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the eyes of 陳喬恩remind me of Anita Mui…
[YT] 很少人这么不尊敬s的说-.-
[YT] 0:10 汉典还在演赵哥~~
[YT] 三顆臭臉石頭 真難為主持人
[YT] 來賓都不太說話
所以主持人都一直問問題 有點悶~
[YT] 陈乔恩变大牌了!! not worthy for such a good rating.
[YT] 你不说我还没注意
[YT] 我一直都覺得她好像啊~
[YT] 對啊~這是長得cool~比較帥~不是故意裝的~他們臉是天生的~一點都不臭~
[YT] 陳喬恩跟梅艷芳滿像的耶
[YT] 还好啦~~
不是每个艺人都会在节目上公开讨论自己私人感情生活的吧~~都不想把自己另一半/ ex 当作话题公开讨论~~~不说的被讲成摆臭脸 ,说多了又被说在抄新闻
Blue 上次在康熙也被问了很多S的事感觉他自己也很闷~
[YT] 我也是那種型的
真是受不了… = =”
[YT] 這集有點悶ˊˋ
[YT] 哈
做人真的很難, 我們沒紅過所以不知道會不會有一樣的毛病
[YT] love LJloong…and that Cho yi guy really looks like mike he…but a little shy!! hehe..cute
[YT] he did indeed!he was the guy who kidnapped xiao s in taiwanese version
[YT] 還好吧 喬恩只是開玩笑的啦 在綜藝節目上就是這樣呀~ 至於臭臉 那應該只是沒表情吧 自然一點 真實表達想法比假笑來的好 這是我的感覺啦 不然喬恩好可憐喔… 好多人一直罵他… 哀呀 人總有心情不好的時候 而且也不可能一直笑呀 大家要體諒一下囉 ^^
[YT] 前面本來覺得還好,但是看到這一段,
[YT] 气流你不一定感觉得到的,夏日无风的时候只要开了窗,门一定会叽叽嘎嘎,突然一瞬间就啪甩上了,站在门外的人根本就感觉不到风袭来
[YT] hmm… i think she’s just doing it for the variety effect u know. since xiao s and kang yong have been teasing her for the past 9 minutes..
relax ^^
[YT] i think lan zheng long really has a daomingsi/domyoji/goo junpyo feel! haha, a pity he did not act in meteor garden.
[YT] wow, that was pretty rude by qiao en! her shows are nice but i guess that’s the only thing i can say about her that does not offend her supporters.
[YT] from 8:42 to 8:47, did qiao en brush the part of her shoulder which xiao s touched!!??!? how rude is that!!
[YT] this ep is pretty boring! not high or funny!
[YT] 2:56 小s打呵欠…哈
[YT] yeah i know!!! especially when he smiles…you know, that corner-mouth smile??? ^^;
[YT] 修杰楷呢????完全被冷落了。。。。。
[YT] 修杰楷在一边好可怜~~明明是性格最开朗的却最少被问到话
[YT] i gave you thumbs up for the first three lines of your comment…but i honestly disagree with your fourth line…i’m an ariel lin fan, but i don’t think qiao en’s being arrogant. it’s more like she feels a little awkward and tired…sry, i just had to say that not all ariel fans are like what you said ^^;
plus, xiao s and kang yong’s questions are…hard to answer in this episode…
ps. i love 修! XD he’s so friendly and cute lol
[YT] 修杰楷!!超喜歡他啊!!!
[YT] 本來看到這集 覺得可能會蠻有趣的 看了痞子英雄 超喜歡修傑楷的說~~ 可是完全失望。。。小s跟漢典真的超好笑的 辛苦你們了這集!!
[YT] 開始也不覺得她擺臭臉 而且她的劇說真的都還蠻好看的說。。可是真的越看陳喬恩真的越不爽。
你也沒什麼作品可以寫啊??拜託!!人家小s的書真的很感人很生動 還有健康操相信蠻多人都知道并看過吧~ 我不在台灣生活都知道 可是敢問你的作品有哪些??用不用這樣拽啊?還散文集咧@@。。說幾句話搞得很累一樣 弄得那麼不情願 那乾脆不要上康熙啊 是你們要宣傳耶。。
[YT] 對不起對不起對不起對不起對不起
[YT] 對不起我沒把我養的新加坡狗管好,對不起對不起
[YT] 修真的好可憐
[YT] 其實小s跟陳漢點救了這集
[YT] i agree…she has change .last time saw her show she wasnt like that
[YT] 邱澤在戲中的髮型比較好看.
