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[YT] P.S. You don’t watch comments, you look at them.
[YT] 哈哈哈哈好好笑喔
其實也沒差啦 但是表情很好笑
[YT] 兩台的版本不同, 亞視也有播中天剪掉的
[YT] 鮑姐演肥貓既阿媽已經夠曬popular咗啦
[YT] 萬綺雯!!
[YT] Times of Your Life 🙂
Ah mi is so funny… that background music just so fits into the topic they are talking. Haha.
[YT] I am from Honk Kong and even I found it boring. Most young people in Hong Kong don’t even know them. They can go on the show just because Bao won Best Actress.
[YT] 亞視 笑死人
[YT] lol actually it depends… like tvb dramas generally are interesting but i cant say that for all hk dramas including dramas from atv…
[YT] lol i think very little people actually watch atv rite… most prob watch tvb~ sorry but i personally dun really like atv shows…
[YT] 我只认识炜哥和万绮雯
[YT] 香港人 講話 真的 很多 拉尾音
[YT] 沈玉琳說的很對啊
[YT] u should reread my original statement, i ddnt say western ppl dont believe in ghosts, they just arent as obsessive over it. When their TV gets turned off in the middle of the night for no reason, their immediate first thought is power outage, not a bored haunting ghost trying to scare the living.
[YT] 哇塞
[YT] 香港的星星同学會比起康熙差太多了~主持功力差~太嘈,太煩,都是主持人自己在大笑,不讓來賓說話,所以縱使有很捧的來賓都會變得不好看~而且有時是難看!
[YT] 万绮雯演过我和春天有个约会,还有 司机大佬 里面的小妹。
[YT] 我和春天有个约会
[YT] 亞視在香港真的是超不行的台.
這些人根本一點都不紅, 哪是明星.
大家不要誤會. 香港年青一輩真的很少看這個了.
[YT] 為什麼每次都要站這麼久阿?
[YT] i am sorry, but i have to disagree with you on Western ppl dont believe there is ghost. They are all spiritual things, Americans believe in God and believe Satan is the enemy. And children nowadays still hear stories about ghost such as A Christmas Carol. Asian culture and Western culture both have the spiritual part inside.
[YT] 陳煒嫁到台灣啊! 她是選美冠軍, 萬綺雯和朱慧珊也前三名, 身材樣貌還保持很好啊!
[YT] u say u agree so dont u see ur biased? Like i said u WANT to believe, even tho u dont have proof that it’s actually real
u say 宁可信其有, but why would u rather believe that it’s real even tho there’s no proof? what consequences would u suffer if u didnt? it’s bunch of “consequences” that ppl have done a great job of selling to you. The fact that u WANT to believe prevents u from looking at it objectively
watever, y am i wasting my time
[YT] no, that’s exactly the logic u were going for when u ask me for “absolute 100% proof”, cuz u’d know i dont have that hard incontrovertible proof, so u could say “see u dont have proof that it doesnt exist, so therefore i’m must be right”
[YT] for the 1st time ur saying something i can agree with you on. peace, gtg
[YT] look the mind is a very powerful thing, what you believe becomes your own reality – and you WANT to believe. I really can careless. Maybe ur right, maybe there are ghosts but there’s just no proof of that other than a bunch of ppl’s testimonials.
[YT] i never say those lines before, thats purely your own assumptions about me, my stand is 宁可信其有,不可信其无。 remember your the one started this argument. so i just tag along and see what “facts” you got that you claimed that you have . but you just disappointed me. i didnt want to argue with you but i couldnt tolerate personal insults.
[YT] lol, i knew i was wasting my time. u still dont understand the point i was trying to make about the cultural differences
lemme just point out ur faulty logic – ur saying that if i have dont have absolute proof triple stamped by the top scientists in the world that it doesnt exist then it must mean that it does exist
ridiculous like i said that u think the burden of proof is on me
[YT] who started this? did i call your name in the very beginning? your the one replied to my comment laughing at me for thinking that im ridiculous to you.
[YT] you are the one saying earlier that THERES FACTS STACKED UP AGAINST ME , SORRY. now your just changing your words around and arguing on a different topic saying that im wrapped up in asian cultural beliefs, yet you failed to counter me directly on the original argument that birthdays and time is a total BS. can you stop jumping around on different things? have you ever debate with someone before in competitions?
