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[YT] 真的好想知道在罵什麼??
[YT] 好慢,但好笑
[YT] 6:45 very funny
[YT] 漢典反應真的很快耶..
掌聲鼓勵一下!! : )
[YT] 如果沒消音收視率爆上!!!
[YT] they shoule release a uncensored version 😀 haha
[YT] 贊同你說的。
[YT] 天啊!好想听没消音的版本!!
[YT] xiao s’s tongue is long..
[YT] learn chinese, LoL
[YT] LOL! Hahahahahah……….
[YT] 黄豆罐头。。。。哈哈
[YT] stop muting!!! bitches!!! hahahah
[YT] 汉典往后倒的时候,那个表情真好
[YT] mumble mumble
[YT] 對,一直都覺得他存不存在都無分別
[YT] 看得很仔細啊!
[YT] I’m so confused! I have no idea what they are saying or anything? I understand at some points…but I have no clue what this is about?!?!
It seems really good though!
Can anyone help?
[YT] 没啦,我那个是对 狄志杰 那段相声的评价
[YT] most funny episode in some time. and the famous erm haha is here at kangxi!!!
[YT] this pt i laugh like crazy!
[YT] 台灣人的比較溫和, 好聽~
[YT] handian lmao XDDDD
[YT] HAHA. his scream at the end was hilarious. they make him suffer so much.
[YT] 既然他是從國外回來,為什麼不用他所學的容合台灣的有的東西創出另一個有特色的作區,像徐佳瑩一樣,她的歌就很特別~雖然他沒有出國讀書
[YT] 真的 這並不好笑
[YT] 還有信任討厭
[YT] HAHA. han dian was afraid to catch her from the front. lmao
[YT] i think his accent is really good and i’m from nj. lol
[YT] 这个以后PARTY可以弄一下
[YT] well, i really dun understand why there’re so many people criticizing ken’s English. studying Arts in UBC doesn’t mean that you speak like a native speaker. I’m also a Chinese UBC alumnus, and had great time there. As long as you can communicate well and mix with the locals there, you dun need a perfect accent. Stop 雞蛋裡挑骨頭, idiots!..
[YT] 蔡康永有帥到~
[YT] I agree with you, and it seems to me that he uses a different accent in this clip than the other time when I heard him speak English in another show, probably because this is Shakespeare?
[YT] i have no problem with ken’s English. It’s clear and understandable. I am actually surprised that he can speak well. I don’t speak English like those native speakers but who are the native speakers first? English, American, Scottish, ABC, BBC?? Just make sure people can understand you, that’s good enough.
[YT] my point is that UBC is not famous for its art faculty
so graduating from UBC doesn’t really help him anything aside for him bragging about himself
besides, i didn’t say i m better than him or watsoever
it’s just that if he wants to show that he is better than others he should focus on his performance now
instead keep on saying about where he got his bachler degree..
and my probation at UBC is none of ur business, if i got kicked out the first year, i am still happy cuz i had chosen wat i want
[YT] 不喜歡ken
[YT] ken 学历很好的, 我记得应该是在美国留学过,在康熙讲过.
[YT] ah ken 的动作很好笑
[YT] 多年前 表演工作坊的”那一夜我們說相聲”
[YT] 第一次是 李立群+李國修, 李國修說這段.
第二次是 李立群+馮翊綱, 李立群說這段.
[YT] 笑死了!!!
[YT] what’s os …. ?
[YT] 哈哈。。這集超好笑的﹐罵髒話那段很Classic﹗希望會有Part 2﹗
[YT] 反正他也不是專門講相聲
[YT] USB 是蓝球??
[YT] 天呀!!!坦白講.沒關係喇,即使消音,看他們的情緒都已經很厲害喇.^^
[YT] 真的…
[YT] 狄志傑講的一氣呵成。
[YT] hahaha 超好笑
[YT] ah ken’s english is not bad….
[YT] its the latest eps. 18/19… cant remember…
[YT] Mr.Magic 呵哈哈
[YT] 康永是個同性戀者來的o…= =
[YT] actually 陳漢典 is very talented~
he is better than the guest a lot~
who are they??
[YT] 這狠危險的說
[YT] 我當然明白啦,我也想一刀不剪~
[YT] = = 看不到….聽不到…也不知道在演什麼
[YT] UBC , this was his school.
[YT] 阿Ken。。強的阿!! 哈哈 而且現在聼他講英文都會想到他模仿Barack Obama….
[YT] Stop commenting on how bad Ken’s english is. So far he has no grammatical error and u cant just judge a person’s english by their accents.
And there are so many FOBS at UBC who cant speak english but still maintains a 4.0 gpa.
On the other hand, Sui Tang can not even produce a proper sentence in english w/o stopping.
So case proven: who can speak english and who cant.
[YT] point being??? getting into science or commerce in UBC does not make u a better person either way. Instead of just caring about what other thinks of you, maybe you should really focus what you like to study instead.