[YT] 我覺得聲音也很像
[YT] 我等於dog
[YT] 對不起,我才是狗
[YT] 我才是夠爛的狗,ayu20012000對不起
[YT] yep and he wasn`t a great bf to her..she mentioned him in her book, never stating his name, but it was implied
[YT] 到處亂放話才是狗哩~
[YT] 有的人就是天生的臭臉,本來自己也不想這樣,但就是老被別人説臭臉,不高興,死魚臉…. 沒辦法,這種生理特質也很鬱悶啦,不體會是不會瞭解的…
[YT] i <3 陳喬恩 =)
[YT] i don’t like the way xiao s + kang yong are asking their questions…and the way they position themselves at the beginning makes it difficult to NOT look awkward….
[YT] 喬恩緊張而且,
[YT] you dont have to look special rite?
we watch her show because she’s really good in acting.. that’s why she can be a successful actress..
[YT] 没有野!陈乔恩变拽了。。。?
[YT] 你這條狗連人話都不會說
[YT] 有夠爛的狗=ayu20012000
[YT] yxxuz=genghon=新加坡狗
[YT] 修杰楷和仔仔的笑容好像~~
[YT] wats the show name?
[YT] 今天第一次見陳喬恩
[YT] 邱澤的樣子 好像小美啊
[YT] 蛮同意你的,大部分人看偶像剧是要看男主角的吧。而且乔恩演的角色真的都一样的,没什么好发挥演技的。
[YT] 蓝正龙应该粉丝不多吧,当他的粉丝应该很辛苦,默默支持的应该比较多。
[YT] 陳喬恩面對不熟的人本來就會緊張啊
[YT] 蓝正龙真的是名副其实的臭脸冠军,可能他不是故意的,但真的没有人比他的脸还要臭了。
[YT] 陳喬恩在2:45是講了”做愛”嘛?
[YT] 藍正龍很可愛耶
[YT] this ep is reli boring -__-
[YT] 我覺得還好滿好笑的
[YT] 陳喬恩在跩甚麼? 演戲也沒好看? 大牌個屁!! 臉每次都那麼臭……. 小s都沒有在臉臭了,陳喬恩在臭甚麼?
[YT] 喜歡喬恩自然,不做作…..
[YT] 沒錯!
[YT] 還是林依晨最好!:)
[YT] 陈乔恩让我想起梅艳芳。
[YT] oh, so was he famous BEFORE he joined the army? and was rainie also famous too?
[YT] yep. before he joined the army.
[YT] this episode honestly wasn’t too interesting
[YT] 邱澤有回說 那不是風..
[YT] he was quite famous back then.
[YT] 謝謝你說了句公道話~
[YT] ……….. you dont know them so be quite!
everybody who knows them understand that there must be something going on betweeen either the host and the guest or others possible problem. Because they arent like THAT as we know..
[YT] 只會亂放話,,廢
[YT] 乔恩红的是因为南主教都是当时红的偶像
[YT] 修杰楷好可愛喔!!呵呵呵
[YT] was 邱澤 really with rainie!?
[YT] 陳喬恩太放不開, 感覺上在防康永熙娣
[YT] 其實大雪天,貓或者狗還是會在外面蹓躂
[YT] 那是气流吧,我房间的风不需要很大门也会甩上啊
[YT] 喬恩一直以來都是心裡想什麼,
[YT] 不如不要宣傳…
[YT] 邱澤的聲音和五官都好像賀軍翔喔
[YT] those are shit guests. I dont understand why those directors would still ask them to starr in the drama! What kind of attitude they’re giving to the hosts? WTF! they are pissing me off
[YT] 有夠爛的人=yxuz
[YT] 哈!他好可爱~喜欢他的效果~
[YT] 你是來鬧的 就這麼簡單
[YT] omg that guy on the very right next to blue lan looks SO much like mike heee!!! O_O
[YT] 自己都承認了幹嘛不去看醫生 莫名奇妙
[YT] of course shes famous!
shes in so many dramas 😛
[YT] 對啊你最紅 紅到路邊阿嬤都說林祖母卡好
[YT] i rather dong zhi cheng came.. hes funnier.. poor xiao ma..
[YT] They act well in the drama when they are tired because they want to show audience the best. And this show is watch by a lot a lot of audience as well, so they should be more participate for at least 1 hour during filming the show.They are not talking privately, we see them, and we want to see the show with confort.get it?
