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[YT] only true for those who are on top of the food chain.
[YT] 和气才能生财,说得好
[YT] they should hv more hot guys in the VIP too~! gotta satisfy the ladies as well!!!
[YT] reli dislike those ppl who dunno how to play bj n keep on askin for cards=.= i reckon casino should make some tables especially for those beginners so others wont be losin with their mistakes ~!
[YT] 說的好啊!
[YT] 我對美國小費實在不了解,當時給10%也只是因為我們照老師跟我們說的數量給而已(跟學校一起去的)。如果有服務生因為我小費不知情下給太少而受到身心上的傷害,本人在此致歉。
[YT] 不过 s 装法师的样子好搞笑。
[YT] at most 10%? HAHA lmao
you must be a stingy ass
[YT] 莊家通常沒有決定權. 一般規則是莊家到17點或以上才可停牌
[YT] 看你這種說法就知道你不會賭..
[YT] 故意的吧! 意圖很明顯,故意演成這樣
[YT] 他们自己赚的钱自己去花有什么的,赌场这东西肯定将来是全球最主要的娱乐项目,我以前不信,去了vegas之后感觉真好玩, 一个沙漠中的城市就靠赌场把娱乐业搞得有声有色,绝对是奇迹
[YT] 我在vegas等看show前随便吃点超级难吃的日本料理就有300多,要是找个好店吃个正餐到一两千绝对是很正常的,五六千应该是比较高级的了,虽然我没吃过,不过还是很正常。还是vancouver好,一两百块就能吃到最好的
[YT] 韩国赌场那么差啊,看来只有赌棍才会去,想要娱乐的人是不会去的
[YT] 賀一航拿12點 余小萍當發牌員發到13點
[YT] 原來Dealer的中文是荷官,又學會一個詞兒了!
[YT] 荷官是臨時演員??
[YT] 賭場肯定都是這樣的
[YT] 我知道沒有服務費這點,可是有給到18%嗎?兩年前去美國的時候也才給頂多給10%,可能近年來提升了吧。
[YT] 荷官英文超蝦
[YT] 不了
[YT] Watch the entire thing over again and you might just find it.
[YT] 美國不像台灣是沒有服務費
[YT] i know…i was like…why does 狄志杰 look so familiar…and then i was trying to think of a series he acted in….i thought of ToGetHer, but then realized that was acted by 包偉銘. lol
[YT] haha, at least you would win since he has “22”, “too many” rofl
[YT] if she ordered any wine..
hard to get to 5k, or 6k with just food..
but she said she’s 18…not even 21..
and asians normally look younger to them..
so her story is kind of faky…
id say it will sound much more real if it’s 500, 600 per meal..
[YT] dude food in las vegas is expenisve plus she prrbably ate at some fancy restrunt in there think about it some french food plus some kinda wine and she probably didnt eat alone
[YT] REALLY don’t like 余筱萍 grrrrrrrrrrrr
[YT] 美國不是18進賭場的…應該是21歲吧??!!
[YT] 臺幣???
[YT] 不是~是台灣將來的新興產業~ 替政府先宣傳~
[YT] 沒錯
同理心 peace!
[YT] 這個dealer長得好像小鐘的助理大雄.
[YT] 小S好笑~
[YT] 是蔡康永先說的啦~
[YT] if this video was any worse i would go jump of a cliff
[YT] gr8! shen yulin is on kangxi on mon!
[YT] 美國小費跟服務費不是同樣的東西。給了服務費以後還可以再給小費。不過台灣服務費也才10%,12%因該不算小氣吧。
[YT] 這集好爛,一堆死賭鬼在吹噓自己的財富,現在這種景氣,請問是要對觀眾表達什麼價值觀?
[YT] he yi hang – big fish.. haha lmao xDDDD
[YT] 不一定, 我有去過一間鵝肝醬就要 US. 300 的餐廳 in LV…. 不過我只點了生菜就閃人了 XDDDD. US 5000 or 6000 is possible, but every meal….
[YT] 大家不需要批評吧~
[YT] That dealer is horrible… I will get super pissed of if he is my dealer in LV
[YT] 余筱萍吵死了
[YT] 汉典好正啊。。。
[YT] 而且完全看不出歲月的痕跡…
[YT] boring episode
[YT] 而且 還一直不準人家講英文= =
自己那嚜愛獎又不准別人講= =
[YT] taiwanese currency…approximately 33 to $1.
[YT] 哈哈哈~好像有一點,應該天生就長這樣了吧
[YT] 原來韓國人在賭場也是這個樣子啊
[YT] i hope she meant NT.