[YT] the point i was trying to make is simply this:
it’s culture, it has everything to do with culture n doesnt always have to do with reality. ppl are known for holding beliefs w/o the necessary logic or facts to back it up
it’s 2009 for god sakes, we shouldnt consult horoscopes or magic 8 balls for advice on life
the fact that you think bdays mean more than just simple numbers shows that ur very much wrapped up in the asian cultural beliefs
[YT] theres “”FACTS”” that shows ghosts dont exist 100%? link please, either english or chinese, i would like to read it. maybe its other other ppl’s opinions and you think it is a FACT.
[YT] dude, u need to look at it objectively, ppl’s testimonials are NOT FACTS!! what you’ve shown me is a bunch of ppl’s opinions
[YT] so what are you trying to say? asians believe in ghosts, westerners dont believe in ghosts. SO WHAT? what is your stand here? it has nothing to do with our original topic.
[YT] where did i ever claim that there are more nonbelievers than believers, i simply point out the cultural differences
if u can’t bring urself to understand the fact that western countries dont believe in ghosts as obsessively as asian countries, then it’s not even worth debating anything here
[YT] you also have failed to answer any of my questions and you keep on throwing your own ideas onto me to try to start a different topic to argue, im not that stupid to fall into the trap, dont get out of topic pls.
[YT] of cos, argument must be fair, at least i showed u that on internet, theres ppl agreeing with me that birthday and time of birth determines how easy to see ghost and yet you cant provide any solid proof it just means ur losing this argument, kid.
[YT] again, you cant provide any evidence that ghosts dont exist at all, and yet you move on to a different topic which you claim that more people believe theres no ghost at all, where do u get the stats from ? show me the table or graph.
[YT] you called me ignorant
so i ddnt start
[YT] you’re hilarious. you’re the one who believes in ghosts and the burden of proof is on me???
[YT] who the fuck are supporting you here? are u delusional? (obviously, i guess)
dude u gotta understand, it’s a culture thing, it’s a eastern culture thing to believe in ghosts. again it’s culture – nothing to do with reality
in western developed countries, ppl arent afraid of ghosts or even think they exist – i guess there are some (there are delusional ppl everywhere who want to believe), but definitely not to the same degree as the asian countries
[YT] stop with all those personal insults that you think it would make you look cool and stop me from arguing about this. this tactic is outdated.
[YT] so what are the facts you are talking about actually? your just being vague and twist your way in to win this argument, ur already losing it.
[YT] at least theres ppl supporting me, you have nobody to support ur view. can you show me anything that says that 八字轻容易见鬼 is total BS?
[YT] you have yet provide any facts that ghosts dont exist. if ghosts dont exist, where do we go after life?
[YT] yea same delusional ppl who want to believe in ghosts
i dont need ppl to come on here to support ur view or support my view. ppl’s opinions dont matter here b/c we’re should be discussing facts
and the facts are stacked against you, sorry
[YT] 等你死了就知道了。
[YT] hahahaha you’re an idiot who actually thinks there are ghosts
please provide some proof if i am so ignorant
[YT] yeah omg! her voice is really like 小玲! especially when she shouts. and she does look pretty 🙂
[YT] 況明潔還是非常瞭解小康,小康自己都不記得的事情況明潔還知道,難怪是她最愛的人
[YT] Dunno those people, one boring episode anyway.
[YT] 辛苦你了 谢谢哦
i love you =]
[YT] 鮑起靜說ATV沒競爭,那是因為ATV演員少,TVB有太多藝人了,就會有競爭。亞視基本上看來看去都是那些演員。
[YT] chanss0419, ATV is not famous. At least 80% of people watch TVB.
[YT] actually it should be voice-over when it’s about what the character’s thinking
when the character is heard speaking off the screen, that’s off-screen
somehow this is confused in taiwan and used as pleased
[YT] 只是ATV無聊. TVB還是很好!
[YT] 況明潔 說話的樣子 好像 小玲老師喔
不過她笑起來 很美耶!!
[YT] 不是噢~亞視以前有一部我和僵尸有个约会超好看的~
[YT] hahahaha you’re ignorant.
[YT] 哈哈哈哈 you’re ridiculous
[YT] 八字轻容易见鬼。
[YT] 連香港人都不熟悉atv的藝人
[YT] 當然...是因為香港的節目太沒吸引力.
[YT] 呵
[YT] 辉煌..都是周星驰..-_-!!
[YT] 非洲有很多- -
[YT] 周星馳果個樣XD
[YT] 根本不看亞視..无聊..