[YT] please do not use tired as a excuse again. As i said before, those really big movie star like Andy Lau, Stephen Chow, Cecilia Cheung, Jacky Cheung ect they are much much more busy than that Qiao En. But when those guests came to Kang Xi, they participate so well ~ i understand they are tired, but they have to be professional too. When they are tired they could still act in the drama, they should be able to do the same in the show, it is call professional.Audience want to watch with confort.
[YT] i totally agree with you!! only these 2 hosts can barely interview them~ as someone said these crappy guests also went to 国光帮帮忙, so i think i will have a look there as well see how that 3 guys cope with these shit guests~
[YT] shut up yxxuz, i mean yxuz
[YT] shut up yxuz, i mean yxxuz..
[YT] lmao xDDDD handian..
[YT] yxuz= yxxuz
[YT] y don they interview xiao ma???
[YT] she is obviously tired, can see. all 3 main actors are.
she’s a marvellous actress, and she got that not only cos of looks, but cos she is a convincing actress. should watch fated to love you. have you?
[YT] JOE? lmao xDDDDD
[YT] joe is guy. lmao xDDDD
[YT] yxxuz = yxuz
[YT] yxuz = yxxuz
[YT] wah…….i almost fell asleep …1st time hahahaha
btw when can lollipop come…they just had a big concert right…in hong kong???
they should invite them to the show…
oh and also godfrey
he should come more often … so HOTTTT!!!
haha ok ^^
[YT] 修杰凱聊到郭鑫表情好像很不削的樣子…..
[YT] 恩 真的臉超臭的 不想來就不要來 幹嘛看妳臭臉
[YT] 我真夠爛,不罵了
[YT] 認真問:我是來幹麼的?
[YT] 我也是沒才能只會靠亂罵引人注意的精神病患者
[YT] 我最紅,hahaha
[YT] i dont like 喬恩, she really has low EQ and i dont think she looks that special
[YT] 邱澤跟賀軍翔真的有夠像
[YT] -_-
[YT] 有夠爛的一集,不看了
[YT] 認真問:修杰楷是來幹麼的?
[YT] 没错。。。。
[YT] 又是藍正隆這沒才能只會靠緋聞上版面的死魚眼臭零呆凸下巴
[YT] 陳喬恩有紅嗎?完全感覺不出
[YT] chen qiao en is sooo proud!
she should change her attitude.
[YT] and if I am the producer of the show, I will submit this episode to any award for the two hosts to contend in Best Host Award.
[YT] 这集超级干的。。。。我有看过陈乔恩上其他谈话节目,也超级难访。。。觉得访问她的主持人都超级吃力,好可怜
[YT] this determines how far they can go…maybe they are contented just being famous locally in taiwan. I recognize 陳喬恩 not because of any drama, it is the show she hosted “Treasure Hunter”. She deserved credit for all those harsh stunts in that show, but her performance in this show is seriously fucked up. Also that 藍正龍 i only can tell he was big S’ ex-bf, why is he behaving like he’s a big deal?
Being an actor and being a star are seriously two different things. They need some PR help.
[YT] 偶像剧~林依晨也不错噢!
[YT] 2moro seems to be good
[YT] who is joe
[YT] 幸好有鬼故事聽, 不然這集真的不行耶…/_\
[YT] 陳喬恩 sucks she needs to talk faster and more willingly and stop acting like a piece of crap just cuz she’s a tv star or whatever
[YT] 可是如果小s不做效果
[YT] 哈,,明天有郭鑫:D
[YT] 其實小s很厲害 這集還蠻乾的
[YT] 我表情一放鬆也很臭..
[YT] 综艺和戏剧艺人都是电视艺人,公众人物,我们没有要求他们搞笑或做太多表情,只要求他们配合点不要太冷淡,至少观众看得舒服点~周星驰来康熙都没那么夸张~其他电影大明星如刘德华,张学友,谢霆锋,张柏芝等等,就连黄秋生,黄莺莺这么冷的来宾都没有像他们这么跩。说实在的我也不是很喜欢言承旭和仔仔,可跟着几个比起来,他们强多了~
[YT] 你們很幼稚= =
[YT] 修杰楷..唉! 被冷落了
[YT] 可以不用回答。。。 哈哈
[YT] 不是喬恩不好….
但這是綜藝節目 用來誤樂大家..何必筆戰..
[YT] LOL nice try you don’t even make any sense
[YT] 只能說小s 主持功力好..