[YT] 狄志杰在闷锅演过包偉銘吧
[YT] what kind of meal does she eat? 5 to 6 thousand dollars per meal with 6-7 hundred dollars in tips?!
Does she eat diamonds or something…
[YT] 演藝圈來錢又快又容易
[YT] Theres also alot of artistes with new album, just not as famous as jolin
[YT] 可是那個人也滿樂的吧五六百塊serve於小瓶。。。
[YT] 焊点小腿好粗,哈哈
[YT] 眼睛向上看 是哦
[YT] 小S只會玩老虎角子機
[YT] actually~~ O(∩_∩)O
[YT] 沒有啦,他是開玩笑的啦.
[YT] 小s很討厭,不懂又一直打斷。
[YT] this is awsom
[YT] 包偉銘跟狄志杰有點像耶
[YT] 魚小萍是叫做目中無人,不知禮貌內斂的藝人是會被排擠也紅不久的,不過重點是他一點也不像藝人賭后比較適合她。
[YT] …no new albums release recently ?
u kidding?
pls dont comment if u donno anything…
[YT] hey!
[YT] 就算真的吃五六千美金
[YT] 爆掉的意思
[YT] Dealer 超好賺
[YT] 拜托,韩国不是东南亚。
[YT] 是在啃金條吧
[YT] 面部失调的是荷官
[YT] 哈哈 小s最近很愛說英文
[YT] ^^ 小s可愛~
[YT] 是21歲吧。。S = =
[YT] 这期没什么劲。下期应该会好点。~
[YT] 根本是敗家女嗎 … 父母怎麼能這樣寵她… 怪不得家教會這麼糟…
[YT] wtf did he keep saying “too many”?
[YT] 台灣目前還沒有賭場,但是已經通過賭場法案,會在澎湖(外島)開始建立賭場.
[YT] 主持人好吵,有点儿过了,让人家讲故事都讲得不顺当
[YT] 因為人家是主持人啊= =…
[YT] know nothing about gambleing – -!!
so confused =-=
[YT] 包爸爸太好笑了啦 XD
哈哈 兒子還要幫忙表演
[YT] 超級同意…XD
[YT] 發現這些人都在亂砍…
[YT] that male dealer is so funny..haha…XD
[YT] 我也有問題..我跟賭博不熟
[YT] 他是麻將的賭后阿 XD 哈哈
[YT] 这集很无聊。。。我一直在等笑点啊!!!!!
[YT] No new album release recently except for jolin
[YT] VIP dining 一個人兩千多有可能,開瓶ok的酒56千有可能,餐餐如此有點誇張…
[YT] its still S and kang yong because 中天 brought half of that hongkong channel, so that channel now will also show kongxilaile. and they have a special kangxi episode for that channel today.
[YT] 所以说 赌场是名符其实肮脏龌蹉邪恶的地方囖 神明全都被挡在外面 哈哈
[YT] 對啊… 剛剛看這禮拜的大學生了沒也看到她~ 真夭壽…
[YT] 自己拿12, 莊家拿5,6面牌…
[YT] 这些人哪来那么多钱去赌啊?太可怕了
[YT] 康永很喜歡插話ai
[YT] 一餐56千美金是笑话
[YT] 包大哥! ><
[YT] s瞇得好可愛
[YT] 其實 Actually……..為什麼要講重複的話還硬要加英文……..
[YT] 訓練考試過了誰都是可以的
[YT] 包伟铭怎么这么帅啊。
[YT] 黃小柔和高捷超可愛和浪費!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 节目预告里的背景男声怎么换了啊,好太监啊 ~~~
[YT] 有那么一點點被諧星們無聊到~好像康熙好久好久好久都沒有做專訪了
[YT] 其实余筱萍蛮可爱的,性情直爽。
[YT] where can i see that?
is that still xiao S and kang yong?
[YT] 唉~~逢賭的主題她一定冤魂不散 /_\
[YT] 是的,我當了一年甚麼樣的人都見過…只要是正常人…
[YT] 棒子是蛮讨厌的
[YT] 尤其是迷恋明星-有趣又感人
[YT] it was! yesterday;)
[YT] they are in the new kangxi on hong kong aTV channel.
[YT] wtf…這個叫余筱萍的潑婦又上來了!!
[YT] 我想知道是任何人都可以当荷官吗?
[YT] 同意,这星期很有趣
[YT] i thought bang bang tang 6 bang was suppose be in this week kang xi?
[YT] 发现这一周的节目都很有创意,先是明星迷恋明星(赵哥和黄小柔),还有讨好星妈(小钟),后来是张克凡的后空翻。现在这个似乎也不错