what he said about calories is true. most people eating 宵夜 on top of any junk they already ate during the day…so adding extra calories will clearly make you fat.

  40. [YT] Bagel is actually the healthiest bread type food…it is made without butter, which has very low calories from fats. plus, it was usually broiled and baked, not fried. 蔡康永 doesnt know what he is talking about. just dont eat too much…its just a simple fact that eating too much of anything is bad for you.

  41. [YT] 並不同意這個醫生講的話。他所說的只是單純從一天人應該攝取的熱量平衡的觀點。人的胃是有固定的時間要消化活動的,如果經常餓肚子太久,會導致胃方面的疾病,甚至嚴重到胃癌。 台灣前陣子才出現一個病例,一個十三歲的小男孩,因三餐時間不固定,課業壓力大,晚餐又吃太晚,年紀小小就得胃癌。 人還是要三餐定時定量均衡+睡眠充足+做運動才會健康。

  42. [YT] lol why it is mainlander, it can be people from other countries who pretend to be chinese or taiwanese. Tons of foreigners can write perfect chinese. do u know internet agents? they are the people working for their country government to start an argument between china and other countries to stir up conflicts or progaganda online.

  43. [YT] yeah i know ~ but most singaporean DO care about what they said . go check those comments below. = _ =
    what a shame , just wanna say that they dont represent all TWnese ppl @@”

  44. [YT] Ha. I was wondering the same thing. Either some crazily patriotic person (in that case he/she woulnd’t be watching this show) or pretending to be a mainlander to start an argument.

  45. [YT] lol 申東靖, do u think majority of people care abt what he say? Theres a lot of taiwanese hate him too, dont believe check out his blog.

  46. [YT] The glucose that your mouth (amylase) had broken down is going to be transferred and stored as fat if you are not exercising – that is glucose breakdown / glycolysis. I really don’t believe that doctor. Unless it’s because patients who don’t eat during the day will break down glucogen stored in liver for glycolysis; then at night, the extra glucose will then be transferred to glucagon that is consumed during the day?

  47. [YT] yes , lots of ppl dont like their singaporean accent . but what i mean is some “celebrities” like 申東靖 and others guests they cant even speak proper english , how dare they criticize ppl who can speak english?
    and not all singaporean speak english with strange accent .
    so i dont think most of them can criticize others. that’s it.

  48. [YT] well , singlish is meant to be criticized, nobody is proud of speaking singlish. I lived in singapore for 10 years, nobody here is actually saying they are proud that they can speak singlish.

  49. [YT] i think that cholesterol girl isn’t even considered “fat”…she’s a bit overweight and her face is chubby. but compared to other people, i think she’s healthy.

  50. [YT] agreed. the doctor is just making things up …. especially the theory on pigs -_-” . pigs are genetically imprinted to be fat and eats constantly, just like how giraffes naturally have long necks. People are so uneducated these days.

  51. [YT] yeah, american food has a lot of fatty foods unlike asian food. so of course, their diet is different from ours, which is why a lot of americans are overweight.

  52. [YT] the doctor is obviously not a health expert….otherwise, he wouldn’t be saying that it doesn’t matter if you sleep right after you eat. although that might not affect your weight, it does affect your health. a good doctor would not encourage people to do something harmful to their bodies just to lose weight. -.-
    and as for exercising, that’s to burn calories, not necessarily all the fats in your legs or whatever you’re trying to lose. besides, exercising is good for you….

  53. [YT] i know!!! i was like….what the heck? you’re not even supposed to eat 3 hours before you go to bed because of 胃酸倒流. the doctor should tell them not to eat right before going to sleep because that’s obviously not healthy.

  54. [YT] Gosh, chinese guys are way too skinny. Cant believe 小s says 陳漢典 who weighs 68kg is fat.

    Too many asian girls are too skinny as well. if you want boobs gain some weight. But I guess as long as you are healthy then it’s ok …

  55. [YT] i don’t see why there’s a need to discriminate against people who weigh more than average. -.-
    don’t judge a book by its cover. ever heard of that?
    saying “i wanna puke” shows how immature you are. -_____-

  56. [YT] 女人我最大也讲过熬夜的人更容易胖,所以要减肥的人一定要保证睡眠时间~~至于宵夜的问题,他也是说提前几餐的热量一定要很少才行~~而且我觉得比如11点吃宵夜,估计2点睡才行,不然真的对胃不好~~

  57. [YT] 林小姐實在是太太太太太太瘦了!!!媽呀。。。。。


  58. [YT] 許安安誤會了..
    如果被他們說太瘦 其實是正常

  59. [YT] 因為人類每天分解食物的時間差不多在
    That’s why no eating after 5 is sometimes suggested for people who want to go on a diet

    ANd thats why we call “breakfast”

  60. [YT] since when 大陆人 use traditional chinese?
    oh and btw, we don’t say 偉大祖國
    if u want to pretend to be a mainlander, learn how we speak and type first

  61. [YT] 我倒覺得他講得很有道理
    1. 睡眠要充足
    2. 作息要正常, 吃飯的時間也固定
    3. 最重要的就是 吃的熱量跟消耗的熱量要保持平衡

  62. [YT] 其實他說得沒錯啊..如果吃宵夜會胖,


  63. [YT] like they said, hes a plastic surgeon
    his diet shortcuts for dieting only work well in the short run but fatal to the human health in the long run
    so in the end, his patients would come back to him for surgical help
    like how he said eat before sleep and avoid a meal or two in the day time, he’s totally suggesting the patients to get ulcers
    and he’s really pushing it by suggesting that liposuction is better than exercising for body tone-ups.

  64. [YT] 美國人肥胖那麼多,是因為他們一餐吃的份量比台灣大非常的多!! 他們的一餐都可以抵台灣兩到三餐的份量了~ 再加上 他們的炸薯條 洋芋片 飲料的攝取量又很大,所以油份,糖份都攝取的很多~所以不是因為只有澱粉類的攝取 才造成肥胖

  65. [YT] 不應該食宵夜的原因不在胖呀


  66. [YT] 難怪~

  67. [YT] 米飯 殿粉質那麼高, 為甚麼 外國人(美國人)給亞洲人 肥 那麼多

    另外那個醫生中間說 運動廋不了…屁
    運動時是運動肌肉沒錯, 但肌肉會釋放熱量,可以消脂

  68. [YT] 林立雯真的好瘦,感觉会被风吹走~

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