[YT] i wanted to say this too…..some face expression is so similar….but i think Mike is more friendly, Rainie should be together with Mike in real life…
[YT] wish 修杰楷 had more scenes 🙁
[YT] 陈乔恩看起来好不耐烦哦~~可能她性格就是有点冷的~~
[YT] 我覺得這集還蠻好看的呀,,不過預告最吸引我,,哈哈,,超好笑~
[YT] 康永的牙齒= =
[YT] 最近S的衣服都好好看~
[YT] 陳小姐還真愛頂嘴=.=
[YT] 陳喬恩態度真的不好
林依晨 楊丞琳 上節目還是很配合阿
而且楊丞琳還是有被傳過耍大牌的 (據說拉)
但是她明明不是 從一些幕後花絮就知道了
[YT] Sure you can say that 陳喬恩 is 偶像劇的一姐 but you don’t have to say that ariel doesn’t deserve that name because her rating might not be as high as Joe. If you look at other dramas that are actually good, some of them the rating isn’t even that high. Lets say 痞子英雄, Zai Zai 當之無愧視偶像劇一哥 but then the highest rating is at 4.
Joe chen is good at acting in her own way. And ariel is too. In my opinion, they are both 一姐, just in diffferent channels
[YT] 喜歡修杰楷=)
[YT] 請問陳喬恩和藍正龍在模仿澤尻英龍華
[YT] 消音消音消音消音
紫玫瑰很好看!! 就算不看紫玫瑰也去看韓劇吧=.=
[YT] 其實我覺得根本就不是什么臭臉
[YT] 预告片我都笑到喝着水都差点喷出来! 嘻嘻!
[YT] 再怎樣被傳愛耍大牌的明星上康熙哪一個不是笑嘻嘻?
[YT] yeah, exactly, you know in US/Canada, there are serious actors, and they usually focus on their craft on acting ect, in that case ok, they don’t like to talk about their personal live
But these are “idols” – people discovered because they are “good looking”, when they talk about their work it’s all like “oh I play a Princess”, it’s not serious acting at all, it’s “idol soap opera”, in that case 拽什么.. you’re just a piece of meat, now do your job and dance monkey
[YT] So do you like her acting?
By the way, have you seen her in person?
[YT] what did she say or do that you think is being rude?
[YT] in the 1st place, do you behave the same way to friends and strangers?
If you do, i would say rather hypocritical.
If you dont, she is no different from you….
Did you watch her shows to comment about her acting?
If you did, her acting is apparently good enough for you to watch.
If you did not, what is your basis of commenting?
[YT] 不要太囂張喔~~~~~~
[YT] i really agree with u, louiseleiyu, most of these people don’t really know how to act,, yet they have this pissed off face, it irritates me, not cos they have that OH SO SERIOUS BUSINESS attitude, but cos they are IDOLS, so i would expect them to act in the way that most idols behave on tv. I’m a huge fan of visual rockers in jp, to be honest, these people look more, disinterested and pissed off than rockers generally. I don’t mind rockers behaving in a cool way, but idols, give me a break!
[YT] do you know them personally?
If not, what makes you think you can comment about them?
[YT] i think the ghost story was kind of interesting…
[YT] 漢典很可愛
[YT] 邱澤真的跟賀軍翔很像
[YT] 陈乔恩真的不礼貌,就算是直率作为嘉宾也很过分啊
[YT] 你想得美
[YT] 我也是給人說過臉很臭.
[YT] i disagree, if this was a basketball game, she definitely made the highlight reel…. she made a stronger impression than any other guest on that stage. At least her interaction with S was funny
[YT] 一姐always has been joe’s..
ariel wins golden bell best actress award doesnt mean shes the best of idol drama = = she won that award only means her acting skill is good, not that shes the 一姐of everything = =
idol drama topest 2 rating were both acted by joe chen.. this is what how people look at who deserves this 一姐 name
[YT] wtf!? whats wrong with you = = are you gonna pull your gun out anytime!?
[YT] no-.-
[YT] yxuz在哪裏,快些和我一起罵,爽~
[YT] well look whos talking now!?
you think youre THAT respectful swearing like a out-of-control crazy guy?
[YT] haiz~xiu jie kai so little hua mian…T_T
[YT] 陳喬恩 是真的愛耍大牌一 一”
[YT] .他們不說是想保護或尊重另一半, 始終牽涉其他人, 他們自己在電視上大談私事, 也不好吧…
[YT] 陳喬恩應該是比較不做作, 不會作媚….
[YT] Poor 修…被冷落
[YT] 很喜歡修傑楷 溫溫和和的..
還是很喜歡喬恩的 =)
[YT] yay!! finally..have been waiting for this since xiu put the pic on his blog!!!