[YT] 飽姐的國語也不錯呀
[YT] 飽姐最好人^^但我覺得開心大發現...佢地D節目效果好誇張-_-太誇既話...觀眾都唔會鐘意- -
[YT] 亞洲電視是不是被米果的老闆買了?米果老闆買了台灣的中天中時中視是不是又要買香港亞視了?
[YT] 對ar….aTV根本冇人睇,…
[YT] 原來atv剪了好多!拜託那都精華好不好!
[YT] 是用watch吧
[YT] I watched atv version yesterday, atv version and cti is really different. atv is much much much worse than cti. They should learn from Taiwan cti
[YT] 亞視是有輝煌過的,不過那時你可能還沒出生@.@
[YT] 惨了,这些人我都认得呢,@.@不得不说,我老了
[YT] 很多冷場..可能是康熙跟atv不熟
[YT] ATV…….no hope at all
[YT] btw,台灣人千萬不要以為亞洲電視很紅很大什麼的!這些人連這個aTV在香港完全是半紅不黑!是啦是有實力派的演員,不過基本上現在的香港人,10個有9.9個都不看aTV的!
[YT] 真的!基本上不只是aTV,連tvb上”獎門人”等等既節目,上的後制都垃圾都唔垃圾!睇到呆晒!一d都唔好笑,但係成班人係到笑!睇台灣節目睇得多!先發覺香港既係連垃圾都不如-_-
[YT] 王若琳 Times of Your Life
[YT] 仲要係唔係都加隻烏鴉落去…
[YT] 沈玉淋超智障的。哈哈哈哈好笑!
[YT] 第二位跳舞的像
好期待喲 Orz
[YT] 我睇過 aTV果個版本
再一次證明 aTV 呢個台連康熙都救唔到
[YT] 蔣怡! 蔣怡! 蔣怡!
[YT] Can anyone list out some examples of taiwanese ghost talk shows? Sounds interesting.
[YT] 亚视本身还ok吧,至少我以前是那么觉得(很多年没看了),但是真的从来没有follow过亚视旗下的艺员
[YT] If you don’t like my comment , don’t watch it.
[YT] 那煮過的可以嗎 XD
[YT] who told u dat?? u think only PEARL is popular??!!
a big no no ~!!
super junior!
[YT] 大家帮忙我一下 从3:48秒开的时候 阿咪老师弹的背景音乐是什么 那个旋律很熟悉 好象是哪首歌 请大家帮我想一下 谢谢了
[YT] 只有香港
[YT] 庹和况有交往过吧
[YT] 謝謝~我們也喜歡香港=)
[YT] 万绮雯是很多人care的~
[YT] kuang ming jie put in a new set of teeth
it’s so obvious
[YT] wan qi wen seemed really upset when he said the cherry joke
[YT] ATV=廢
[YT] 我們香港人也很留意台灣節目
[YT] 郭鑫 LOOKS abit like william lee wei lian for a second! hahahha
[YT] 男人做晒
[YT] Totally agree
[YT] 萬綺雯超美的!!!
[YT] 香港人當然喜歡小s囉!
[YT] I havent see any ATV program but I see 康熙來了everyday~~!!!
[YT] 應該是說麗的電視的那段吧..
[YT] In fact, i just know few of the ATV actors but I know all the Taiwanese actors in this show.
[YT] ATV is not famous in HK
[YT] 輝煌紀錄? 有輝煌過嗎?
亞視根本都沒有人看 他地都只是小明星
[YT] i know, its just a crappy channel that no one watches at all
[YT] pftt no one cares about ATV in hongkong =_=
[YT] ohh that girl,tat girl in tat vampire show! i like her! 😮
[YT] xiao s is so straight forward… but love it! ;3 hahhahhahah its her unique style
[YT] 玉琳哥今天很好~~~
接的話蠻有禮貌 / 中肯
[YT] There’s a reason why there are subtitles.
[YT] If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. It’s as simple as that.
[YT] 哈哈~鮑起靜又突然講回廣東話
[YT] 下集郭鑫眼神杀很大大大~~!
