康熙來了 2009-10-01 演藝圈賢內助女王 Part II

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265 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-10-01 演藝圈賢內助女王 Part II

  1. [YT] 拜託 = = 徐薇那個是甚麼理論呀
    除薇英文溜 中文卻爛成這樣嗎

  2. [YT] 徐薇說這樣根本是以為自己有錢很高調一樣
    只會靠菲傭還會做什麼 = =?

  3. [YT] i on the other hand dont like 王行芝, i find her so dramatic. She seems to be proving that she’s a good wife. whatever she said she does, i do too. But i’l never think of acting like that.

  4. [YT] 年轻人比较回去超市。。老人都会去传统市场吧。。。我们都叫集市。。。而且都是早上5点开始9点就结束了。。年轻人都忙。。没时间去。而且我觉着气味很难忍受。只去过一起。小时候。

  5. [YT] You guys are sooo steoretype! Who said females have to be the one need to know how to 做家事??? She does work hard for her specialities and she is good at it.

  6. [YT] 他們就一堆生活白痴啊! 超好笑! 我身也有一堆這類人啦~~ 所以也是超好笑~~ 沒錯! 是給人家笑, 不是用來生氣或罵的啦~~~

  7. [YT] 我不喜歡徐薇的論調, 是,他工作七天,但是這世上有很多工作比他重要的人, 每個人都應該有做家事等照顧自己生活的基本能力,請人幫忙是另外一回事, 他自己什麼都不會, 還一副理所當然, 看不起”不過就是做飯洗衣服”的樣子, 很惹人厭.

  8. [YT] 徐為因為從小就工作負擔家計,所以不會家務可以原諒。許為嗯就沒有藉口了,只有那一副外表,沒有任何才華,擺明就是從小過太爽公主病什麼事都被人服侍好好的那種沒救的女人,白痴才會娶她,這種貨色玩過就可以踢一邊去了

  9. [YT] 王行之太過賢慧的危險就是,很容易變成黃臉婆,我預測以後她會為了家庭而容忍灌又搞外遇,灌又是演藝圈知名色胚雞巴男

  10. [YT] oh, haha, i just like to argue…and win, hehe.

    well, i dont like him because he really says a lot of stupid things and asked a lot of stupid questions, and i know that i am not the only one who thinks so. 😛

  11. [YT] 那同樣地, 男生也應要懂得家事, 自理基本生活吧,
    不應該只指責女生不懂家事, 就千萬個不應該,
    其實, 應該是不論男女都要懂得做家事,

  12. [YT] 對啊, 女生又不是天生只能做家庭主婦,
    但現在男女同樣有教育, 同樣有工作能力,

  13. [YT] 不是说女生一定要待在家里做家事,做不做是一回事,但至少要懂吧…

  14. [YT] 就算太太不會持家做家事,
    不等於老公可以合理外遇, 這是根本2回事,
    太太一定會做家事, 否則男方可外遇離婚,

  15. [YT] 對啊, 特別是現在的水果越來越多種類的,
    明明是同一種水果, 有進口的外國品種,
    說實在, 單是荔枝己經那麼多不同品種和名字,
    又不是專業攤販, 誰能全都記得和會分辨!!!!

  16. [YT] 香港的大型超市現在也越來越多,

  17. [YT] 但在台灣, 很多年輕人或經濟好一點的,
    而且如果是喜歡西式或日式料理, 有機食材,
    因為比較多進口食品, 有更多選擇!!

  18. [YT] 你老婆真的厲害, 也真的可憐!!
    不但在外有正職工作, 在內還要當全職工人,
    會持家的老婆, 不等於要一個人背負所有責任,
    不等於要只為家人, 沒有自己的人生!!

  19. [YT] well there are similar products, not made with the same thing thats all.
    he asked “西方搖滾樂手都貼什麼?”
    he clearly not have the common sense of they have their own type of medicinal products for the same type of condition. Western medicine is obviously, for centuries, not using herbal medicines, so his question is simply stupid.

  20. [YT] He was clearly talking about products like Salonpas – the ones that are distinctly Chinese. Obviously Western medicine have products that take care of pain, but he wasn’t talking about that.

    You’re a bigot.

  21. [YT] well i dont care if he is out and proud, but he is a total dumbass who does nothing everyday but read. get some common sense already.
    Western medicine also have their own things for treating body pains, such as Icy Hot, it for treating sores and pains, and its adhesive pad. please get some decent knowledge before you talk, also stop cussing, it made it sound even more uneducated.

  22. [YT] 康希請徐微及左邊第2位來談家事!還是請她們2位去當模特兒與英文老師吧,台灣的教育居然這樣失敗,真是一堆子花瓶,難怪台灣的老公外遇多,這些老婆不知本份為何,真是丟人現眼,


  23. [YT] 說真的,徐微是個情婦的好料,


  24. [YT] 很懷疑徐薇有沒有腦?很多都是基本常識不是嗎?烤箱剛烤完會很燙會不知道?又不是小孩。顯示她從小就是好命到不行,什麼都不用做,才會造就他一些基本的生活常識都不懂。

  25. [YT] 我不觉得分不清那些水果或蔬菜有什么大惊小怪的。我们身边这样的人也很多,难道都是白痴吗?!常常接触的东西会记得,不然真的会忘记的。

  26. [YT] 我只能说他老公要让老婆这么辛苦,,7天都要上那么多课,,也难怪她兼顾不过来了,,但是她说去市场很恐怖就夸张了点,,之前不是常说她妈妈以前就实在市场卖衣服的吗?