[YT] 今集最好笑係8:00之後那段
[YT] oh…….
[YT] 說真的做明星真的很慘 只是臉上沒有表情就被傳媒無限放大 我也不明白你們怎麼也跟著罵…….難道你們就沒有不笑的時候嗎?
[YT] what happened to kang yong’s MASK or HAT..
his hair looks pretty retarded NO HATE NO HATE
[YT] 他們來只是宣傳 但康熙本來就是火辣問題爲重的
主持人問隱私問題 每個人都有選擇回答的自由阿…
[YT] 還真是悶~
[YT] 好重火藥味的一集 @@”
[YT] 只是他們去國光宣傳 我也覺得好干…
[YT] Love 喬恩! =)
演員就是演員 上節目只是爲了宣傳 怎么能因爲一個人上節目臉臭就斷定她是什麽樣的人呢
[YT] 我覺得有些人也許很容易相處 或拍戲幕後都很隨和
畢竟每次看到演員上綜藝節目 不是每個人都有那種綜藝效果的
[YT] Agree… so people just look serious when whey are not smiling…I am the same way when i am not smiling…
[YT] 好無聊的一集
[YT] Oh… brace yourselves for tomorrow! Ah Bu + Guo Xing! Wahahaha!
[YT] Judging from the number of posts (positive or otherwise), 陈乔恩 must really be the ‘IT’ gal in taiwanese serials.
[YT] 太好笑了吧
[YT] 或許你的觀感和其他人不同,但不需要講什麼康熙迷自視甚高這種話,講實在的我們也沒有動機去惡意詆毀喬恩,觀眾純粹看到什麼說什麼。況且禮貌性的微笑和承歡討好根本是兩碼子事。
[YT] 我不覺得康熙迷自視過高,粉絲愛喬恩怎樣是他們跟喬恩的事,現在上康熙宣傳新戲是在工作,粉絲喜歡她臭臉又冷的態度,不表示其他人也都要吃她這套。一個要宣傳自己作品的演員,用這種態度來上通告,不知道哪個觀眾看了會被說服而去收看?
[YT] ….所謂re只是對一下節目的流程來估時間
[YT] lol if all they do is ask u about the drama…then wats the point of actually watching the drama…. an hour of summary is good enough for me
[YT] 她也是綜藝節目主持人
[YT] 我也是,即使笑起來也是很難看,變得大家都以為我們在不爽,但…..其實沒有=口=!
[YT] 邱澤的帥是根本不帥啊
[YT] anw think 藍正龍 is really attractive this episode.. He looks like he’s in a good mood. He’s been smiling alot 😀
[YT] isnt Qiao En talking about herself? The point about different personas off and on tv is exactly like her what!
[YT] 陈乔恩 is too act! you can make this as a bad comment for all i care. But the fact is, she needs to have some professionalism here.. She is sent to promote the show to viewers bt i dont see how she can even engage the audiences with a stinking attitude like that. I’ve seen her behind the scenes at 命中.. she is definitely more cheerful than this. Over in the episode. she’s obviously trying to act like some big shot mega star. bt her acting cannot make it…
[YT] 其實也不能說他們擺臭臉.. 有些人天生就是這樣 像我就是 每個人都說我不笑好像是要跟人幹架 也不是我願意的阿 …
[YT] there is 火藥味 i feel.. Cos usually the episodes are fun and jovial.. and guests laugh and talk.. Bt this episode… is so COLD. there’s a thin air of awkwardness in the midst
[YT] Lan Zhen Long actually looks really handsome when he smiles.. Cute too. It’s a nice side of him. He should smile more..i like him at 4;45!
[YT] 如果是我被他們訪問成醬我也會瘋掉
[YT] 其實氣氛也還好耶,比我想像中的好,因為新聞說有火藥味好像有點誇張
[YT] 這集是悶了一點 但是哪裡來的不和阿 空穴來風??
[YT] 陳喬恩 prettier and prettier.. almost as pretty as xiao S
[YT] yeah they all look well p off!
[YT] LOL xiao S…so funny when she talks about push against the wall..
[YT] 兩位..
[YT] i dun think so
He is dam charming!
[YT] 媽呀 難道沒有人覺得是效果嗎?
[YT] does 邱澤 have a gf right now?
[YT] 你真的是很好笑finex20, 你明明就在那不知道的亂說一通,你還在跟我強辯啥?
要不是看你太白木我才懶的鳥你咧,沒點強辯的人是你吧? 哭夠了嗎? 要不要我給你幾張衛生紙擦眼淚?
