康熙來了 2009-11-13 明星長得不一樣 個個有偏方

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Tipster Rednimer

137 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-11-13 明星長得不一樣 個個有偏方

  1. [YT] 小白?不就是11號大學生了沒裡面人家說的帶狗進餐廳吃飯然後狗邊吃飯邊靠腰,餐廳說不能帶狗還摔盤子的那個大小姐?


  2. [YT] this is one of those cases where I must quote what Christians would say: don’t mess with what God gave you. It really is kinda scary that humans now possess the ability to defy nature.

  3. [YT] @sallyteo22 It’s more like celebrities all around the world like to have surgery. Regular people typically don’t have strong enough reasons for plastic surgery to justify the cost.

  4. [YT] 小白真的不漂亮,想走演藝圈也看看自己漂不漂亮有沒有才藝好不好笑,一點內涵都沒有,單純想出名,看了她在大學生了沒的言行,根本就不是一個22歲年輕女孩子正常生活,買名牌包敗金感情上又一堆爛故事,我真的很難相信判斷力有差到這種程度,最合理的解釋應該是想出鋒頭

  5. [YT] it’s not good to have too many plastic surgery.. actually they could achive similar effects just working out in the gym and eating the right diet

    avacado + salmon + raw vegetibles + working out + sun screen

  6. [YT] 我覺得李倩蓉這樣子很美

  7. [YT] 張景凱真是讓人傻眼,竟然植鬢角,他說自己留鬢角會被風吹起來,他以為自己是女生嗎?

  8. [YT] 康熙來了今天要檢查~明星的臉部到底他們宣稱的是靠化妝完成的事情其實是靠動手腳才完成的嗎?我跟妳講~演藝圈有一半都有整型!真的嗎?就算不是大整型 微整形都有!妳這麼漂亮不是天生的嗎?我是天生的~我是說別的明星(所以)我頂多就是定期的保養啦!妳現在練成法眼可以看出來了!我跟妳講誰的玻尿酸鼻子

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