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[YT] i never knew xiao s can dance this well!!!
[YT] i never knew xiao s can dance this well!!!
[YT] 我很喜歡那首歌耶!
[YT] 這集是有史以來最好的一集!!!!
[YT] 就是很神經質的舞
[YT] 小S是要當Ono yoko嗎?
[YT] 小s为了好姐妹特别打扮~
[YT] 小s好好笑!停不下来!
[YT] 好听!
[YT] 非主流並不就是不好聽。
[YT] i like lyrics so much!
[YT] cuz the music the general public like are crap…and she wants to make real music
[YT] omg S怎样都很漂亮呀~
[YT] 問那么單純的兩個中學生性幻想對象實在是怪怪的哦~
[YT] 范曉萱&100%太酷了…
這首”那首女孩”…”我的小胸部很平 ,可是我還是SEXY”…太屌了!
I like Mavis &100% forever.
[YT] its like michael jackson’s routine in Beat it
[YT] 我看范曉萱還是不要自己做音樂了…以前好聽太多了…唱功依舊很好但現在淪為不好聽的非主流
[YT] Teacher Shu again !!
[YT] 他們很可愛呀 請明星來都裝假假的
[YT] her voice is still so briliiant!
the song sounds pretty cool 😀
[YT] that shi du came b4 to kangxi! like thursday episode?
[YT] Lastly, this is just an entertaining show. Don`t make your life so miserable. If you really dislike my comments, there is always a thumb ready for you. Btw, I`ll try not to make destructive comments that people think they are in the future.
Blessed 🙂
[YT] I know “pointing out the truth” sounds a little fake, making myself like the saint. But I sometimes get pissed by some celebs appeared on the show acting 100% different from what they are in real life.
[YT] First of all, I appreciate what you have responded. I do subscribe the channel because I like the show as much as you do, I believe. However, this is youtube. Everyone has the right to comment on the quality of the show and talk about what people think.
You might have been seeing my “bad” comments toward some celebs, most of them were being guests, but I had never had those “bad” comments on the hosts. That`s the reason I never stop watching the show.
[YT] he sure is!
[YT] or are you just saying all these irrelevant irrational things for no apparent reason?
i don’t know why people like you exist.
Investing SO MUCH time on something you apparently hate for some reason…
that is a waste of your time and our time.
there are people who appreciate this show you know.
but with you ‘pointing out the truth’ at every ep is really pisses me off.
so seriously,SHUT THE HELL UP.
Thank you.
Mr./Ms.truth for you past contributions.Please make no more of that.
[YT] I don’t understand you.If you really think that they are a bunch of idiots,then why do you SUBSCRIBE to sugoishow and watch pratically EVERY episode?
Despite the nasty comments you make,it really makes me wonder your intentions.
are you just bored,seeking for attention or really care about how ‘creepy’ the world gets?(im not even gonna go into how your adjectives are all used at the wrong places)
you really think you’re pointing out the truth?
[YT] 0.0…我還是希望他可愛風…..
[YT] 為什麼沒有HQ-0-
[YT] @MiaKenKo
[YT] 好難聽喔…
[YT] isn’t he 曉萱’s bf??
[YT] one thumb up from me too!
[YT] 這些白痴還把一些白痴對話剪成一個片段放在 youtube﹐ 噁不噁啊!!!
[YT] 現在的娛百好多白痴在看!!!
[YT] The world is getting creepier. People are only willing to see things that look good and don`t even want to think about the opposite of the goodness. Whenever one points out the truth or something that hinders their stupidity, they`ll degrade it simply because youtube provides the coward grading button to make them feel better by clicking the down thumb.
[YT] 這集太棒啦…小s真神…笑到流淚!!!!
[YT] because most of her fans are ignorant, just ignorant
[YT] Not sure why you got so many thumbs down… but I sort of agree with you!!! You got one thumb up from me!
[YT] 舞讓歌加分很多~!
[YT] 死丟油等特…哈哈
[YT] i think the whole point for her to change her style is a challenge for her to take. and not all about money and fame…
[YT] why doesnt she just do pop and make moneys?! I dont get it, she use to be so popular until she drifted away from the music the general public likes. D:
[YT] i love this song! its amazing…………
[YT] 至於范曉萱他真的很棒 非常棒 就是做自己喜歡的事
[YT] 小s今天的造型讓我想起他在主持娛樂百分百的時候 好懷念喔
[YT] jaoj
[YT] 劉真很討厭。就很假
[YT] 康永的帽子很好看
[YT] haha. 一開始以為康熙換主持人了…
[YT] 小s今天有緊張哦 哈
[YT] @yxuz 還有憂鬱症, 哎..