[YT] 按照這個情形來看的話.
[YT] 你的本來很多呢, 看個節目都要擺出大爺姿態…
確實很多人都是第一次看到喬恩吧, 難道看一遍康熙就可以摸透演員的底細啊=v=, 好神奇的節目.
嫌我解釋還跟我拉咧, 你不是很無聊就是沒點….
[YT] 自視甚高? 拜託 那是因為你把看康熙的觀眾都講成好像誤會陳喬恩似的.
上節目本來就不應該臭臉,你在那解釋啥finex20 ?
[YT] 厄…你有必要這麼激動嗎?
所以我才覺得你們自視很高, 就算我是第一天看又如何, 你們的觀點好像都是沒看康熙就什麼都不懂似的. 不過, 我算是康熙的觀眾, 跟其他的談話節目比起來話題及角度的確比較女性化.
[YT] 我也是香港人,雖然對陳喬恩也有一點認識,畢竟看過她拍的台灣劇集,但不得不說,她是我看康熙來了那麼久,臉最臭的其中一位了,是她臉放太鬆還是身體不適呢???
[YT] 你有點誤會我的意思, 我也沒說我很了解啊.
只是比如有人說靠康熙衝收視就有點遷強, 大三台播的重點偶像劇靠有限電視台的節目衝收視?
沒有什麼本來本來不本來的, 她的粉就習慣她這樣, 她不是主key但她有她的觀眾群啊, 重點是不要讓人家覺得她是雙面人吧.
cry me a river這個梗有點….= =……如果你想秀英文直接拋英文就可, 我看得懂.
[YT] 我看”碎嘴”的是你歐 finex20.
還碎的很好笑, LOL…
[YT] 還有你說康熙的搞笑模式蠻娘的? 你大概是第一天看吧 無厘頭不等於娘,你在那機歪啥finex20?
[YT] finex20,不了解的是你吧 你在那哭啥?
cry me a river or ?
上節目本來就不能像陳喬恩這種樣子擺臭臉之類的,觀眾看節目是要看你擺臭臉? 你少在那好笑了.
[YT] I agree with you. I start liking qiao en from ‘lavender love’. You can see from qiao en’s body language that she is not comfortable there
[YT] no.. he dumped her ….
[YT] 我是喬恩的粉絲,所以我比你們任何批評她的更清楚,她這次的確有點不在狀況内,我贊同她那樣子是錯的表現. 但我想說,從我開始喜歡喬恩以來,我從沒看過這樣子的她..她一向都很開朗,所以號稱陽光花花~這次開場我就覺得有點不對勁了..我只覺得,這集的背後一定還有別的故事,不然喬恩和正龍他們不會是這樣的. 請大家再給喬恩一個表現的機會,不要誤會她.
[YT] 知道陈乔恩脾气够大,不过她命中被捧的太过了,飘飘然了,幸亏金钟奖没给她,否则眼中没别人了,之前挺喜欢她的说,现在还是觉得林依晨人好一点。。。
[YT] 我覺得陳喬恩不是擺臭脸啊
[YT] hmm.. she normaly isnt like that~ like i said.. something seems wrong with this two sides… cus not only qiaoen, blue and roy seems very… “cold” too… ive never seen qiaoen this way ever since i started to like her..
[YT] 有些康熙迷也自視太高了, 只不過看了個綜藝節目就好多了解演藝圈似的.
福氣劇組上這麼多節目宣傳, 確實這次的表現比較不理想, 但其他配合度都算高, 今天就算他們真的跟小S不對盤好了, 那又怎麼樣, 每個來賓都必須跟她鞠躬哈腰嗎?況且喬恩主持型男大主廚時也是這個tone, 她的粉絲就是愛她這樣, 刻意承歡討好有在關注她的人一眼就看明白.
[YT] 其實康熙的搞笑模式還蠻娘的, 就像看幾個小女生在碎嘴, 不覺得無法配合這種模式就算是耍大牌.
[YT] 這集的氣氛比夏天的天氣還悶……….
[YT] i have to say that 陳喬恩is very ” UNPROFESSIONAL”
[YT] 陳喬恩這樣雖然可以理解是直率自然不造作的個性,但也讓人太不舒服了吧…
[YT] 那個him118,錯的是你吧 康熙來了本來就不用靠他們這部劇來衝收視率.一個是三立的偶像劇,一個是中天的談話性節目,你在那顛倒啥?
大家都知道他們來上康熙是因為宣傳戲劇,要不然他們來上淦麻? 大家都知道康熙來了收視率高,你在那顛倒啥? 白木嗎him118?