[YT] 亞是好像一台專門撥中天的
[YT] 同意 真的不知道他的作用 虽然隔一段时间会有搞笑的表现 但平时真的觉得是在浪费资源而以
[YT] 哈哈,蔡康永被质问 2:30 看来他是说出了心里话吧。。。
[YT] 康永在香港也滿紅的…
[YT] 蔡康永说话快还不清楚。。。
[YT] 7.10陳漢典好好笑
[YT] 志云饭局就是把来宾逼哭的节目啊,谁说没有。。。朱慧珊以前还是无线的咧,现在完全已经不念娘家了~
[YT] 現在亞視和播”康熙”這個台(中天??)是同一個老闆嗎?
其實亞視在香港的收視率一直向好差… 只偶然有一個節目反彈一陣子…
[YT] 口水都流出來了~大蒜香腸~~快快!!給我來一根!!@@
[YT] haha
[YT] 香港藝人都很團結,動不動就大集合,跟台灣完全相反
[YT] 天殘再變!
[YT] 同香港個個唔同.
[YT] 萬起文講話好像張博之喔,喉嚨都喝酒喝壞了
[YT] 蔣怡真的好正!
[YT] 夜店雜碎來幹麼?
[YT] 2:33 康哥的臉好放鬆
[YT] 幹嘛在偷光~!? 周星馳明明是從無線做起的…
[YT] 蔣怡好正!!
[YT] 這集不錯喔
[YT] liquidhope cant even type properly, olol…
[YT] 亞視在香港是超不行的台…那些人根本一點都不紅, 哪是明星哪~ 只有鮑姐跟萬綺雯比較有名…
[YT] 鲍起静好可爱啊~
[YT] 香港播了!我本來還以為tw唔播!
[YT] hahahah super junior sorry sorry 😀
[YT] sorry sorry is very popular!
[YT] 因為節目中的台灣演員她演的戲比較多
[YT] wow dude u hav a reading comprehension problem. go read it, think it in ur head before u reply.
o wait nvm, ur animal brain capacity is too little for thought process.
[YT] another bloody yxuz.
[YT] (= =)………
[YT] 所以liquidhope 你是鬼喔…..lmao……阿6仔滾,,,,,,
[YT] 其實他也不算是新一代啦….
[YT] 哎呀哎呀… 我真ㄉ很討厭畜生ㄋ…
so fk off, and go get a life retard.
[YT] 我真ㄉ很討厭大陸人…阿6仔是狗….
[YT] 她的普通话比较没这么好, 所以比较少话。我也很想她说多点。
[YT] 總覺得況明潔他們講太多了
[YT] 況明潔牙齒真白
[YT] 對.她跟以前一樣漂亮.這麼久了都沒怎麼變過
[YT] 是呀,但仍然很漂亮呢.^^
[YT] 這個終於有得看了
[YT] 是呀,講得不錯.而且他聲音很好聽呢.^^
[YT] yea taiwan idol drama sucks
[YT] 很開心呀!!!有萬綺雯和陳煒^^
[YT] 非常同意,亞視的刪減掉好多比較好笑的,還感覺斷斷續續的,這個版本感覺好多了.
[YT] 我喜欢马小玲~~~~~~~~~~她都没怎么说话,55555555
[YT] 對對對!!
[YT] 万绮雯好久不见阿,想当年超爱我和春天有个约会的。。。脸都没变过,好甜美阿
[YT] 林先生的國語也不賴~
[YT] 陈炜我都没认出来。。。。
[YT] 還有僵屍系列 123部阿 經典阿 不過我和春天有個約會 我也很喜歡.
[YT] 是的,是的,真的是他最經典的角色之一.喜歡喜歡.
[YT] 說真的,陳漢典從剛進康熙到現在,我都一直覺得他是很多餘的 = =
[YT] 蔣怡好黑好正好漂亮哦~
[YT] hong kong dramas are more interesting.
[YT] 早知道不看回應了 開心看個節目,心情都被搞差了= =…….太自傲的人都有錯…..不好的節目 收視率自然低. ..好的節目 才會連對面的同胞也在看阿..0.0..很明顯是喜歡才會看吧!!
[YT] 搞什麼,台柱沒陳啟泰?
[YT] 少有的看到康熙能出現兩岸爭議
[YT] 最想看郭鑫的.
[YT] 同意~ 香港版效果太多 反而很煩
[YT] 哈哈!!下集看起来好有趣`!!!郭鑫好帅!!!许建国真的很娘……….
[YT] 之前有。《胜者为王》也拍了三集。忘记《纵横四海》是之后还是之前了。
[YT] 方大同在夏威夷出生 6岁随父到上海 12岁到香港
第一语言英语 第二语言国语 第三语言广东话
[YT] Ha ha! Cantonese is her first language. I am glad that i am Hong Kongess so that i understand their “Cantonese Madarin”
[YT] 亞視的節目真的 … 不看也罷~
[YT] OS stands for off screen.
