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[YT] 這集康熙我快笑死了啦!!!!
[YT] 小s好好笑喔!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 天啊!我快笑死了啦!!!!
[YT] 天啊!我快笑死了啦!!!!
[YT] poor 烏哥…. he must be so busy
[YT] ofcos u can,, then get kick out,, LOL
[YT] agree,, he reli seems like in his own lil world =.=
[YT] vary parking? do they mean valet parking?
[YT] 邵昕以前算是滿紅的小生吧?
[YT] 侏儸紀在我國小時很紅ㄟ 高雄
[YT] 不會ㄚ
[YT] 我覺得ㄚ
不過他還是跳下去 敬業的呢
[YT] 烏哥啊﹗烏哥嘛﹗哈哈﹐邵昕先生我下次去夜店也能報烏哥的大名嗎﹖
[YT] 邵昕好好笑唷~~以前很會演戲;沒想到超有喜感的!! 有夠討厭~但是好好笑~!!!!!!!!
[YT] 以前不都是直接寫阿咪麽
[YT] 是呀是呀,s姐演得好像^^
[YT] 哈哈,鑽到底,笑死了!!
[YT] 對呀,康永哥好可愛呀^^也跳得不錯呢.
[YT] 嘩!!!康永哥也跳呢.我覺得他們跳群舞時很好看呢.^^
[YT] “是心臟不舒服嗎?”笑死我了.謝謝分享
[YT] vary parking
zhi jie gei ni yi ge “tick”
what a laugh!!!
[YT] wake me up before you gogo
[YT] 第一首舞曲是什么名字??!
[YT] 说的也是啦。。。哈哈
[YT] The singer at the end is 〝Tank〞呂建忠 歌名叫 〝生還者〞
[YT] I miss 阿咪老師 cause i felt 阿咪老師 is the best in making the sound effects…
[YT] Kimiko老師!!!@@
[YT] who’s the singer at the end?
[YT] the cha cha!! it’s tiring. at first I thought they were dancing the salsa.
btw, what was that guy talking about in the US the doctors take off from work for 2 hrs to do what? the doctors I know don’t have 2 hours to take off from work.
[YT] that guy in the white collar is very irritating
[YT] ya, soho is mainly an asian club. I went to one in austin on 6th street. there was like 1 white guy in there.
[YT] that guy cracks me up.
amigo, very parking, tick. haha
[YT] 邵昕好有梗,雖然囉嗦了一點,他上國光會更活潑吧!
[YT] 我是以為黃安出現了
[YT] 哈哈哈 戲超多的
[YT] 哈哈哈哈 他戲好多’笑斃我了
[YT] 溜過去哪一段超好笑的啦我差點笑死了﹗
[YT] 邵先生真的很欠扁!!!!!
[YT] i love 邵昕! he always makes me laugh until i feel like my face is cracking!
[YT] 1:48
[YT] 小S模仿冰刀那段笑死了
[YT] hahaha
“very” parking
the caption guy should be fired
[YT] 邵昕太好笑了,超喜欢看他
[YT] 邵昕真的很像老頭子..煩死了….人來瘋
[YT] 可是邵昕抓張的很好笑耶
[YT] 很烦好不好?
[YT] 邵昕很好笑阿
[YT] 下一期不要找那个什么邵昕了。。
[YT] the people mentioned for tomorrow’s show are zai zai, vaness and edison chen le
[YT] 還在做吧
[YT] 邵昕勁煩!!
[YT] 不能這麼說
[YT] 又是一整集的白痴跳舞,可以跳過不看了
[YT] 長袍馬褂的年代 太好笑了!!!
[YT] 怎麼好像在看紹昕專訪啊~~
而且, 他講的都很誇張~
[YT] tml look interesting.
[YT] 烏 ge.. lmao xDDDD
[YT] LOL 鑽到B1去..
[YT] 邵昕 is brother of 邵庭?