[YT] 好期待下一集! =D
[YT] 邱泽和贺军翔的笑好像噢..都是斜斜嘴角那种
[YT] 這集播出前就有看到之前的新聞說小s跟陳喬恩氣氛稿的很僵,原因是陳喬恩臉很臭.
[YT] 很干~~
[YT] No.. he’s not mike he.. he’s Roy Chiu.. one of rainie’s rumored bf.. I think they co-acted in Original Scent of Summer…
[YT] exactly!!!!!
well… especially Lao~,,, he is an actors’ idol. He acts professionally while being naturally kind everytime he shows up. well,, you might not have to be as good as Lao, but you know wut, Ran is about as bad as anybody among actors!!! shame on him…
[YT] 邱澤so cute
[YT] 康熙根本不想捧三立的戲,對男女主角的訪問方式挺負面的。對照訪問否子英雄的演員差別是挺大的。
[YT] 我感到慶幸的是我之前居然都沒在follow他們的戲……….Lucky
[YT] yea they does!! but than when he had shorter hair he didnt look like Mike as much
[YT] 這集悶死了!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] to b honest I never thought Chen was pretty
in fact, her look is kinda bland. I wouldnt spot her from a crowd. I guess she got her roles because her characters were always country pumpkins.
[YT] 小S好好笑哦!
[YT] When you look at the preview for the next episode, already it’s looking much more entertaining than this episode, it is TV, they’re TV actors, don’t try to be some sort of “real actor” and expect the host only talk about your acting your serie or craft, it’s entertainment, you’re not movie actors, you’re not real actors, we don’t pay to see you act, we just turn on the TV, now entertain us
[YT] 這一集很冷啦~ 喬恩看起來有點難搞, 康熙也不敢講太深入吧
藍正龍本來就不愛宣傳… 這集算是好了, 之前波麗士好像就是被綁來的= =
[YT] 陳喬恩不好看
[YT] 我覺得邱澤有點像賀軍翔@@”
[YT] 邱傑跟賀軍祥真的長的超像的
[YT] 有認識這種人, 隨時散發出負面能量或是一副要死不活好像每個人都應該取悅她們的樣子.可是要在娛樂圈這樣不太好吧, 想要成為公眾人物, 一定的犧牲是相對的. 康熙算是重點節目吧, 連康熙都訪不下去了, 這樣的來賓真的不用來了. 怎麼會有這樣的藝人? 越看越討厭.
[YT] you know what, being a public figure, your love life is on display for the public to see, you should be honest about it, even if there are things you want to remain private, you should be respectful….. if you don’t like your love life being on display, you should switch jobs
[YT] en I agree, even “real actor” needs to be respectful, just because you think they are “real actor” doesn’t mean you need to be an asshole
[YT] 林依晨的演技應該比陳喬恩好吧…
[YT] 這有甚麼好炫耀?
[YT] 他是故意的吧我想 節目需要@.@ 想了解她的戲可以看..命中注定我愛你
[YT] 不同意拍戏太累而没有精神的说法~ 之前刘德华,张学友,张柏芝,黄秋生,谢霆锋等等这些真正大牌明星来康熙的时候,都非常配合~不见得他们比这些人闲,而且也没有跩的表情。他们累的话,拍戏的时候又这么专业,那上娱乐节目也是他们的宣传工作之一,也应该要表现得专业一点,还不是给观众看的,又不是他们私底下聊天。
[YT] if the guest just talk about their serie and acting the entire time, would you watch?? then why don’t you watch inside the actor’s studio then, lots of hollywood actors with much better acting ability talks about their careers and craft, you can watch lots and lots
[YT] 好今人討厭的一集
[YT] 我是香港人
[YT] 其實也還好啦,別忘了真正愛耍大牌的王怡仁連上節目的機會都沒了咧~ 修捷凱這齣戲戲分本來就很少,之前也有來上過了,所以比較少訪問他吧
[YT] the guy with the long hair, is he mike he? wut is he to rainie? can anyone tell me? wut did they collaborated with?
[YT] i prefer 修杰楷 than the other 2 lead actor. at least i know 修杰楷 from pi zi ying xiong
[YT] 可憐的修杰楷 被冷落都沒講到什麼話~~
[YT] 如果要這麼跩就不要上康熙吧….
[YT] Really? Whose programmes have higher rating from AC Neilson’s outcome?