It means what you’re thinking inside.
[YT] 人是沒有你們多
[YT] 況好像結婚了
[YT] 感觉两岸三地现在市场包装做得最好的应该还是台湾
[YT] the hong kong and macau people will only watch TVB
only a few people will atv
[YT] 想起那个蚕蛹了,哈哈
[YT] 因為香港版的被濃縮到30~40分鐘,很多好看的片段都被剪掉了.反而這次台灣播的是完整版.
[YT] 主持人的功力始終不夠台灣的
[YT] Because the HK version was cut down to about 30-40 minutes. This TW cut is the full version.
[YT] 後製比香港的好多了
[YT] 这集下面咔嚓咔嚓声音好多,呵呵
[YT] 朱慧珊到現在還保養得這麼好,她是1985年參選亞洲小姐,依然很漂亮!
[YT] 争这些有意思么,好不容易有个康熙大家天天能安安静静地看,千万不要被污染
[YT] 你很无聊耶,台湾有没有人认识胡和周又怎么样?他们照样在内地赚大钱。
章子怡 巩俐不用去台湾也照样在国外赚大钱
不过这些都没什么好比较的 只是娱乐而已 谁红谁不红也可以牵扯内地台湾是不是有点无聊
[YT] 哪有如何??? 台湾要是没有大陆的market那他们会卖的这么好吗????
[YT] 相較之下… 覺得方大同的普通話好多了
[YT] 真的嗎? 你是香港人嗎?
[YT] 況明潔畫面太多了
[YT] 大陆现在主要精力放在经济与科技的发展上,没有太多多余的人力物力去发展这种娱乐大众的东西。
[YT] 蔣怡好正喔
[YT] 別激動~他沒見識就別跟他一般見識
[YT] Guess China is stronger in Market then xD
[YT] 貌似沒了
[YT] 王菲香港發跡啦
[YT] 不好意思哦, 王菲, 胡彥斌和周筆暢都是大陸的.
[YT] 林韋辰~~現在還超喜歡他的耶律酷南^^
[YT] XD this episode is so funny! and i cant wait for the next one
[YT] 這些香港演員都好有氣質
[YT] 小康~~喜欢庹宗康
[YT] 这么多演员我只认得万绮雯和左边那个。。
[YT] i remember kang xi can let the guest stand for like..25 minutes before telling them to sit down..XD so funny…
[YT] S, you rock~!! Many HK ppl know ’bout you~!!! XD (She’s so cute when she’s talkin in Cantonese~!)
[YT] 你说什么???什么叫做大陆没有艺人???你们台湾人还请大陆艺人呢!吃什么的???
[YT] 谁。。那个是谁
竟然跳Sorry Sorry
[YT] omg this version is different than the HK one! haha i guess i’ll have to watch it again~
but yeah..HK does too much effects that it turns out bad..but they’re just’ll get better later on.
[YT] i feel that 星星同学会 is like hongkong’s kangxi
[YT] because younger crowds watch tw idol drama now
[YT] 好險來的是香港人 不是大陸人 喔對喔 大陸好像沒什麼太多的藝人ㄅ 好像都在看台灣根香港的電視ㄅ 可是聽她們講話好像變的有兩岸的味道
[YT] 那只能说是你自己的问题了~~
[YT] 說實話atv跟那幾各演員是誰 who cares?
[YT] 他們老一輩香港演員普通話都很好,新一代就不太行了。
[YT] 你覺得鮑姐”唔夠紅”只代表你係小朋友,
[YT] S is so cute when she speaks in cantonese!
[YT] 點解佢之前唔識鮑起靜唔可以拎出黎講?
得罪d講句 佢唔識鮑姐係因為鮑姐未拎獎之前唔夠紅姐 關d觀眾咩事?
ATV 成日都得個幾%
TVB 閒閒地都90% 啦
[YT] 亞視的後製真的有待加強
[YT] 感覺一整集都靠旁邊的台灣人在撐
[YT] 哎~~~下集有郭鑫~❤~~
[YT] 外人看你这句话,只觉得你丢台湾人的脸。。。。
[YT] 鮑起靜你之前唔識,仲好意思講出黎呀,小朋友?!