Im looking forward to see you on academic probation at UBC.
[YT] 這集好多爛咖,又有雞巴坑,跳過
[YT] 我想看康永$&S舌吻…哈
[YT] agreed..i think that person is talking about his accent and such…but the truth is ken is pretty okay in english.being able to get in/graduate from ubc, u need to possess a certain level of english skills and pass certain english courses…besides u can’t want someone who’s first language is chinese like ken to speak in english as good as those who have english as their first language. just to point that out.
[YT] 陳漢典真的很厲害耶
[YT] USB? 小s是电脑白痴
[YT] 擺脫康熙十點播﹐小朋友睡了啦!!!消什麼爛杷啦超幾百
[YT] Can any of u guys tell me which episode(s) of Black and White I can find Sui Tang speaking English? Or I will just check out the entire series by myself if that’s what it takes LOL ^_^
Thanks ahead to anyone who can answer my question!
[YT] 會特地來看康熙的人
[YT] What is your criteria in judging someone`s English? Vocally fluential? I believe you wrote he`s not abc, but let me remind you that growing up in English Speaking country does not prove your first language is English, which I thibk most of the people are proud of.
[YT] 好鍾意康永啊!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] u forgot about forestry and engineering…they’re lower..
[YT] 李立群..
[YT] 咬字不是很清晰
[YT] 水饺爆炸。。。哈哈
[YT] lol
i agree. her tongue is long
[YT] 狄志杰是什麼大學什麼科系???
[YT] 消音then not funny already~-.=
[YT] 辛苦了後製人員…..
[YT] 哈哈哈哈
[YT] ah ken have no chinese accent when speaking english
han dian eventually look good in today’s appearance
[YT] 美国吧。。好像是哥伦比亚大学还是纽约大学的学生。。忘记了。。
[YT] 没消音的話,又會有很多人罵教壞小朋友啦~
[YT] haha 因為康永不高 ….
[YT] as i m a prospective student of UBC this year,
faculty of arts has the lowest admission avg.
[YT] it seems high school in poland and her degree is in canada???
[YT] his lying is just a joke ormisleading only,
not totally his problem,
because he studied short course/ professional trainning of drama in new york after his undergraduate study,
so someone called him master holder for joke.
then the media wrote he is lying ……
[YT] 嗯,不過這段好像是李國超說的
[YT] 小鐘的魔術怎麼越來越爛
[YT] KEN在加拿大留学的啊~
[YT] 阿Ken會英文 今天第一次知道 還是他死背的
[YT] 1:48
[YT] “出唸點書呀,god.” 哈哈哈哈
[YT] 但我也真的看過有人沒被接住,結果那人頭跟屁股超痛的…
[YT] he wasn’t born there..
[YT] He is a smart guy
[YT] 狄志杰相聲好啊!!!!
[YT] based on the admission marks/averages…ubc does have the right to say that they’re better…
[YT] 娃哈哈~~笑死我
[YT] education at ubc doesn’t mean he’s good at english…he was in faculty of arts i believe, so he doesn’t take that many english courses…besides he’s not cbc..
[YT] poland doesnt use english leh.
[YT] he study in canada for degree and short course in new york
[YT] 當然不是個個演員也讀過戲劇,
[YT] his english is not that bad compared to all those other “stars” but it is shit considering he’s had education in UBC
[YT] 【even i may get thumb downs too】i should still say that it’s weird how ppl evaluate comments, they give thumb downs for no reason
[YT] his English shit?
his eng is ok, not that bad
[YT] 台灣的明星們都要讀過戲劇嗎?
[YT] 阿ken 好像骂陈汉典骂到很爽
[YT] but sui tang grew up mainly in taiwan and poland, i thought her english was pretty good, just accented
[YT] 陈汉典 哈哈
[YT] 陳漢點很可憐
[YT] 下集有小钟又有nono,一定好看。
[YT] 能不能把这集单独发个没消音版上网啊,看被笑音的都快笑死了,没消音的一定超爽的!
[YT] o yea… haha it’s pretty funny that your commant got thumbs down.
[YT] seriously~!!! ah ken’s english is GREAT~!!!
[YT] 陳漢典好正呀
[YT] 呵呵,这个游戏看起来很好玩,笑死了。
[YT] EQ要很高耶
[YT] 哈哈哈哈哈 爆笑
[YT] Ken’s English is not bad i have to say..
[YT] ah ken 點鞭炮那段好笑..
[YT] 漢典篡位超好笑!!
[YT] Ken’s pronunciation is good, especially after you hear 隋棠 speak English in ‘痞子英雄’, who’s supposed to have a degree of U of Winnipeg.
[YT] 呵呵,今天汉典挺好笑。
[YT] 對呀! 我也覺得那樣很差勁! 在最後一秒才接其實是很危險的! 那反作用力很有可能傷了自己和對方!