  27. [YT] Go check out “Taiwan Celebrities Criticise Singaporean English”, you`ll know why I said all these crap… Read the comments below carefully!!!! That`s how silly Singaporean are…

    so, SlvrWolf1471, it`s not based on words of “2” possible Singaporean…Almost half of the Singaporean left comments there

  28. [YT] I have never done research on DNA of Singaporean. As I said before, the DNA and inferior that kind of things were from Li Ao, I was just citing it. Besides, I believe I know more about DNA than you do.

    Answering your question:
    I do understand Singorean.
    I do know DNA MORE THAN YOU DO.

    Enough said!!! (Ahh, I forget to tell you, I like using 3 exclamation marks to show that I am more superior than Singaporean are!!!)

  29. [YT] Using 3 exclamation marks doesn’t make u sound more dramatic, so pls stop that, coz it’s annoying…
    Besides, over generalising the characteristics of all Singaporeans based on the words of 2 possible Singaporeans, u r no better than they r…
    Do u understand Singaporeans? do u know DNA? Apparently, u dun. Pls do some research on the background of Singapore b4 u make any harsh comments. Meanwhile, make sure u read up on some articles about DNA. U might find that u share similar genes with them

  30. [YT] 徐薇是说传统市场对于她这个没去过的人来说很恐怖,又不是说那里的人不好。再说请他们来都是节目效果啦,如果她们什么都比观众强,谁要看啊~

  31. [YT] stussychow and a1wei ]

    Your comments just show that Singaporean are naive!!!Just because she said she cannot understand English spoken by Singaporean and you just dropped by here and attacked her.Judging others with your subjective view is what Singaporean will do.

  32. [YT] The reason Singaporean study English is that Singapore was once colonized by the British and they viewed the British as God, but Singaporean`s DNA was inferior or else their ancestors would not be sold like pigs to Singapore as cheap labors. That`s the only reason Singaporean English SUXXX. Li Ao said it!!!!If you want to blame someone, go for Li Ao!!!!

  33. [YT] 現在上康熙的明星因為看到郭爛金裝瘋賣傻假GAY紅了﹐每個人都要裝﹐可是不是每個人願意扮gay所以選擇裝傻以為人家覺得可愛天真。。。放屁﹐所謂可愛就是白痴﹐天真就是無知!!!不能怪他們﹐只可以怪死郭金!!!!!

  34. [YT] 現在是在上百萬小學堂嗎???又讓那個攝護線腫大的雞巴老男人王偽腫開的狗陰囊公司金性公司騙到一集製作費!!!!明明就沒在做節目只是問人這是什麼那是什麼﹐白痴智瘴!!!!

  35. [YT] The fact is that Singaporean English suxxxxx
    !!!1 No one in the world except Singaporean can understand that kind of English and yet Singaporean say that`s English. What a big joke!!!

  36. [YT] 是在主持兒童節目嗎? 還是把觀眾當白痴﹐那一對菜出來混時間﹐誰要看你認識菜啊﹐你以為你百萬小學堂啊!!!!康熙製作人少假鬼假怪了!!!!!!!!

  37. [YT] 很多女人都可以把日子过得很好


  38. [YT] but alt wat 徐薇 said abt equality btw men & women is right! still she must have at least basic knowledge in life :X like using an oven shld wear a glove is such basic common sense~~

  39. [YT] 王行芝 can do whatever she wants but she should not “inadverdently” spread the message that all girls/wives should do the same because guys will find less and less girls who are like 王行芝

  40. [YT] does it really matter?
    人生意義, everyone have their own definition, maybe she just want a simple life? If she’s happy with this lifestyle and I guess that’s all it matters.

  41. [YT] 不見得是女性主權倒退吧! 王行芝只是對家人很用心 而且家庭主婦也是一種職業啊!

    另外 女性主義不應該在不了解的情況下這麼用 這樣只會讓它污名化讓誤會加深喔!

  42. [YT] isn’t 徐薇 a teacher? how comes she sounds like an idoit?
    im not saying that teacher have to be smart or anything, but BASIC human knowledge should be required….

    徐薇’s dress is weird!

  43. [YT] I think you are too critical. It’s apparent that her family upbringing is as such. Just my thought.
    Anyhow,I think all that matters is that her family can live happily.

  44. [YT] 我是香港人..在香港大部分人買菜都是到傳統的市場,,,,,傳統市場的比較新鮮也比較便宜呀…
    徐微也太誇張了吧….傳統市場是有多恐怖???她說了不出3,4次恐怖吧..那在菜市場做生意的是怎麼想呢 ???.真的好丟人

  45. [YT] 唉~

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