[YT] 坦明說 鮑姐說在atv內沒競爭是不正確的, 香港看atv的人不多是正確的 所以就算知道名字 不知道他們做過什麼也不奇怪(因為可能是沒興趣). 再說就算令鮑姐拿影后的那部戲 香港看過的人也不多 而鮑姐的角飾 是她在atv常演的 本人覺的只是太習慣 至於演技 我比較喜歡周迅的畫皮
[YT] 哇…陳韋現在變了好多哦
[YT] 鮑姐D英文幾好呀..=)
[YT] 好久沒在看atv了
[YT] this TW cut is so much better than that one showed in HK last week!
[YT] 连我来自新加坡都认得这五位。。。。你们不可能不认识吧。。。
[YT] 相機的快門聲沒停過 ……
[YT] 哇
[YT] 難道外國人來也要把國語練好才能上?
[YT] operating system.
[YT] 有嗎?
[YT] 其實香港好少有電腦特效(比台灣少超多)..但不知道為什麼這次會有這麼多- -“
[YT] 他們真的要多學一點國語
[YT] hong kong has talking shows that talks about the guests’ lives…just not 亞視
tvb has 志雲飯局…i think that show is considered to be shows that discuss ppl’s lives and make them cry
[YT] Hk is stronger in drama and acting but taiwan is stronger in entertainment show
[YT] 完全 認同~”~
不過 康熙在香港播 是一件好事@@
[YT] 蔣怡 真的好正喔
[YT] 發沈玉琳來幹嘛?
[YT] 这个版本比亚视播出的好多了±
[YT] 嘉宾一多,康永快忙不过来了,一个人一个问题,每个人都不能冷落了
[YT] 你咁樣講話呢班人廢好似有d過份左,
[YT] 只能說, 上星期亞視那一集的後製好比power point
[YT] 是你自己见识浅可不要把所有的人拉下水,里面我除了那个后面算起第二个男的我不认得之外其他的早就知道超过10 多年了~~ 鲍姐鲍起静到她得了奖之后你才知道她。。。证明你对娱乐圈的事情知道的也蛮有限的~
[YT] 春天嗎? 僵屍吧…….
在香港也一樣 他們只有女的比較出名
atv 其實看的人不多 所以變成另一個電視台獨大
至於 putonghua 不好這點 …. 不好意思說了…..
[YT] 我覺得你又唔好咁講話人廢,
[YT] 鮑起靜 ~ 她人很好耶!! 超nice…
[YT] 萬綺雯~ 超可愛的!!
[YT] did the hk version cut away the bit about his club?
[YT] 万绮雯啊!
[YT] 心中独白 就是画面外的声音 off scene的缩写
[YT] 香港根本幾乎沒人在看atv的….台灣真的不知道這件事嗎? … 這裡我也只叫得出萬綺文的名字…其他的…=_=”…. 鮑姐也只是因為最近得獎才知道她的名字…
[YT] 陳煒不是要去TVB 嗎?
[YT] 看了两个版本,还是觉得台湾的后制比香港强太多了!香港的电脑特效太多太频密了
[YT] 沒撥呀..説之前 先回去翻節目表吧
[YT] 亞視在香港基乎沒人看…還說什麼競爭?…好笑
[YT] 下集节目是要这些人集体出柜吗?
[YT] 况还在,就说小康对蒋有意思。。
[YT] 不行了! 星期一的 预告笑死啦!!
[YT] ur inner though
[YT] don’t know what stand for but is like ur inner thought
[YT] tvb is more popular than atv…i think
[YT] 蚕蛹…哇哈哈哈…..xD
[YT] 在香港有人看ATV的嗎
[YT] 證明了香港不太適合做這一類節目
[YT] 香港不是播了嗎??
[YT] 内向独白吧
[YT] 以上兩套電視劇都有她份呀^^
[YT] 万绮雯,当年的美腿妹,现在不知道怎样了
[YT] 不是我和彊屍有個約會?
[YT] 鲍起静的普通话很好啊!
[YT] what is the meaning of “OS”?
[YT] 这集不是上个星期已经播过了吗?
[YT] majority of hong kong actors mandarin isn’t good, even the ones that sing mandarin songs. Mandarin is their second language since cantonese is their first. Its just like taiwan people speaking in english–not every one is fluent
[YT] 萬綺雯!!!! love her
[YT] LOL opening !!
[YT] they should practice mandarin before they come….
[YT] 万绮雯?我和春天有个约会啊