[YT] 小S這集太囂張了吧 @”@
[YT] 那舞很好看
[YT] 范現在的氣質有像土屋安娜=]
[YT] 刘真真是 躺着都中枪
[YT] xiao s 今天好像兩次在模仿一個人
[YT] 玩團本來就不一定會賺(尤其是非主流的~
[YT] 因為他們絕對都不是粉絲……
[YT] wht is the song title?
[YT] 為什麼飯小宣的粉絲都是這種智能不足的咖?
[YT] 蔡老gay也不想想他今天會紅,完全是靠跟小s搭檔,自己根本就無能,還好意思羞辱小s的舞蹈,真是笑死人的垃圾藝人,自己寫得爛書也是靠主持康熙紅起來之後才有銷售量可言,真是厚臉皮的投機份子
[YT] 这小子翅膀硬了
[YT] 那個硬度娃娃好好笑喔!!!
[YT] 飯小宣的財產快被她浪費完了吧,不紅這麼多年,又自甘墮落搞上這種賠錢垃圾樂團
[YT] 漢典好好笑喔~
[YT] 飯小宣,自甘墮落的最佳寫照
[YT] 这群人今天是来把康熙搞挂的
[YT] 这期康熙真的特别好看!
[YT] 最後一隊扮女的扮得蠻漂亮,
還逗得 s 大笑,不錯看 ! 不錯看 !
[YT] s 問參賽者康永哥最後一本書是甚麼,
真嚇到他,他不知 s 會放這冷箭,
[YT] ….我還以為敖到星期五~終於可以看到康熙一週的壓軸,痾~~~~這週只是個人情債
[YT] s的造型好好笑哦
[YT] 康永哥問這問題考起了 s,
我想 s 純粹想展現美感吧!
[YT] 小s這集爽爆了吧 一群人一起跳她的舞
[YT] 支持曉萱
[YT] 讚哦
[YT] s 姐妹桃來特別high !
[YT] 老實說我實在沒有很喜歡范曉萱~ 但你一提到蕭亞軒,頓時我就覺得范其實還不錯! 起碼會唱歌不是假的…..
[YT] …開頭唱歌好吵 但範曉萱唱功真的沒得講 哈哈哈經典就是經典~
[YT] 小s好可愛…
[YT] Cool!
[YT] 哈哈哈哈…..
[YT] 雖然現在的范曉萱比較少出現在電視前,但我很喜歡現在的她,完全的做自己,希望她能開開心心唷~
[YT] 屁
[YT] 現在的范曉萱讓我有點受不了…
[YT] the dance reminds me of Michael Jackson’s Thriller era~
[YT] 簫亞軒唱現場始終使我頭皮發毛
[YT] Allen is hot! xD
[YT] 林志玲真的需要好好練演戲 xD
小S講的是真心話 xD
[YT] love it!
[YT] The last group amused Kang Xi’s fans ^-^ Good job!
[YT] 至少比蕭亞軒上次來唱的好聽太多了
[YT] I like Kangyong’s hat today. But totally don’t like this episode.
[YT] 范的聲音怎嚜有點沙啞~
[YT] Xiao S is amazing, yeah ^-^!
[YT] 原來 低處未算低
康熙 我對你們太失望了
[YT] 我不喜欢范晓萱
[YT] 小s很愛欺負劉真,哈!
[YT] 小S跳到over好好笑,哈!
[YT] 飯小眩這個愛泡夜店的以前還勉強算可愛好像現在的鍋菜姐可是走紅了後就毒品什麼都碰一下到後來就變神經病在身上狂打洞!!!
[YT] YEAH YEAH YEAHS的Date With the Night
[YT] the dance looks like flash mob which is cool.
[YT] wow the last group is so considerate.
[YT] 范晓萱才是正真的音乐人。
[YT] xiao S really love to sing “jian ai”
[YT] 所以你能够跟着音乐随便跳吗
[YT] i love this episode !!!
[YT] 这舞超级赞的~~~~ 歌也好听~~~~~~
[YT] 永远支持曉萱!
[YT] 好不習慣的小s- –
[YT] wow… 小s is amazing…
[YT] 曉萱好棒,終於上康熙。