康熙來了 2009-11-11 女明星為愛犧牲秘辛

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158 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-11-11 女明星為愛犧牲秘辛

  1. [YT] sorry to hear about your issues w/your parents. i guess i’m pretty fortunate to have parents who lie in the middle, far away from either extreme sides of the spectrum- they are my respectful parents as well as my friend. traditional chinese parents do not necessary equate to traits such as nosy/controlling, but i do admire and stand by chinese family values such as nuturing your children and looking after elderly parents who loved and nurtured you.

  2. [YT] using the same language doesnt mean we are the same country. besides china is the one who try to occupy taiwan as their when it is so obvious that we have our own govt. Don’t say that people look down at china, think abt why they have been looked down there is a reason.

  3. [YT] 常說為愛充昏頭,我說放屁,是非善惡都分不清,一個打人的對象有什麼好愛的,我真的很好奇電視上女明星這麼會遇到濫人,好像劈腿在他們的世界很常有,而且居然還有原諒這種事,and我真的很不欣賞小白這個人

  4. [YT] 不要說亞洲這些重孝道的社會了

  5. [YT] I know how rednecks treat their parents. It doesn’t mean Chinese have to do the same way. Why can’t we have our children’s privacy and freedom while respecting our parents without 24/7 control by them? Oh of course you won’t understand it because you haven’t talked to them about marriage.

  6. [YT] 誰說我不懂為人父母對孩子的擔心與痛苦? 我們就是無法let it go, 你知道嗎? 中國人血液就是留著商人的態度. 認為為孩子付出一輩子如果沒有得到任何償還或控制權的話, 就虧本了嘛! 洋人算個屁? 太多腐敗的中國人就是像你這樣, 不肯學習進步的法則卻死守傳統家庭文化而導致國家退步

  7. [YT] this is exactly what i was talking about….and oh GEEZ…i didn’t know 老子 or 三字经 was part of taiwanese history??……and i don’t think americans use history of another country that they don’t want to be part of as their own…….

  8. [YT] 或许你不知道中国也只是在近两百年才落后的。况且,家庭观念并非是根源,使很多错综复杂的原因才促成今天世界的格局。其实我真的觉得中国人的家庭观念还好,而且你所谓的白人的家庭观念也并非看似如此的美好!

  9. [YT] 很抱歉的,我并不觉得是悲哀。也许你还没为人父母(其实我也不是),不知父母亲的担心与痛苦。而且,你似乎有white superiority的想法。我们都是华人无需与洋人作比较吧!

  10. [YT] 說實話, 我們男人就是賤…越容易得到的就越
    不珍惜. 所以我在這勸全天下的女人, 不要為
    男人做太多, 因為我們也不是廢物. 適可而止
    就好…消息傳達到位就好. 像安安這種110%
    變成太上皇. 做自己就好囉! 男女平等嘛!

  11. [YT] 白人只花1000年就有現在成果但中國人和印度人
    花了近5000年還是落後…錯在哪? 家庭觀念
    P.S.我討厭白人但事實就是如此…give me liberty
    or give me death…中國父母管太多了

  12. [YT] 這就是中國人的悲哀…永遠被古時候流傳的
    是over protective…也不想想為什麼白人科學家,

  13. [YT] 姓楊的她男友是幻想症啊?以為狗仔很想拍他是不是?



  14. [YT] 好心機喔,節目上裝可憐,故作事過境遷沒事的樣子,讓主持人問!



  15. [YT] they dont! they refer to taiwanese history ! ok?!
    plus americans study world history too and are u going to tell them that they shud stop? stop trying to be smart ..piss off

  16. [YT] 小白,不就是帶狗進餐廳吃東西,店家老早說不能帶狗,最後還摔盤子對店家發脾氣的那個大小姐嗎(詳情洽11/11大學生了沒)?


  17. [YT] It’s a variety show?! Why not just invite lots of pretty faces and sit there for 50minutes? You are suppose to speak in that situation, whatever the circumstance!

  18. [YT] 為人借貸是最不應該做的…

  19. [YT] 我只能說女生分手了真的會報復!!!像許安安講的雲淡風清可是句句弄到那男生體無完膚﹐反倒那男生除了發謝罵她之外也不會沒品到去講她之前的不是。

  20. [YT] 我覺得現在的人價值觀有問題,

  21. [YT] HOLY FUCKED!! is it just ME or is all these PPL 秀逗了??? 妈妈跟男朋友之间很难选?????猪头啦!! 我吐血了~~ 要我妈给我男友下跪??~下十八层地狱的门都没有!!!!

  22. [YT] @kasjme 要縮小風險~就是向前駙馬一樣二三四五六井宴,穩賺不陪啦~這些名人多少還是跟我們這種只能下好離手的窮老百性不一樣@@想到就覺得可憐

  23. [YT] I actually think taiwan wants to be their own country is fine; but if they want to deny that they are 中國人 and look down at china, then they shouldn’t use chinese or refer to chinese histroy…..come up with your own !!

  24. [YT] 嘉賓們要和康熙站到甚麼時候呢?

  25. [YT] 小AS和菜老gay又要被大陸人干雕羅!!!一句一句大陸又會被大陸人說不把自己當中國人什麼的!!!上次小AS在說趙歌整個中國紅就有大陸人說小AS不把自己當中國人。

  26. [YT] wow, i can’t believe these female guest.
    i think S is the only one that is not crazy. Like S said “A man that tells your mom to go on her knee for an apology and you still think you can be with this man?”
    Asking for an apology I can accepted because the mom should apologize if she did anything wrong, but there is no reason for an elder to go on their knee.
    That is so disrepectful toward you. If a person really love you, he should respect you and the people around you.

  27. [YT] 雖然他們把帥的劈腿當成效果可是其實他們內心里是這樣認為帥的劈腿不用緊﹐醜的劈腿就說這麼醜都還感劈腿。女生就是這樣看不起醜男人﹐所以男人一定要劈腿因為你醜女生看不起你帥劈腿不用緊

  28. [YT] Are these ladies SERIOUS?! Why in the BLUE HELL do they still want to be with guys that treat them like CRAP?! Ann-Ann is a lovely girl and she STILL want to be with a guy like that? OMG!

  29. [YT] 沒辦法,女人在感情上真的會把理性埋沒,只會把心放在愛的男人身上,understandable,但叫媽媽下跪就真得是。。。。道歉也可以,下跪?!wtf

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