[YT] 邵昕很多话呢。。。
[YT] 殺誰啊
[YT] 很无聊!!!! 小s舞跳的很难看!!!
[YT] 發生什么事?那個Alvin在罵別人打英文嗎?
[YT] he is so~ so~ fully sick… mate
[YT] 小S鑽的好好笑。。
[YT] 康永真是好可愛呀~
[YT] he’s annoying…
[YT] 向丽文好心酸啊。。。
[YT] 好歉扁
[YT] xiao s so funny haha
[YT] 对啊~ some people懂得听~ but不懂得写~ you want him/she how to write? 对吗??? 嘻嘻!!!
[YT] 這一輯好無聊
都是紹昕在說, 而且自以為是
[YT] 還是繁體字比較好看
thanks to jennifish
[YT] 這一集很無聊耶…..都邵昕在講…
[YT] 1:47
[YT] 還是繁體字比較好看
[YT] yes. I agree with. Why can’t we converse in English? I don’t know why a person with such a provincial mind can exist. dba1a, I know how you feel.
[YT] 你才智商低, 说人不可用英语。自己在那儿取英文名。自相矛盾。
[YT] 用中文用户名会死呀!Alvin
[YT] 莎士比亞的英文就好比古時候的文言文,並沒有簡寫英文單字和喪失單字的意義。而簡體中文則是在文筆上大幅做簡化導致有些文字喪失原本的典故。就像愛字在繁體中文有個心,因為”愛”要用心去愛的,所以愛才會有心字部,而其它字以此類推。但是在簡化後卻沒有了以前古人造字的精隨所在。不過確實簡體因為使用了拼音又簡化後是比繁體來的好學。
[YT] very parking…..hahaha
[YT] 邵昕很好笑阿XD
[YT] i guess he did. it prolly got cut off.
[YT] preciely. i got so sick and tired of comments like “why cant you type in chinese, you think just because you can type english you are a big deal?” and stuff like “woah people from america can understand chinese?”
Im from Singapore. And for me to type in chinese i have to go dl some software which is super troublesome. AND NOT ONLY AMERICANS SPEAK ENGLISH. sheesh. Ignorant people.
[YT] 中国人不是只有古人好不好…
[YT] Kimiko跳舞真的好好看…
[YT] there are lots of Taiwanese people watching 康熙來了from outside of Taiwan. 有些可能不會打中文或是打很慢
[YT] I think Shao XIn is drunk…
[YT] that kid talk too much too annoying
[YT] 你有病啊 = =
[YT] 整集绍昕都在讲话..
[YT] 紹先生在誠品 也有開一家店
之前不知道他是藝人 .. 上了國光才知道 ..
[YT] 烏哥是我小弟
[YT] 講英文也不會死啊
[YT] keyboard聽得有點煩
[YT] they all look so cute dancing together
[YT] ok阿~反正我也沒有很想去阿!
[YT] Hahahahaha .. 笑死我了。 乌哥。
[YT] 邵昕自以為到過美國舞廳就了不起…
這集不是要講台灣舞廳發展史嗎 要美國舞廳發展史也沒人要聽他的吧
[YT] 古人还用象形文字呢, 中文就是中文,简体繁体都不过是一种中文,很多你都不认识呢,无知
[YT] 那莎士比亚时代的英文和现代英文也不一样啊~你说哪个是英文~更新啊更新啊~
[YT] 請用甲骨文 謝謝
[YT] 講中文會死喔?
[YT] 是valet parking,
還very parking勒…..
[YT] 林智賢 never say a word in this esp
[YT] 邵昕怎麼看怎麼噁心~
[YT] 烏哥來了沒?
[YT] 所以那不是中文啊…
古人哪有用簡體字啊= =||
[YT] 以前看过他们国光的采访,邵昕好像本来就这样的个性,很皮,我觉得还搞的啊!
[YT] sao-ci is funny…i love him…u fuckin mandarin dont comment him…..