[YT] 这个接住对方的游戏我上课也做过,不管怎么样大家都会接住任何人的。阿ken为了效果故意放手也太差劲了吧
[YT] 哈哈, 太白濫拉
[YT] but seriously i dislike ken… he’s arrogant and irritaing!
[YT] this just proves how \some ppl think they are better when they are in ubc….many of them are….not saying you are one of them.
[YT] 嘩..小鐘的magic字體 有新的樣子喔!!!
[YT] so do i… He should become magician, instead of celebrity.. =.=
[YT] 這集 有沒有 快版現場錄的 沒消音的版本!!!! 應該很棒!!!! 幹
[YT] 漢典今天把我笑死了
[YT] 幹你娘 老機掰勒 幹麻消音 這樣怎麼學習
[YT] UBC, University of British Columbia? then why is his English shit?
no hate, ah ken is one of my fav. comedians in taiwan
[YT] really what did he say about his academic qualifications?
its funny how i get thumbs down for saying
i didnt know a ken is in the same school as mine. silly ppl
[YT] 康永好帅!
[YT] 好沒意思..
[YT] 汉典这级太经典了,哈哈
[YT] 明天的好看 期待=v=
[YT] aken的表情好好笑..
[YT] 真得很想聽到他們在罵什么。。
[YT] because that’s the common way to attack others
[YT] hahahahahahahah
[YT] ah ken 的英文蛮不错的。
[YT] 哈哈哈
[YT] 拉屎…
[YT] 狄屁股一定超痛
[YT] 漢典唸捷運站那段…笑翻﹗
[YT] 汗,这感觉是他们在自娱自乐阿。。。
[YT] 汉典选康永德时候,为什么笑得这么欢?~
[YT] next episode have NONO !! 🙂
[YT] 最近康熙很好看
[YT] 阿KEN’s English is a few on 康熙 thats not totally accurate, but it doesnt sound annoying. 🙂
[YT] 他演莎士比亞戲劇 用的英國音
[YT] i starting to get sick of xiao zhong’s magic performances.
[YT] 我是USB大学毕业的 哈哈
[YT] ken’s way of 激怒他人 is simply attacking others’ balls…
[YT] 可惜不在現場,看起來好精彩
[YT] omg, the quiet moment is so funny XD
[YT] 這集笑到肚子痛
[YT] 相聲是表演工作坊的段子 記得是李立群的演出 下一句話是 他打錯電話
[YT] 小s的舌头确实吓到我了,哈哈
[YT] 相聲那段是表演工作坊李立群的段子~
[YT] yea bravo!
[YT] seeing him simply reminds me of him lying bout his academic qualifications!
[YT] ya dua lan pa.LOL………
[YT] 哈哈 好多音效 哈哈
[YT] 只是留學應該不會學到太多的本地口音吧?
[YT] 真的超好笑!
[YT] is that ariel’s MV at the end?
[YT] 康永真的厲害 好喜歡看他
[YT] 汉典超好笑今天
[YT] a ken really like to show off
[YT] 這集超搞笑…
[YT] 陳漢典”篡位”這個點很好笑~~~
[YT] 我觉得陈汉典这个贝多芬头型挺帅的..哈哈
[YT] 小S利好長呀
[YT] 这一集好好笑..~~~
[YT] 好像听啊!!!
[YT] A_A”電線竿……
[YT] 康永! 好耶!
[YT] 冇野睇..-.-
[YT] 嗯哈哈乐团,哈哈
[YT] 蔡康永的鞋子好高啊
[YT] 好好笑
[YT] 真的…
[YT] 蔡康永好厉害哦!
[YT] 如果不消音 會更精采!!!
[YT] 一直消音都不過癮
[YT] lol wtf a ken was from UBC, thats my school!
[YT] 棋惠本來很ok的 但罵人的時候完全大扣分
[YT] 阿ken那个是加拿大口音吗?米怎么听过~~有点奇怪~~哈
[YT] 玩集體的話,,應該雙手交叉放前~
[YT] 虽然没声音,不过却也看得蛮好笑。有点看到以前赵哥的影子。
[YT] 倒下的瞬間 我也跟著尖叫了…
[YT] han dian is so funny~~~ hahaha
[YT] 抽象地拉,哈哈哈
[YT] han dan SOOO FUNNY!!!
[YT] 阿KEN演水餃 好好笑 GOOD ~
[YT] THX..仲等緊HSH呀
[YT] 好想聽
[YT] are ah ken and chen han dian scolding each others’ balls??
[YT] 全部消音了 这看什么啊
[YT] 很好玩的样子呢,我们拓展训练也有背摔,我做的超标准,教官还让我专门再摔一次给同学们做示范呢~ 哈哈~
[YT] this ep is so funny :3
[YT] Thank you!
[YT] HAHAHAHA omgg i lovee han dian!! <3
[YT] 相聲 is good !! [=
[YT] thx for UL. keep it coming..
[YT] 这也太快了吧~~