[YT] 刚好三个都是沉默得人,加上on挡 戏,尤其是乔恩,眼睛都快闭上了的样子
[YT] 郭~鑫~来~了~!
[YT] To promote the drama doesn’t mean you have to talk about the drama in the show, i think you misunderstood what promotioin means. There are so many different type of entertainment shows in taiwan, so they might have introduced about their drama in other show so it would be very boring if they do it again in kang xi. kang xi always talk less about the drama thing when got drama come and do promotion but talk more about other stuffs. i don’t think these guests have no idea about this.
[YT] 修杰楷 很帥!!!! 人看起來好好喔~
[YT] 公众人物能和普通人一样吗?
[YT] 陈乔恩不算是臭脸哎,我怎么觉得她累的眼睛都争不开。。。
[YT] 修杰楷 is awesome!! [= pls continue to have the positive/humble attitude and work hard in the media circle!!
[YT] 这女的干什么的,完全不认识
[YT] But it’s quite funny that S still questioned Qiu Zhe’s rumor with Rainie. She’s good buddies with Rainie, sorta felt like revenge. lolz…
[YT] 这集的安排有问题,戏剧咔要找综艺咔来配,要不就是这样,适得其反。不是演员自身的问题,他们已经很累了,而且个性如此。
[YT] He announced years ago after filming with Rainie Yang in a drama that he was backing out from the filming industry. Now that he’s appeared, some may not be taking it seriously, and it’s been quite awhile and newcomers have come onto the scene.
[YT] which host will ever keep on asking question about the drama in the first place? If they do that do you even know how boring the show will be? U think the producers of taiwanese shows are idiots that they do not know what maintains or increase ratings of the show? It must have been proven that talking about the drama brings no rating. for god sake, the history of taiwan entertainment show is already so long. ppl will know what to do what not to do.
[YT] 藍正龍 陳喬恩 臉很臭!
[YT] 哈哈 節目要結束才在講偶像劇節目內容= = 還有最後一個男的, 應該是有講到話只是都剪掉了吧…
[YT] 這一集很冷,蠻失望的
[YT] The quests have nothing to say because the host keep on asking questions not related to their series.
[YT] 成熟点好吗,乔恩已经表现得很好了。如果有人问你感情的事情还在电视播出,不知道你会怎么想。
[YT] todays show is so borin cuz of the guests!!
[YT] 他们的个性就是如此,不用这么敏感,隔行如隔山,综艺人和戏剧人的性格是不一样的。他们平常已经给镜头做够表情了。
[YT] so pity the guy on the far left, he never got much chance to talk.
[YT] 喬恩他們幾個個性都不太適合做宣傳~場子很冷~之前在國光也是,不過這齣戲很好看,大家要多支持啊!!
[YT] 0:28 邱澤笑有點像賀軍翔耶, 他們兩個真的有點神似, 陽丞琳很幸福唷~
[YT] 陈乔恩太不知好歹了,喜欢小s的比喜欢她的人多了去吧,她太不会做人了。。。。
[YT] 藍正龍很爱插话 😀
[YT] 她不是拽,如果你没日没夜的排on档戏,不信你没事会笑的出来
[YT] 這集你要是沒有喜歡這些偶像,其實還滿無聊的,話題沒內容…
[YT] luv xiao s… <<<3333333
[YT] 討厭陳喬恩這麼醜還這麼跩!!
[YT] 主持人要訪問這些臭臉來賓也很辛苦吧
[YT] 對阿 這集超悶!!
[YT] 以前还蛮喜欢陈乔恩的,可是她这集怎么这么拽啊。。。好感度大减
[YT] 修杰楷 是去做什麼的阿???
[YT] 我还真不知道陈乔恩脾气这么…
[YT] 修杰楷是長得真的有點像郭鑫啦, 還有他有演戰神吧, 難怪那麼演熟…
[YT] 沒錯…除了修杰楷…我只為了看他才看的=.=
[YT] chen qiao en is quite rude to xiao s,when talks about her book…
[YT] 為什麼這麼沒energy 的人可以做演員? 每個都好像等收工的樣子!
[YT] 小s get angry..
[YT] thanks so much
[YT] the guests for today seems to be very very quiet…… abit slow…
[YT] 他是去當兵了吧???
[YT] 超討厭這集來賓的
既然都要來宣傳 幹麻還臭臉
[YT] 好期待這一集,等了差不多兩個星期吧。
[YT] 藍正龍<333
[YT] 邱澤 in recent years,is seldom the main actor anymore… why? seems like his the 2nd main actor in recent dramas only
[YT] 哇,怎么快!