[YT] 這集需要跳過的部分太多了 紹西的全跳過 可以不要再發他了嗎
[YT] 下次去夜店我也要報烏哥的名子..
[YT] 小S鑽的超好笑!!哈哈~~
[YT] 這一集有點失望了
[YT] wahaha……lmao…….
[YT] tank吧,好就没发片了
[YT] 用簡體字, 不等於是大陸人.
[YT] 阿咪老師不再做康熙了嗎@@?!
[YT] I want to kill 邵昕 !!!!! seriously…so fucking annoying!!! wtf, he make me feel disgusted!!
[YT] THAT weird guy in white shirt is sooo weird!!! AND overly dramatic!!!
[YT] 這集好好玩﹐大家都動起來跳。。。
[YT] I thought 邵昕 was pretty funny! He cracked me up~
But he exaggerated about the Club Soho~ I believe I know which club he is talking about in LA. That club is no longer there~ It’s a big club, but not that great~ It’s an Asian club…the owner is Chinese…it’s not really an American club~
[YT] 这集就没怎么跳了….
[YT] iChinga tu Madre!
[YT] 愚蠢
[YT] 哈哈 小康不就说过` 你不能用正常的的思维方式和逻辑来理解他~ 笑死了哈
[YT] 你看事情能不能不这么片面啊?一分为二没听过吗?不喜欢大陆可以啊~~不要来就好了嘛~~别忘了香港澳门也包括哦
[YT] 大家冷靜點
老人就是這樣 XD
[YT] 邵昕….好無聊=_____=
[YT] 乌哥红了!红的很无辜。哈哈哈。
[YT] tank
[YT] 仔仔 吳建豪 黃立行 陳冠希
[YT] 哈 我快笑死了 邵昕好蠢
[YT] lol..joker man!
[YT] 康永好可爱!!
[YT] 3:06 haaa…
[YT] 邵昕不讨人厌啊!好好笑
[YT] 向丽文和小康越长越象了
[YT] 沒第一集的好看 講太多話了
[YT] 最後一個是edison lol
[YT] Tank
[YT] 现在终于知道为什么庹宗康叫邵晰”国光唯一的神经病”了
[YT] 說的好!!! 他們太自以為是 以為自己很屌
[YT] 邵昕 always so funny
[YT] 那個邵昕真的有夠討厭的
[YT] 请问一下 片尾的这个歌手是谁呀?
[YT] “别人也是上个通告嘛“要交足功课“不然怎么对得起钱“
[YT] 现在不是阿咪老师了,是他的一个女徒弟。估计年纪比较轻,没经历过他们那个disco年代吧
[YT] The Li Zhi Xian come for what?
[YT] 講太多了 破壞掉本來主題我想看到大家熱舞的場面
[YT] HAHA..he’s a joke in KAngxi for this episode.
Irritating..YES,but he make himself foolish and funny
[YT] 邵昕太逗了
[YT] hate him poor guy
[YT] 邵昕 會爆走
他在 “想當年”
哈 ^_^
[YT] 找烏哥拉
[YT] 可愛呵呵~
[YT] 好噁心哦他…-.-
[YT] 阿咪老師太爛了 都沒放歌
[YT] 康熙以后都别发邵昕这个人了啦。
[YT] 屈哥,張世都是一流的演員。邵先生只是個自以為是的神經病吧表情、穿著、談吐就只有”流氣”兩個字啊
[YT] 哈哈後製的皺紋
[YT] 演流星花园里的青和咧!!!哇!!!好久没看到他了!!!
[YT] 邵昕很有个性,很率直。并不讨厌啊。
[YT] 国光艺校的培养很成功阿~~邵昕,屈哥,张世这帮人浑身带戏
[YT] agreed!
[YT] HAHAHAHA he is sooo cool
[YT] 康永哥跳舞耶
[YT] omg that white shirt collar guy is so irritating! -_-”